Status: Complete!

Model Behavior


Paris Fashion Week.

Though some might say that New York’s was bigger, there was no doubt in those involved that Paris was much more important. To Moira, she didn’t know much about either one. She had only signed up for the internship with the world renowned fashion photographer as a safety to all the other internships she had applied to at nature magazines and galleries. She had thought for sure that she would get one of the others but she had been rejected at every single one save for working on Paris Fashion Week as a photographer’s assistant.

It’s not that she hated fashion or anything, she simply didn’t understand it. She didn’t get why women bought three hundred dollar shoes only to wear them once. Or why they put on eight pounds of makeup to cover their face and wear heels that looked completely painful. It didn’t stop her from finding some of the pieces pretty, but on her low college student budget, she’d never be able to afford any of it. Not to mention, her mother instilled in her the quality of being frugal and never spent more than she needed to on clothing. When she had interviewed for this internship, she thought for sure the fact that she had no idea who the Louis Tomlinson was would get her rejected in and of itself but it seemed fate was working in a mysterious way.

Louis Tomlinson, as Google later told her, was one of the hottest new designers who was going to be having the “must-see” runway of the whole week. Her boss was his personal fashion photographer though he was also supposed to take pictures of the entire event as a whole, as well. Which was where she came in. This event was huge – monstrously – so he was going to be needing a lot of help getting crowd shots and shots of the after parties since there were so many. Her work was exquisite and she was competent enough not to be supervised all the time. In the end, that is what landed her the job.

Her first day, she hadn’t a clue what to wear. They were just supposed to be wandering around looking for places to set up their cameras during the shows and getting a lay of the land. She was to be given a thorough tour of all the tents and would also be given a binder on the different designers and models just so she wouldn’t feel completely out of place. She couldn’t believe that even in her internship she was going to have homework. But what was worse is that she felt completely underdressed in her flowing knee-length skirt and button-down blouse.

She pushed up her glasses looking for the familiar mop of blonde hair of her boss and spotted him near where a runway was being constructed. He was talking to who she now knew to be the designer, Louis Tomlinson, while he fussed with a camera and laughed. Clearly they’re friends, she thought. Making her way over to them she tripped over a wire and knocked into a light that had yet to be put up and nearly fell over. Luckily one of the carpenters straightened her so she didn’t hurt herself.

“Thanks.” She mumbled, straightening her skirt.

“Any time. I’m Liam, in case you ever need a hand again.” She blushed and shook his outstretched hand and then quickly turned and walked away from the handsome, strong man in his tight white tee shirt.

“Ah, Moira, there you are.”

“Hello, Mr. Horan. Sorry I’m late, I didn’t know which tent was the proper one.”

“No need to apologize – us photographers have it easy before the show starts.” He smiled and sent her a playful wink. “You can call me Niall, by the way. Moira, this is Louis. Louis, this is my intern, Moira.”

“Pleasure to meet you Moira. Niall showed me some of your pictures – truly stunning.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Sir?” Louis nudged Niall and laughed. “Please, my father doesn’t even like being called that. It’s Louis.”

“Thank you, Louis.”

“I should get back to my models. Lord knows trial runs are my least favorite part of these things. Nice to meet you again, Moira. Don’t let Niall push you about!”

“You ready to work?” She nodded and he smiled brightly at her. “Great, we get to do the easy stuff so all I need you to do is organize the lenses over there. We’re going to start with the wide-angles then move to the long-focus and zoom lenses. There are also three cameras over there that should be properly cleaned because I loathe doing it.” He joked. “I’m going to go scout some of the areas for shots. You got this?”


“Fantastic. See you in a bit.”

Moira set her bag down by the table covered in lenses and cameras and immediately set to work. She needed more references for when she reapplied for some of the nature magazine she hoped to get a job at and having a big photographer like Niall as one was sure to make her a shoe-in. Not that she wouldn’t work hard, anyway. As she was organizing lenses she heard Louis calling out to his models on the runway to do this or that and telling them what he felt needed to be changed to their outfits. She didn’t pay them any mind because she had never really been interested in models.

But one model was certainly interested in her. The second Harry saw her fussing about with cameras, he knew he had to meet her. Spending all his time around models really made him appreciate realness when he saw it. He could tell that she was genuine, not just because she wasn’t a model but by the way she was carrying herself and working hard. He liked that. He also liked that she fumbled quite a bit and blushed each time. It was awfully adorable.

“Harry!” He snapped his head to his boss, Louis. “Having a nice daydream?” He teased.

“I was, as a matter of fact.” Harry replied, making them both chuckle.

“Focus, please, I’d like to get out of here by supper time.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Erin here! The magnificent Katie and I plotted out this cute little cowrite to counteract all our crazy adventure ones. Hope y'all like it!
Comments on this incredibly short intro would be cherished!

Thanks for reading.
xoxo, Erin