Status: I'm back and editing all the chapters



When I woke up the next day my morning sickness was no more then a slight twisting of my gut. It was no where near the endless nauseousness I had felt the day before. So I got out of bed and dressed in the first items of clothing I laid hands on. I stared at myself in the mirror trying to imagine what I would look like in a few months. I grabbed a down pillow off my bed and stuffed it under my shirt. It didn't help much because it just looked like I had a pillow under my shirt. It in no way looked like a baby bump.

I sighed and tossed the pillow back onto the bed before making my way down the stairs. My mother was just finishing making breakfast. Jake was sitting on a counter stool, eating his breakfast. His hair was ruffled in that messy way that only a pillow could accomplish. His eye lids stooped low and there was a tired hunch in his back. Like every other lazy kid, Jake thought school should start later in the day. I rumpled his already messy hair.

"How you doing kid?" I asked as I walked by him into the kitchen. He just gave me a noncommittal grunt then stuffed another giant bite of waffles into his mouth. I smiled and pulled a plate out of the cabinet and set it down next to the waffle iron.

"Morning mom." I said as she turned to face me.

"Morning sweetheart. Feeling better today?" she asked with a cheery smile. I just nodded refocusing on the waffle iron as it beeped to let me know that it was done. It took everything I had not to let out a moan of pleasure as I smelled the delicious scent that wafted from the iron. I hadn't realized how hungry I was earlier, but now I was starving. Once the waffle was on my plate I put peanut butter on it and went to sit next to Jake.

"Oh no the crazy cravings are kicking in." Jake commented in mock horror. I just rolled my eyes at him as I forked a still steaming bite into my mouth.

"Shut up, I always eat my waffles like this and you know it." I told him around the heavenly food in my mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouthful!" My mother scolded and I gave her the 'seriously' look. She just turned away from me, either not seeing the look or ignoring it.

I finished the waffle quickly and was lost in the idea of making another one when my dad came bustling into the kitchen. He ruffled my brothers hair just like I had done, placed a kiss on the top of my head then kissed my mother right on the mouth. My brother made a retching sound and ran out of the kitchen, yelling something about kissing and nasty. I just smiled, Jake maybe too young to see how sweet this was, but I did. I suddenly realized how lucky I was to have two parents that loved each other, even if one wasn't my biological parent she had still been there through everything big in my life.

After this realization hit another one occurred to me. My baby might never be lucky enough to have this. Brennan might decide he wants nothing to do with my baby and that is fine, for me. But what about in five years when my baby asks about it's father? Would it be completely unfair to him or her? I suddenly couldn't breathe and I had to get out of the kitchen before my parents realized something was wrong. I grabbed my truck keys off a hook on the wall and grabbed my backpack off the floor before yelling,

"I love you!" I hurried toward my truck. After I clambered in I sat there and gasped for a little bit, trying to fill my lungs and fight back the tears in my eyes. I wanted this baby, but I also wanted it to be happy. I was suddenly wondering if putting the baby up for adoption was the more responsible thing to do. I could find the baby a home where he or she would have both parents to love it.

I noticed my dad looking though the kitchen window at me with a curious look on his face. I gave him a big smile and a good-bye wave. I didn't want to talk to him so I started up my truck and pulled out of the drive way.


I pulled into the parking lot of my school and was driving around looking for a stop when suddenly a tall figure jumped out in front of me. I slammed on my brake in panic and came to a screeching stop about two feet from a laughing Brennan. I could almost feel the steam coming out of my ears as he walked around to the other side and climbed into my passenger seat.

"Dammit Brennan don't you ever do that again." I laid the venom on thick but his happy smile stayed in place.

"Oh come on Alex, I was just having a little fun!" I sent him an icy glare before continuing to find a spot to park.

"So you were sick yesterday?" Brennan asked. I knew he was probably making small talk, but suddenly the cab of my truck seemed very crowded.

"Uh-huh." I didn't trust myself to say more because I wasn't sure if I could keep my head screwed on my shoulders if I said more.

"Well I missed you." I felt his fingers brush my bare arm, raising goose bumps. I tried to stay focused on driving. I spotted a parking spot and pulled into it.

"I, uh, missed you too." I mumbled before turning off my truck and gathering all my stuff. I got ready to get out of the car when Brennan grabbed my arm and spun me to face him, planting his lips on mine. I let myself get lost in the sweetness of the kiss before going stone still. I had to guard my heart now just incase he decided to break it. He pulled back looking at me quizzically

"Ok, whats up with you? You are on edge and you are not talking to me." He knew me so well. I took in a deep breath and turned to look at him. I was about to spill everything, but the way he looked at me changed my mind. I couldn't tell him. I open my mouth and his whole world changed. Just like that, in the blink of an eye he is no longer a careless teenager. I looked down at my lap.

"Nothing, I am just still getting over being sick. I still don't feel too great." It felt awful to lie to him, but I just couldn't do it. Not yet anyway.

"Alright, well how about we get together after school?" Brennan asked. I looked up into those sparkling eyes. I couldn't hang out with him without spilling the beans.

"I can't, I have to go to the doctor today." I lied

"Oh? What for?" he sounded worried.

"Nothing serious, routine girl stuff." I shrugged my shoulders. His cheeks flushed red as he thought of what routine girl stuff my mean.

"Oh, uh, ok. Well some other time then." He stammered, reaching for the door handle. He got out of my car and I followed suit. We made a little bit more small talk before we went our separate ways. When I got to my biology class I sat in my usual spot and let my self drift during the lesson. I didn't have anyone in this room I had to impress so I just let myself relax.


"What do you mean you haven't told him yet?" Mary hissed at me. We were sitting out in the sun eating our lunch, it was just the two of us because Brennan had yet to join us.

"I was going to, but then I realized that it was going to change his whole life and I couldn't do that to him, not yet." I told her before taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Bullshit!" Mary snapped, bringing in a few curious looks from some people. She lowered her voice, "He did this to you. He knocked your ass up so he is going to have to live with the consequences."

"Well actually the first time I kind of asked him to.." I reminded her.

"So he was the idiot that didn't cover his tool." Mary told me. I just nodded. It made sense when she said it like that, but Mary made everything make sense.

"Fine, I will tell him." I mumbled.

"Good, you can tell him now." She motioned to Brennan, making his way over. I gave Mary a startled look as she stood up and went to the "bathroom".

"Hey." Brennan said, sitting down across from me, "Where'd Marry go?" he asked.

"Hey your self. She went to the restroom." He just nodded and took a bite of his sandwich.

We sat there in silence for a few moments, Brennan eating and me picking at my food. I finally worked up the nerve to tell him so before I could lose that nerve I opened my mouth and blurted,

"I'm pregnant." I managed to say it quiet enough so the people around me didn't hear. Brennan sat there, staring at me. I had caught him mid chew so now he had a mouth full of half chewed food. He choked on it, for a moment before swallowing.

"What?" He asked, half whispering, glancing around to see if anyone could hear me.

"You heard me." I mumbled looking down at my fingers. I had always been a very secure person until recently. Suddenly I found myself becoming quiet and a little insecure.

"When? How?" My eye snapped up and I stared at him incredulously.

"Come on Brennan, use that brain of yours." I snapped at him sarcastically, "You know damn well how, and when. Also it is yours. Just figured I would answer that stupid question before you could ask it." I knew I sounded bitter, but in that moment I didn't care. I stood up and tried to walk away from him, but he was too quick for that.

"You can't just dump news on me like that then expect me not to react! Just give me a moment to take in whats happening!" His eyes were wide as he stared into mine.

"Look, I am sorry." I told him before he could say anything else he just nodded. He opened his mouth to speak more then looked around. He seemed to realize that they were in a public place and that people were probably trying to hear what we were talking about.

"Can we talk about this later? When we are alone?" he asked. I just nodded, slightly hurt that he wouldn't talk now. Before he could stop me and try to make me feel better I turned and left, walking into the main school building and away from Brennan
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