‹ Prequel: If You Only Knew
Status: In progress

If They Only Knew

More Than Words

(This chapter focuses on the events in chapter 22 of the main story.)

Leah's POV

I made sure to wake up extra early the next morning, way before Kaley would even think of opening her eyes. There was just so much that needed to be done today.

I carefully slid out of my bed, even though I'm sure that Kaley wouldn't have been able to hear me across the hall. I debated not showering since it could wake Kaley and it would save me time not to, but then I remembered that I was going to be seeing Chris soon, so I quickly hopped through to freshen up. If there was one thing that I couldn't stand in a man, it was bad hygiene, so there was no way that I could have bad hygiene myself.

Once I got back to my room and threw on some clothes, I picked up my phone from the bedside table where I'd put it before I fell asleep last night. I already had a couple of texts.

Chris: Darren is in :)

Chris: I'm guessing that you're probably asleep already, so I'll just see you tomorrow then? Text me when you're up and I'll come pick you up :)

Chris: Night hun :)

Chris: Are you awake yet?

Chris: Somebody likes to sleep in :p

I laughed and rolled my eyes before sending him a response.

Me: I'm awake, you noodlehead! I was just getting ready!

Chris: ...

Chris: I am not a noodlehead!

Chris: I'll have you know that my head is perfectly normal shaped!

Chris: Not shaped like a noodle at all

Me: You're such a dork :p

Chris: :p

Chris: So are you ready to go?

Me: Yep, I'm all good :)

Chris: Good, because I'm here :)

I blinked in surprise as I read his text, quickly moving out to the living room to peek out the front window. Sure enough, there, parked in front of our building, was a sleek, black limo.

Me: I don't think I'll ever get used to the sight of a limo picking me up :p

Chris: When you ride with me, you ride in style! ;p

Me: Haha ok, be right down :p

Chris: Okay :)

I slid my phone into my pocket and very quietly moved down the hallway to the door. I peeked in through Kaley's slightly open door as I passed to find her completely passed out.

Thank goodness she's such a heavy sleeper, I grinned to myself as I quickly left the apartment, softly shutting the door behind me. Otherwise sneaking out wouldn't be this easy!

As I headed down to meet Chris, I quickly pulled out my phone again and sent a quick text to Kaley, knowing that it probably wouldn't wake her since she puts her phone on silent at night.

Me: Gone for breakfast with Chris :) See you at the theatre!! <3 Don't be late! Haha :p

There, that should do it, I smiled to myself as I walked out of the building. As soon as I was through the doors, the back window of the limo instantly rolled down to reveal Chris.

"Hey, Leah!" he waved at me.

"Morning, Chris," I laughed as I walked over and pulled open the door. I waited as he scooted back so that I could get in before sliding onto the seat beside him.

"Oh, hi, Darren," I smiled at the nearly comatose man slumped in the seat across from mine.

"Hey, Leah," he waved halfheartedly.

"Not a morning person?" I asked with a slight smirk.

"He literally dragged me out of bed," Darren replied, pointing at Chris, who just shrugged.

"I warned you that I would," Chris replied, throwing a wink at me.

"Well, hurry up and wake up!" I laughed. "We have a lot to get done before Kaley gets up!"

There was a moment's silence before Darren spoke up again.

"Why does she get to sleep in?" he whined. Chris looked over at me and gave me a look that said, "You see what I have to put up with?" I had to cover my mouth to keep the giggle from slipping out.

"Because this is Kaley's special day," I reminded him. "We're doing this for her, remember?"

"I know," he sighed. "I just wish that I didn't have to get up so early. Oh, speaking of wishes, I should wish her a Happy Birthday." He started to pull out his phone, but I quickly snatched it from his hands.

"No, not yet," I said quickly. "For two good reasons. One, she doesn't know that you know, and two, we're trying to make her think that we forgot so that her surprise party is even more of a surprise!"

"Fine," he sighed. "Can I have my phone back at least?"

"Here," I laughed, tossing the phone to him before turning back to Chris. "Is he always like this in the mornings?"

"Only when he hasn't had his coffee," Chris teased. "Get some caffeine in him and he'll turn back into the lovable teddy bear that we all know and love."

"Well, we can stop and pick up some coffee on our way," I replied. "There's this cute little coffee shop right next to the party supply store, so we can stop in there before we leave. But we can't dawdle. We have a lot to do and not enough time to do it in." I pulled open my purse and took out a small notebook with my checklist of things that we had to pick up and started to go over it.

"Hey, Leah?" Chris said suddenly, making me look up at him. "Say cheese!" A sudden bright flash went off and once the black spots cleared, I sent a glare at Chris.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying not to giggle at his silliness.
Chris smiled as well, telling me that he saw through my facade.

"I'm doing what you're supposed to with a camera," he replied. "I'm making memories."


Chris' POV

The room looked perfect. Leah really did have a talent for planning things. There were streamers and balloons everywhere and even though it looked like an insane mess, I knew that it had all been perfectly organized by Leah.

"Smile!" I said, coming up behind her with the camera. But before I could snap the picture, Leah quickly spun around and clamped her hand over the camera lens.

"Chris, I think that you have an obsession with taking pictures," she said very seriously. "Or, more specifically, taking pictures of me. There are other people here that you can take pictures of, you know."

I couldn't help but blush at her words. It was true. She was really the only person that I had been taking pictures of.

"I can't help it," I argued. "You're the only thing worth taking pictures of!"


I did not mean to say that out loud.

I watched as Leah's eyes widened and her cheeks flushed with heat.

Ok, time for damage control...

I quickly raised the camera up and took a picture of her, flashing a huge grin.

"See what I mean?" I declared. "You have such fun facial expressions! How can I not take pictures of you? Everyone else is so boring, just standing around talking, but you always take the most fun pictures! Just look at how that blush brings out the colour of your eyes."

Ok, so maybe that might have been a bit of a stretch, but I couldn't help it.

What is going on with me? I wondered as Leah laughed off my explanation and proceeded to take the camera from me. Why am I getting so flustered around her?

"I'm cutting you off," Leah laughed as she slid the camera into her pocket. "Besides, we need to save the battery for the party!"

"Which looks like it's going to be amazing, by the way," I praised, giving her a playful wink.

Dang it! There I go again!

"Thanks," Leah blushed again. "I try."

Leah's phone suddenly beeped, making her eyes go wide. She quickly pulled out her phone and let out a small eek!

"Kaley's here!" she announced loudly so that everyone could hear. "Quickly, get into positions!" She quickly moved over towards the door, texting as she moved. She peeked out through the door before slowly closing it and moving to the light switch.

"Ready?" she asked, her hand hovering over the switch. There was a quiet murmur of agreeance before the room went dark. I carefully moved over to where I knew Leah was standing, making sure not to bump into anyone as I moved through the darkness. Once I reached her, I gently reached out and linked my arm through hers, leaning down to whisper in her ear.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yes," she whispered back, though I could tell that she seemed nervous.

"Don't worry," I said softly. "Everything will go perfectly. Kaley's going to love it."

"Thank you," she said suddenly, leaning into me and resting her head on my shoulder. "For helping me. It means a lot to me that you would do this."

"Anytime," I replied, moving my arm so that I was now hugging her slightly.

And anything, I thought with a smile.

There was a sudden rattle of the doorknob and it felt like the whole room was suddenly holding its breath. And then the door opened and a cautious voice called out.


Show time.


Leah's POV

The party was a huge success. Needless to say, Kaley was super surprised and thrilled.

"Are you having fun, Kaley?" I asked her when I finally got a chance to pull her away.

"Yes!" she beamed. "Best party ever!" We both locked eyes and burst out laughing at the unintentional... or maybe slightly intentional Glee reference.

"Hey, that's my line!" Darren laughed, coming up beside Kaley and lightly throwing his arm around her shoulder.

"Wait! Stay just like that!" I ordered, quickly sliding my camera out of my pocket. "This is a picture perfect memory! Say cheese!" They both flashed me huge smiles as I took the picture.

"Perfect," I smiled. "Kaley, we should get some pictures of you with some of the other cast members too!"

"Can I be in them too?" Darren asked with big, puppy dog eyes.

"You just like being in pictures," Kaley laughed, giving him a light shove.

"Hey, what can I say?" he laughed as well. "I'm very photogenic!"

That word suddenly made my heart skip a beat. That was the exact same word Chris had used to describe me, saying that I was very photogenic. The memory made me smile.

"Come on, Leah," Kaley said, pulling me out of my thoughts as she grabbed my arm. "I need my photographer!"

"Oh, so I'm just your photographer now?" I remarked with an offended expression.

"Of course not!" Kaley replied. "You're also my stylist, my agent, my chef, my party planner, my-"

"That's it! I quit!" I announced, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Oh, come on, Leah," Kaley laughed, grabbing my arm. "You know I'm teasing! You can be in a picture too."

"A picture?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"And if you're really good, maybe even two pictures!" she beamed.

"You're impossible," I laughed, shaking my head. "I think that all of this attention has gone to your head."

"Maybe," she shrugged, giving me a wink. "But it is my day, isn't it?"

I couldn't argue with her on that. So I'd just have to make sure that I milked my birthday and made her do everything for me too.
Being a nice friend, I followed Kaley around the party, snapping pictures of her with various members of the Glee cast. I also snapped a few pictures of Chris when he wasn't paying attention. He was right about one thing. We were definitely making memories.

And I didn't want to forget a single one.
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Second chapter! Hope you enjoyed them! Thanks for reading! Much love and thanks to you all :)