‹ Prequel: Out Of Place

The Wrong Way


Everyone will go the wrong way in life. Somewhere, some place, they will go the opposite direction to what they should have done. They are usually harmless.

He knew this, yet he still worried that when his wrong turn came, it would have drastic effects. He was careful about where he stepped. He made sure never to place his foot on the cracks. He didn't want to break his mother's back, even though he knew that was just a silly childhood rhyme. It had been etched into the back of his mind. Haunted him all his life.

He never wanted to break his mothers back.

Even though she was dead.

Always thought about his answers before he voiced them. He usually planned three of four steps ahead in conversation.

He never wanted to offend anybody.

Least of all his friends.

Yet, even with all his planning and careful structure, he still dreaded when it was his turn to step up, and take his wrong turn.

He was always scared.

If he ever went the wrong way, he always hoped it would be simple, and harmless. Turn down a wrong street.

So when finally went the wrong way, why did it go catastrophically wrong?