Status: Inspired by Terra Nova.

New World

Darcy Willows

Despite everything that Harry had said, Darcy was actually looking forward to her date with Dave. She tried to brush everything that Harry had said out of her mind when she walked into the pub, seeing Dave’s smiling face greeting at her. He met her at the door, taking his hand gently in hers, and guided her to the table he had been sitting at.

“How was work?” Dave asked, smiling at her as he took a pretzel from the center of the table.

Darcy smiled back as she laid her napkin out in front of her. “It was good. How about you?”

Dave began speaking, but Darcy didn’t hear a single word of it. Her eyes fell on the pub door at the perfectly wrong moment, just as Harry was walking in. He had his arm wrapped around the shoulder of a girl Darcy barely knew but had seen a few times before. She didn’t know that Harry was even friends with the girl, especially not enough to be walking into the pub with his arm wrapped around her.

Seeing Harry walk in with that girl was the last thing that Darcy expected, and it took her a few moments to be able to focus her attention on Dave again. She tried to pretend like nothing had happened by smiling at Dave and making a comment about what he said, but she couldn’t pretend that she hadn’t seen anything because Harry was walking over to their table, a bright grin on his face.

“Darcy, Dave, fancy seeing you here again,” Harry said, smiling at both of them. His hand waved over the girl next to him as introduced her. “This is Becca.”

Darcy simply smiled at both of them while Dave returned a friendly hello. She couldn’t act quite as cool as Dave, because her mind was having a hard time wrapping itself around the situation and the fact that Harry was clearly on a date.

“Are the two of you having a good time?” Harry asked, more directed at Darcy than anyone else.

She nodded her head, trying to look as put together as possible. “We are.”

“Great,” Harry responded, still smiling at her. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow then.”

Before Darcy could even say goodbye, Harry was guiding Becca towards a table across the room that was perfectly in Darcy’s line of sight. They were right behind Dave’s head and it was all too easy to pretend she was looking at him while she was really watching Harry’s date play out across the room.

She tried her best to pay attention to Dave and what he was saying, but it was suddenly harder than before, and she had a hard time thinking about anything besides Harry and his date. She tried to figure out how Harry knew Becca or where he had met her, but nothing was coming to mind and she felt a bit blindsided. She thought that she and Harry were close enough that he would tell her about a date, but apparently she thought wrong.

Dinner was over before Darcy knew it and she was just thankful that she’d managed to carry on enough of a conversation that Dave didn’t think she was ignoring him completely. In fact, he didn’t seem to notice anything was wrong at all.

The two of them left the pub together, Dave taking Darcy’s hand in his, and she caught one last glimpse of Harry and Becca as they walked out. They were getting particularly close, with their faces practically rubbing together across the table.

She didn’t know if Harry even knew that she left, but she tried to stop herself from thinking about whatever could be going on with him and his date. She tried to focus on Dave as he walked her back to her place, smiling and laughing the whole way, but even though Dave was so charming, it was hard for her to get Harry out of her head.