Status: Active

Tied Together With a Smile


Robert pushed through the crowd in The Fiji Mermaid until he found Ryan the music manager at the club. He saw the girl come out of the club earlier carrying a guitar...which meant she was looking for a gig and Ryan probably knew her.

"Rob, how is filming coming along?" asked Ryan. He was sitting in a booth surrounded by two girls.

"Good mate. Could I speak with you?"

"Sure" Ryan looked over at the two girls. They took the hint and left the booth.

Robert took the spot across from Ryan. He nervously ran his hand through his hair.

"What's up?" Ryan noticed how nervous Robert was being.

"I saw this girl coming out of the club around four this evening. She was holding a guitar so I thought you would know her"

Ryan chuckled. "I figured it was about a girl! What did she look like?"

"Light brown hair pulled up into a pony tail, uh fishnet stockings, jean shorts, a pink shirt, and high heels I believe"

"Oh, the punk girl?"

"Yeah, do you know her name?"

"Sure do, that was Anna Barnett. She came in looking for a place to perform her songs"

"Are you letting her?"

"Yeah, the girl has talent. She'll be performing every Friday 7pm to 9pm. I'm paying her $300"

"That's pricy" stated Robert.

"Hey, she looked like she needed the money"

Robert nodded. "Thanks for the information"

"No prob man. I'll see you later"

"See you man"

The two knuckle punched each other then went their seperate ways. Robert left the club and headed to his apartment. It wasn't anything fancy but it was a place to live. No one would suspect a famous person living in the apartments. He unlocked the door then went inside. After browsing around the apartment he realized that he needed to hire a maid to clean up. His apartment was an utter mess.

Robert sighed as he headed into the bedroom. He got ready for bed, heated up leftover pizza, and finally fell asleep. He couldn't wait until Friday night until he got to hear the punk girl named Anna sing.


Anna woke up around noon the next day. She fixed herself a bowl of cereal, then got ready for the day. She usually browsed around the internet for small work. She found one that interested her. It was a guy who needed a maid every Saturday to clean up his apartment. The good thing was the guy lived right across the hall from her. She picked up her cell phone and dialed the number. It rang a few times until a guy with a british voice answered.

"Uh hi, is this Rob?"

"Yes it is. May I ask who's calling?"

"This is Anna Barnett"

Robert began to feel his heart beat faster. Did Ryan tell this girl that he was asking questions about her?

"I was calling about your add on the internet. Do you still need someone to clean your apartment?"

This was utter fate! The girl that he was interested in was the first one to call about an add. This only happened in the movies, not in real life. His heart began to quicken. It took him a few moments before he could speak.

"Yes, I do actually!"

"Great! I live across the hall so getting there won't be a problem!"

"You live across the hall?" he asked, his heart beating faster.

"Yes! So, what time would you like me to come over?"

"Around noon. If that's alright?"

"Noon is fine. I'll bring the cleaning supplies."

"Thanks, I'll pay you two hundred every week"

"That's great! I'll see you tomorrow then. Have a good day!"

"You too Anna"

Anna hung up the phone. She was excited that she would be getting $500 every week. Which meant she would have enough for rent every month, groceries, and her other bills. She smiled widely and walked into her room so she could practice her songs that she would be performing later tonight. Anna was extrememly nervous yet excited all the same.
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Wow, so Anna lives across the hall from Robert Pattinson? Who would've thought? :)