Status: for my sister.

Hit the Ground Running.

Things will be just fine.

Lucy felt sick.

Sick, all the morning, it had 3 years since they got married and damn she hadn't felt this sick with nerves, she bit her nails in anticipation, wondering what was her making her like this, she went to the chemists, walking pas the pregnancy tests she recoiled, 'oh, god' morning sickness, she picked one up, and headed home in nervousness.

'Lu?' John called, 'I'm here-' calling from the bathroom, 'are you ok?' 'I'm fine!' she smiled anxiously, 'are you sure, you don't sound like it?' she checked the test, 15 minutes had gone past, surely, she gulped, looking at the result, 'I think we have some news John?' 'oh, what's that?' 'I think we're having a baby'.

'What?' he smiled, 'I think I'm pregnant, well this test says I am' 'but, that's amazing-' he cuddled her, kissing her head, 'how far, do you know?' 'I think this is my third month without, I thought it was stress with so much work, and moving' 'good job we did!' they laughed, 'I love you Lucy, we're going to be good parents darling' 'I sure hope so John, I'm scared' 'so am I, but we'll be alright'.


The pain wasn't too bad, she'd had an epidural, and gas and air, and she was pushing with all her might, 'come on, Mrs O'Callaghan, and your son will be here' she grinned, pushing one last time, 'there you go, your son is here' 'John junior' she smiled, 'another John, another generation of madness' 'hey!' they giggled, John kissed her, as she held their, 'John Cornelius O'Callaghan the sixth' she grinned, crying, 'I love you Lucy' 'I love you too' she smiled, 'would you like to hold him?' 'be a pleasure'.

'You're going to be awesome at baseball, and play guitar and kick ass, when people steal stranger's wallets' the nurse looked confused, 'it's how we met, I stopped a guy stealing his wallet' the nurse grinned, 'the prince was worth saving huh?' she laughed, 'he definitely was' John smiled, 'I love you very much John' 'talking to yourself, thought you said you weren't mad?' she stuck her tongue out, 'good job I love your mum, or she'd be punished' he grinned, 'I am looking forward to it' she smirked.

Taking the baby home a few days later, they showed him to family and friends, 'he's adorable' 'of course he is, my son' they laughed, 'what?' they giggled, 'thanks guys!' 'here's to new arrivals!' as the baby was sick on John's shoulder, 'lovely' Lucy smiled, 'glad it wasn't me' laughing, Lucy held John Junior thinking this was another chapter in an amazing romance novel.

they lived happily.
♠ ♠ ♠
a little cheesy at the end.