Status: Active

Tied Together With a Smile


Robert Pattinson frantically walked down the streets of Brooklyn, New York. He was surrounded by two body guards and screaming fans who kept taking pictures of him and trying to hug him. He didn't understand why all these girls acted the way they did around him. He hated it. Robert never got any privacy and couldn't go out and have fun without being noticed. It seemed like since he started playing the role of Edward Cullen his fame shot up.

"I love you Robert!" one of the screaming fans yelled. She walked behind Robert snapping pictures of his behind region. He nervously smiled as he walked to the Remember me set. Today was the finale day of shooting and next Friday he would be heading to Vancouver to start filming Eclipse with his fello castmates.

His greenish-blue eyes looked forward at the local club where he sang at. He spotted a girl walking out of the bar. He didn't see her face but what he did see was a slender girl, with long brown hair pulled up into a high pony tail, and creamy white skin. She wore fishnet pantie hose, a pair of jean shorts, a pink top with black skull symbols all over it, and a pair of pink high heeled shoes. In her hands was also a guitar case. She turned around when she heard the screaming fans. Robert's mouth dropped instantly. The woman standing in front of him had a feminine facial structure, gorgeous mouth, and piercing blue eyes which were surrounded by heavy black makeup. He didn't know what it was about her but he had found his punk rock princess. Robert clearly believed in love at first sight.


Anna Barnette headed down the streets of Brooklyn towards her apartment. She had just moved to New York about a month ago to become a singer. But, she hasn't been successful...until today. She just got done talking to the music manager of a club called The Fiji Mermaid. He told her that she had an amazing talent and that she could play at the club every Friday night. He would pay her three hundred dollars just by playing two hours. So, Anna had to write five new songs to perform.

She quickly stopped when she heard screaming from behind her. She thought that maybe someone had a gun but when she turned around she saw him. He was really stunning with his messy brown hair, greenish-blue eyes, a strong jawline, perfect lips, and a little stubble on his face. She didn't recognize him at first, but when she walked away she figured that the guy was Robert Pattinson. She'd seen a lot of pictures of him on the cover of gossip magazines and saw Twilight a few times. She shook it off. The sighting of him didn't really stun her--she'd seen a lot of famous people in her lifetime and to Anna they were all just regular people.

She quickly walked through Brooklyn until she got to her apartment. It was only two hundred and fifty a month. Probably because it was run down. Anna tried her best to make it feel like home. She had enough money saved up to last her the next three months. She unlocked her apartment door and went inside.

She took a shower, fixed dinner, ate, then settled herself down on the couch. She wanted to write a good love song but didn't know where to start. She scribbled down words that came to mind. When Anna was satisfied, she went into her room and fell asleep. She had a lot to do tomorrow.
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I know very short beginning, but it gets better! Promise! :)
