The Park

One Shot

It was a sunny day in July, the sun was out shinning bright, the wind was cool, and birds were in trees singing. In the park there’s a guy sitting on a park bench reading a newspaper; shaking his head after reading a ridiculous article that didn’t make any sense at all. He folded the newspaper and smiled as he set it down beside him on the bench. He looked around breathing in the fresh air as he heard kids playing, dogs barking. What he heard was laughter, life and living. He watched as dogs ran playing fetch with their proud owners. He was always wanted to a dog, not a small one, not a huge one, just a perfectly good size dog. He wanted his dog to be a girl, so he can name it Rose and because he never really seen too many people with female dogs. He guessed male dogs were more popular.
A few minutes later his niece ran over with a big smile on her face. She was always smiling, happy go lucky with her. There was never a dull moment with his niece Ashlee. She was 7 years old, did great in school and was always so friendly, to everyone. “Uncle Ryan, can you pleeeeeease take me and my new friend for ice cream?” her voice was full of excitement and her bright green eyes were big and joyful. Ryan looked around, he didn’t see this ‘new friend’ “Well where is she?” Ryan asked the 7 year old “Oh she went to go ask her mom if she can go with us!” the little red hair girl jumped up and down. Too much energy for her and it was about 2:00 in the afternoon. Ashlee grabbed her uncle’s hand “Oh! She’s coming!” she smiled brightly. Ryan knew this would be a little awkward; he was always shy around the most beautiful girls in high school.
“I asked him but he didn’t give me an answer” Ashlee told the other little girl. It was a little weird because the other little girl looked exactly like Ashlee, it could have been her long lost twin. Though Ryan was with his sister throughout her whole pregnancy and he knows she only had one girl and not two, plus the little girl looked very much like her mother. “Hello I’m Ryan, Ashlee’s uncle” Ryan said first being a little brave. He’s always brave and tough, but when it comes to beautiful girls, he turns into mush. The lady smiled, it was the most beautiful smile he ever saw. It was big and bright and for some reason it made Ryan’s heart do a little flip, or so it felt. “Hi, I am Rosa and I would be Gingers mother” the women named Rosa said. She was still smiling. She had long curly light brown hair with a tint of red in it and Ginger had bright red curly hair, just like Ashlee’s. The name Ginger fit that little girl perfectly. They both had bright green eyes just like Ashlee’s. I guess you can say Ryan was amazed by their beauty.
Rosa and Ryan talked it through and decided to go for ice cream. There was a local ice cream shop down the road named ‘Cookies’ and the girls wouldn’t take no for an answer. They all decided to walk since it wasn’t that far and a little bit of walking was good for everyone. As the girls talked about…well whatever 7 year old girls talk about these days, Rosa started up a conversation with Ryan. He started to feel more comfortable and didn’t feel that awkward feeling anymore towards her. Rosa would laugh and always have a smile on her face while Ryan was talking. They connected very well. Like to magnets. Clicked together, just like that. Rosa was telling Ryan how she loves the peace and quiet and how it’s just her and Ginger at home, oh how it was very quiet at home since they live in the country, but even though they live out in the middle of nowhere– that doesn’t stop Rosa taking her daughter Ginger to the park every Saturday. She said it was a thing the like to do, it makes them spend time together and bond.
Ryan thought they were having a great conversation. He loved hearing all the stories Rosa would tell him as they sat at a wooden table eating ice cream. He just got plain vanilla Rosa got Oreo which was Ashlee’s favorite so she got the same thing and Ginger got cookie dough. The girls were in their own little world speed talking about some pop singer they love. Ryan and Rosa were still on the topic of country. They both loved country music. Rosa always dreamt of having a big white truck and cows in her hard. Ryan thought it was funny she wanted cows, though he wasn’t a big fan of them…Well that’s because one time when he was in grade school they went on a field trip to a farm, to learn about the animals and see how they farmers took care of them. When they showed the kids how to milk a cow Ryan wasn’t too lean about that. He thought it was gross and why someone would want to touch a cow there. The farmer picked him to try it out even though he didn’t want to, he knew he would never have the chance to try it again, and he wanted to make sure he wasn’t missing out on anything special about milking a cow. And after he was done he stepped back and asked how to make chocolate milk or how it was actually made. Well just as he stepped behind the cow one of the kids, a kid he didn’t like very much started laughing at him and pointed to the ground they all looked down and seen a cow had pooped on Ryan’s shoes and yelled “That’s how chocolate milk is made!” Ryan hated it and never liked cows before. After telling Rosa that story she was laughing her head off. She thought it was the funniest story she ever heard. Ryan was more than glad he can make her smile and laugh for that matter.
After they were done with their ice cream, Ryan decided it was time to take Ashlee back home to her mom, who should be off work. She wanted to take Ashlee to the park but her work called her in on an emergency. As the four walked back to the park, the girl stayed beside us and held our hands and kept thanking us for the yummy ice cream they oh so loved. Once to their cars the girls hugged each other like they were best friends. Ryan didn’t know if he would ever see Rosa again, but he knew he wanted to and Ryan only hoped Rosa would like to see him again too just as much as he would. They decided to swap numbers. This time it was Rosa who gave him her number first. Ryan said that they should meet up again maybe at the park so they girls and keep playing since they seem to really like each other. Before they got in the cars to go back home Ryan smiled at Rosa and said “Call anytime”
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My American Government teacher had us do a little fun writing assignment about anything at all..So I wrote this..Enjoy!