Status: I'm back and editing all the chapters



I stayed home for two days after the school found out. I tried to stay home a third, that way I could go back when Brennan did, but my mother wouldn’t let me. She gave me some big speech about showing everybody they were wrong about me, when really they were right. I got knocked up, but I just didn’t care anymore. This baby meant more to me than any of the opinions the people at my school could have.

Mary picked me up on my first day back, filling me in on all the terrible rumors, the worst being some tragic story about how Brennan wasn’t the real father, but I had convinced him that he was to disguise the fact that I didn’t know who the real father was. People were just plain rude and had nothing to do with there spare time but gossip about other peoples lives.

Mary shifted the conversation away from the bitter gossip and to me. She asked all kinds of questions about the baby and how I was feeling. The truth was I felt huge and my boobs didn’t fit into anything but sports bras, which were honestly more comfortable than regular bras anyway. But the worst change was I was craving sex more than I ever had, and Brennan still wasn’t aloud up to my room, though he stayed over for dinner a few times. I had even stooped to using my shower head to help with some of the urges, but it didn’t work for long. Whenever I drifted off I thought about the awesome sex Brennan and I used to have, and how we hadn’t had that awesome sex since I found out I was pregnant.

I told Mary about these urges and she laughed! I wasn’t sure if she was laughing because she thought I was joking or because she thought it was funny.

“I’m not kidding Mare,” I started, “If something isn’t done soon to fix me then I might just jump your bones.” She looked at me in horror before realizing I was joking and cracking up all over again.

“Well then,” she was out of breath from laughing so hard, “I guess we better find a way for you and Brennan to get together to fix your current predicament!” She told me as we pulled into the school parking lot. My smile faded as I realized I had to face the masses.

Mary parked the car and then turned to look at me. She placed her hand on mine, squeezing it.

“Don’t worry about them. Just get through the day and remember you are better then any of those naysayers anyway. “ I smiled at her glad that at least I had her even when Brennan wasn’t around to protect my honor.


I made it to first period without screaming, but I wasn’t sure if I could go the whole day like this. People stared at me as I walked by, and as soon as I passed they started whispering. Whispering about the stupid senior that got pregnant. Whispering about how I threw my whole life away. I just did my best to ignore the stares and whispers and keep my head up high and shoulders back. When I reached my normal seat in second period I realized someone had written a number of nasty words on my desk. slut,tramp, and skank just to name a few. I pretended I didn’t see them and just put my binder down over the top of it as a heard a few giggles behind me. I knew they wanted me to scream and yell and maybe even cry a little, but I couldn’t give them that satisfaction. So I just focused on the words that were coming out of the history teacher’s mouth.

I made it to lunch without a breakdown, but instead of pushing my luck and eating in the cafeteria I took my food to the counselors office. I got lucky because she had not yet left for lunch and she wasn’t with any students.

Mrs. Harper was a short plump woman with a giant smile; it was the type of smile that made you want to be happy with her. She invited me into her office with a welcoming hello. I sat down in an armchair in the corner of the room and took in the sight. Her office looked less like an office and more like the living room in someone’s house. There were pictures all over the walls and a throw rug on the floor. Instead of a desk and some chairs her office had two giant armchairs and a couch with a coffee table in the middle of the room. Shoved in one corner was a small filing cabinet where I assumed she kept the records of all the students that came to see her.

Mrs. Harper sat down on the couch across from me. Her smile this time was smaller, sweeter, and her eyes were caring.

“So Miss Claire,” she started, crossing her legs, “How are you managing?”

I shrugged my shoulders, twisting my fingers.

“I’m doing great, I just couldn’t spend lunch with the whispers coming at me from every direction.” Mrs. Harper nodded,

“How do those whispers make you feel?” She asked. I looked at her for a minute before opening my mouth.

“I don’t really want to talk about it today. Can I just sit in the quiet for a little bit before I have to go back to class and listen to the whispers and taunting’s?” My voice was probably a little harsher than I had meant for it to be, but I had a headache and I really didn’t want to talk about anything.

Mrs. Harper nodded her head and shut her notebook. She got up and put her notebook away.

“Alright Miss Claire, I am going to go to lunch. Will you please lock my door before you leave for class?” She asked me standing by the door.

“From now on just call me Alex.” I told her with a smile, “And yes I will. Thank you for letting me stay in here.”

Mrs. Harper smiled at me,

“No problem Alex.” And with that she left the room.

I sat in the chair with my eyes closed and just relaxed until I heard the bell ring for first warning. I gathered all my stuff and stood up. You can do this, I told myself before exiting the room and locking the door behind me.

I got to my class when all the seats were full except the one right next to Lauren. I had always thought she was very pretty despite her petty and self-centered ways. That was until I sat down next to her and saw the despiteful sneer she was giving me.

“How’s it going preggers?” She asked in a mocking voice. I tried to ignore her, telling myself I could sit here and not say anything. Lauren leaned in really close and whispered, “Is it even Brennan’s baby? I mean I heard you were at almost every party in town this summer.”

I bit my lip and stared strait ahead pretending to focus on what the teacher was going over, but not really hearing or seeing any of it.

“You should really give him an out, I mean he doesn’t deserve to raise another mans baby.” Her words cut even though I knew they were not true. They couldn’t be true because it was physically impossible.

Lauren opened her mouth to speak again, but right then the teacher turned around. He looked at Lauren curiously,

“I’m sorry Miss James, did you have something to say to the class?” He asked, eyebrows raised.

“No sir.” Lauren said, barely louder than a mumble. He nodded and turned back to his teaching. Lauren left me alone for the rest of the period. When the bell rang signaling the end of the period and the end of my day I stood up ready to hurry out of the room. I reached down for my notebook and Lauren shoved by me almost knocking me over.

It took ever cell in my body to stop myself from screaming at her, or grabbing her by the hair and yanking her backwards. I wanted to so bad, but I knew I couldn’t stoop to her level. I took a moment to compose myself before walking out of the room.

Mary found my by my locker.

“I love being a senior, these short days are just unbeatable!” She said with enthusiasm that made me smile despite my bad day.

“So how was it today?” Mary asked me. I shut my locker and started to walk out the door, Mary right behind me.

“It was terrible, and did you know I hate Lauren? She’s just… “ I paused not knowing how to put it without being too mean because I didn’t want to stoop to her level, “Just an awful person!”

Mary laughed a little bit.

“She’s much more than just an awful person. What did she do this time?” She asked as we reached her car.

“She was just doing her best to torment me.” I told her climbing in the passenger seat.

The drive home was short, but it was nice to sit with someone who didn’t want to talk about my problems or whisper about me behind my back. When I got home it was almost as if my bad day didn’t exist and everything was back to the way it was.

I climbed out of my seat and right as my feet were landing on the gravel of my driveway Brennan pulled up in his jeep. Mary waved at him and winked at me before pulling out and driving off in the direction of her house.

I turned to Brennan after her car turned a corner. He jumped out of his jeep and scooped me up in a hug. I smiled and kissed him on the lips.

“I missed you today.” I told him, letting my arms encircle his neck trying to trap him so he couldn’t put me down. He smiled, flashing me his dimples.

“Same here.” He told me kissing me again before setting me down. We waked together to the house. I let him in and called out for my parents, double-checking that they were not home. I smile when I got no answer and led Brennan up to my room.

“Wait what are we doing?” He asked.

“We are going to my room and you are going to help me forget about the very bad day I had.” I told him with a suggestive smile.

“But your parents… ” I cut him off pulling him into my room and shutting the door. Silencing him with a kiss.

“My dad works until late tonight and mom has to take Jake to soccer practice then go to the store so she wont be home until around dinner time. We have until then to get you back downstairs like this never happened.

Brennan didn’t even respond he just groaned, his lips on my neck. His hands lifted my shirt, pulling it off over my head. He didn’t even pause as he pulled off my sports bra. I let my hands slip under his shirt tracing his chest with my fingers. I helped him lift his own shirt and then brought his lips back to mine.

He gently laid me down on the bed, he was very careful to keep all his weight off of the baby and me. He trailed kisses from my lips all the way to my belly. As he was kissing he started to slip off my pants. I threw my head back and closed my eyes, and soaked up the bliss.
♠ ♠ ♠
More of a filler chapter than anything. But her you go!

I will skip forward a few weeks in the next chapter! I'm looking forward to your comments, constructive criticism is welcome!