Status: Just something I wrote in the car on my way back to college...

Art Controls the World

The Beginning of a Career

Marilyn Manson opened his eyes and groaned with his morning voice. Manson just finished touring for a year straight and was so happy to be in his own bed again. He picked up his iPhone from his side table and checked his emails, messages, and his voice mail. Afterwards he rolled out of bed and took a piss in his bedroom bathroom sink as always. Lilly White welcomed him with a morning purr. Manson picked her up and cuddled her. They walked into the kitchen and found something to eat. Manson settled on toast and Lilly settled on cat food. As Manson's day went on he wrote in his journal, watched TV, and caught up with music and movies. Manson's day was going by pretty quickly but he was productive and relaxed with Lilly most of the day.

* * *
It was Twiggy's day off and he was just relaxing as well as the rest of the band. Twiggy was on his computer checking his daily websites. He sometimes takes his time reading fan responses on Facebook, and Instagram. Today was one of those days. He stumbled upon a drawing of Manson and had to scroll back up to realize it wasn't a photograph.

"This person must have had a lot of time on their hands." Twiggy thought to himself.

He was fathomed how detailed it was, and how well it was drawn.
Twiggy being best friends with Manson, he called Manson up.

*Ring ring......ring.....*

"Hey man" Manson said as he picked up.

"How’s your day off goin'?" Twiggs asked.

"Good just hanging with Lilly."

"You gotta see this drawing some girl did of you. It's fucking incredible!"

"Sure man send it." Manson replied.

Manson put Twiggy on speaker and checked out the drawing.

"Woah man, that's fucking sweet, well done! I wanna see it in full view. Send me the link, and I'll check it on my Mac."

Manson continues to talk with Twiggy as he sits on his bed with Lilly and opens up his Mac.

"Uh" Manson begins to think about a girl in Canada that painted 2 paintings of him.
"There was this girl from the Hamilton show I think, she painted me from ‘Slo Mo Tion.’ It was sweet Twiggy. She seemed really shy but she was nice. Great skills some of the fans have." Manson explained.

"Yeah it's so sweet to see the talent some of the fans have! It's an awesome feeling."

Lilly licked Manson's hand as he's typing in the web address.

"I missed you girl." Manson says

"Holy fuck I thought it was a photograph Twiggs."

"I know right" Twiggy agrees.

The link they looked at was on Facebook. So Manson clicked on the girls Facebook page.

“Hey she met me.” Manson thought to himself as he saw the icon picture of her Facebook.

"That's the same fucking girl twiggy!" Manson said as he clicked on the full view of the girl.


"The girl from Hamilton! Check out her profile picture."

"That painting is pretty sweet Manson. Lots of dedication that’s for sure. She's got mad talent." Twiggy expresses.

* * *
The artists name was Trisha. It was her last day in town because she was heading back to college the next day. As she packed up her art supplies she stopped dead in her tracks and sat down. She was downstairs in the living room while her mom was in the kitchen. Trisha sat down and stared in one place. Her mom noticed her stop everything.

Something was running through the artists head and she couldn't explain it. Something was happening. The same feeling when you have an intuition. Or when your twin sister is having a bad day. You just know something in the static of the air is happening.


Trish looks up at her mom and just stares. Then she looks around the room in question and confusion.

"Something" Trish says.

"Something’s going on."

* * *
Manson thinks for a second.

"I should message her."

"She’s going to lose it man." Twiggy adds.

"I could use another creative artist for my work. I'll message her and see what she says about working for me. I really enjoy her talent." Manson states.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Twiggy adds.

"Fuck yeah"

"Alright man let me know what goes." Twiggy says and hangs up.

"Alright talk to ya later"

Manson clicks on Trish's inbox.

This is the real Marilyn Manson. I remember your artwork from the Hamilton show. It’s really impressive. Twiggy just sent me your detailed drawing of myself. We are both speechless. Would you like to share your creativity with me?

I hope she says yes. I'd fly her down here. I've seen a lot of talent but she's got to be recognized. Manson thought to himself.

* * *
Trish ran upstairs and grabbed her laptop. She still couldn't put a finger on why she was feeling so odd out of nowhere. Trish opened Facebook, she felt compelled. It said she had an inbox but she thought to herself that it was a response from her cousin. The feeling went right away.
“Must be nothing, and maybe I'm feeling weird because it’s that time of the month. Stupid emotions.”
Trish opened her inbox anyways to read that message from her cousin.


Trisha loses it. She starts to cry.

"MOM" she yells from upstairs as she starts crying. She darts downstairs with her laptop in her hands. She almost tripped down the stairs and missed the last couple of stairs at the end.
Trisha’s cry turned into an uncontrolled sob and she hits the ground sobbing.








* * *
“She read it.” Manson saw.

“I bet she's freaking out.” Manson said to himself.

* * *
"What did he say!??" Trish's mom asked in excitement.

"This is the real Marilyn Manson. I remember your artwork from the Hamilton show. It’s really impressive. Twiggy just sent me your detailed drawing of myself. We are both speechless. Would you like to share your creativity with me?


The artist is still crying.


"You say yes you'd do it." Trish's mom said.


"THANK YOU! If this is the real Marilyn Manson I would be honored to share my talent with you. I'm fucking losing it right now! I've been drawing my entire life. Art is all I know, it’s what keeps me going in life. I'm in college right now for art. I can't thank you enough. And I can't fucking believe you saw my art and actually have a connection with it.” I replied.

* * *
Manson took a photo and sent it to her.

"If you don't believe it's me here's a picture of myself I just took"

-It was a picture of Manson showing the Facebook message.-


Trish's still crying. “All my dreams are coming true. FUCKING MARILYN MANSON WANTS TO WORK WITH ME!”

"You said you were in college for art. I'm gonna come visit your school. And if you wanted I can fly you down here in California after your semester finishes and we can work on some things.
-Manson "

"Oh my fucking god it’s really you. YES!!! I'm at (Enter real college in real city). Thank you SOOO much. I would LOVE to work with you. Thank you for making my dreams come true. I still can't fucking believe it. My semester ends on April 19th. THANK YOU. xo "

"Here’s my number, please don't give it out for obvious reasons. Text me and we will set things up. I'm glad you agreed. You really have incredible talent.

The artist quickly grabbed her phone and texted Manson.

"Hey it's Trish!"


"Thank you again. You have no idea how important this is to me." Trish spilled.

"Your art caught my eye, you need to be recognized. I think we have similar art tastes. It shows."

“I will get back to you sometime this month. Feel free to text me anytime Trish." Manson concluded.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's the drawing I actually did in real life.