Status: Complete!

Model Behavior


Moira had spent the night cuddled into Harry’s side, though nothing much had happened. He hadn’t even tried to move things past making out and Moira was glad for it … as much as she liked him she didn’t want to do that just yet. He seemed perfectly content just holding her, occasionally stealing a kiss, and describing some of the things he’d like to sell at the bakery. He had quite the fondness for cupcakes, she noted, and he promised to bake for her sometime to show his true talents lay off the runway and in a ridiculous chef hat (he was kidding … he’d never cover his curls with that). The night was so easy and relaxing that Moira had almost forgotten she’d have to tell Liam that they couldn’t date anymore. After he had been punched because of her, no less.

“You’re squeezing me a bit hard, love.” Harry said, jolting her out of her daze while she loosened the grip on his hand.

“I’m sorry.” She flushed and bit her lip looking at the tent where she knew Liam was probably working in. She was dreading this. She absolutely hated hurting people and Liam had been nothing but kind to her and yet here she was choosing the man who had assaulted him over him.

“It’s going to be fine. I’ll be with you … To apologize. I’ve no need to hit him again – I have what I wanted.” When she elbowed him hard in the side, he chuckled. “Kidding, dear. I do need to apologize for my horrible behavior and he seems like a stand up guy … it’ll be fine. He’ll understand.”

“And if he decks you?”

“I’d deserve it.” He shrugged then smirked and kissed her temple before moving his lips to her ear. “Plus, then I’d have you nurse me back to health.”


He chuckled and grabbed her hand again. “Come on – like a band-aid … quick and easy.”

Almost as though he had known it would happen all along, he caught Moira’s waist as she spun quickly to leave upon seeing Liam. He tsk’d her and turned her back right with a gentle shove towards Liam’s direction. The carpenter had stopped working upon seeing the duo, but his look was not one of anger or contempt … it was knowing. After she had stayed by Harry after he had been punched, he had assumed this would be the outcome and he wasn’t mad about it. Maybe he was disappointed, but it was hard being mad at Moira.

“Liam.” Harry greeted first. “I wanted to say how sorry I am to have lost my temper and hitting you. It was wrong and I shouldn’t have done that so I apologize.” He stuck out his hand and waited a few awkward moments before the bigger man grabbed a hold of it and nodded.

“I appreciate that, Harry.”

Both sets of eyes landed on Moira and she felt her body flush head to toe. “Um, hi.” Harry excused himself after being called away by Louis but not without kissing her on the cheek quickly and whispering words of encouragement. “I’m sorry, too. For … all of that that happened and stuff. And that … well, Harry and I …”

Liam nodded and chuckled, cutting her off to save her the trouble. “It’s okay, Moira. I saw it coming.”

“I feel horrible about how it all went down.”

“Don’t – you’re a great girl. If he ever screws up … you know how to find me.” He offered, pulling her in for a tight hug before she, too, was called away to work.

Having cleared the air, both Harry and Moira were much happier and it was noticeable. Louis didn’t have to yell at Harry and Niall didn’t have to try and keep track of Moira. Everyone won. But, it was a long day of work and by the end Moira just wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep. Harry had insisted that she not do that but simply go and freshen up and get dolled up because they had a date tonight. He had even sent Delaney to give her a dress from the show before she left (he didn’t want to see it before it was on her). And despite her exhaustion, Moira was happy to feel like Cinderella getting dolled up for her Prince Charming.

The dress was stunningly beautiful … it was green to match Harry’s eyes and the shoes, though they looked impossible to walk in, were making her stand straight and look taller and curvier. It was the most beautiful, and most expensive, thing she had ever worn. She couldn’t stop staring at herself in the mirror after applying some makeup, much more than she usually wore with eyeliner and red lipstick that accompanied her pale skin perfectly. She felt like a more elegant version of herself … someone worthy of being on the Harry Styles’ arm. She looked … well, she looked like a model. And it shocked her.

A knock on the door snapped her out of her reverie and she crossed quickly, wondering who it could be. When she saw a well-dressed man through the peephole, she grew confused. “Yes?” She asked, through the door.

“Delivery from Harry Styles for Moira Sullivan.” He held up a small square box with a green ribbon tied around it as further proof.

She opened the door and took the box warily. “Um, thank you.”

“Pleasure, miss.” He tipped his driver’s cap and went back down the hallway towards the elevators.

Moira was still confused as she shut the door and untied the ribbon, opening the box. On top was a small card that read : Wear these tonight, love. – Harry. She was shocked when she moved the white tissue paper and saw stunning emerald earrings that matched her dress perfectly. She wondered if Harry had a hand in picking it out after all, but she knew that he hadn’t. Delaney had assured her that he hadn’t but he had somehow guessed the perfect color. She immediately put them on and knew that these were now the most expensive things she had ever worn.

When she arrived at Harry’s hotel, thanks to a car service he had also provided, she had been left a note at the front desk that she would be escorted to the roof by a bellboy. She was even more confused because she assumed they were just going to a nice restaurant but, trusting Harry, she allowed the bellboy to take her up in a special service elevator all the way to the roof. He cast her a knowing smile before she finally stepped out onto the roof, casting one last glance back at him. She had no idea what to expect from meeting Harry on the roof but what she saw was definitely not what she had in mind.

The entire roof was covered with candlelit lanterns and white orchids. Everywhere she looked there were beautifully ornate lanterns and bouquets of the beautiful flower but still no Harry. She followed along a path of white petals until she finally found him standing in front of a romantic bistro table for two with a small bouquet of flowers in one hand while the other held a remote he used to turn on some mellow music. He looked devilishly handsome in all black from his button-down to his boots. The scene, the boy, the effort he had put into all of this in the short time she was freshening up … it left her completely speechless.

Harry was in his own state of shock as he watched Moira walk towards him slowly, tripping on her last step in heels and falling into his chest but he easily caught her. He still found her clumsiness completely adorable. After standing her up straight, he allowed one hand to remain on her waist while he looked her over. He shakily handed her the flowers and moved a strand of hair off of her face. “Wow … Moira … you look … breathtaking.”

“Thank you. You clean up well yourself.” She smelled the flowers, mostly to hide her blush. “I can’t believe you … you did all of this for me.”

“I wanted to make our first date as an official couple special.” He explained, continuing to stare at her. He had never seen her like this – done up and looking elegant. As amazing as she looked, he knew he would take simple, classic Moira over anyone, any day.

“This is more than special … This is astounding. Amazing. I can’t even … you’re perfect.”

"Not in the least. You're easy to do things for, sweetheart."

“How did you what color to get?” She asked, feeling his fingers graze one of her earrings and his smile turned into a grin.

“I made Delaney tell me the color of your dress.”

“This is all more than I could ever ask for, Harry. I feel like I’m dreaming.”

“If this is all a dream then I don’t ever want to wake up.” He teased, grabbing her waist and dipping her low and planting a sweet kiss on her lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
I want one.
I haven't done this in awhile but I thought you'd like to see what Moira is wearing for THE CUTEST DATE EVER. Seriously. I want one.Outfit.

Thoughts? Dear Moira and Harry only have an epilogue left! :((
Thanks for reading! Can't wait to see what Delaney and Louis are getting into next!
xoxo, Erin