Status: Think about it. (slow progress, best progress)

Crazy Mind


‘Darling.’ My suburban type, old fashioned mother called me from the downstairs. I didn’t really feel like talking to her. I did my best to block her voice from my head, until she started to bang my door.

‘Fine, don’t break my door’ I yelled to her. The only response I got was a frustrated sigh. I shook my head against the pillow and threw the cover off my body. Getting up from the bed was a bit harder than I thought and I ended up face against the cold floor.

‘Fucking wonderful, absolutely wonderful.’ I stood up, releasing a sigh and sat on the edge of my bed, after I had scoped out few of my clothes, laying in the middle of my bedroom, I shook them out and sniffed them.

'Clean enough.' I giggled.

I had only managed to pull my shorts and a plain black bra on, when the huge urge of cigarette attacked, so I opened my balcony doors, ignoring the fact that I were almost naked and leaned on the railing. Chain smoking was my new hobby. I smoked more than I could count on my fingers a day, thanks for my friends.

'Amelie' I heard a high voice mumble, shaking me from my thoughts.

'fuck' i had dropped my cigarette on my feet, leaving a burn mark on the bare skin. It wasn't the first accidental cigarette burn mark on my feet. I was lucky enough to miss the peace sign tattoo I had, but it was surrounded, maybe I should start wearing shoes more often.

'Umm, yeah?' I picked the stick from the ground and took a last drag from it before distinguishing it into an empty coffee mug I had forgotten there. I skipped back inside, to my room and gave a weak smile to my mother.

‘You need to go to school.’ She carefully said and tried to smile. I nodded and drive her out of my room. I put the rest of the clothes on, which I earlier picked up from the floor. My hair was still on the fishtail braid from yesterday, so I let it be “untouched” and painted my face.

I've lost a part of me. Tell your friends to sharpen their teeth. There's a few quid to be made... And my soul's a sorry state. So come on down, you're empty lovers. Wolves come out of the woodwork. And the snakes start to sing. My phone sang, informing me about a new text-message. I reached over to my bedside table and grabbed the device.

From: Travis.
I’m taking you to school.

I nodded, which was kind of stupid, since Travis couldn't see me.


‘Hey Thomas’ One of our schools sluts bent over his desk, boobs hanging out in his face. Thomas looks up and sighs.

‘Hayley.’ Oh, that’s her name.

‘You maybe want to come to mine after school?’ Thomas sighed again and shook his head. She stood up and huffed.

‘Why?’ He looked up at her rolling his eyes.

‘I know what you want from me and I'm not giving it to you.’ Hayley’s jaw dropped. By the look on her face, she was about to start begging.

‘Tom said no, so stop whoring it up in his face’ Jay calmly said, ruffling his blond hair.

‘Faggot, you just want him to yourself.’ I saw how Jay tensed a bit. Thomas suddenly jumped up from his chair.

‘Don't talk to him like that, he is my best friend.’ Thomas said defending Jay, before leaning down and harshly pressing his lips to Jay’s. Fia, who was sitting in front of Thomas, started to clap.

‘What are you clapping for, slut.’ Hayley spat to Fia, but it didn’t make her stop clapping. Fia’s smile just grew bigger, but started to shrink as soon as Thomas and Jay stopped their make out session.

'Stop causing a scene. So what if Jay’s gay? He has more girls in line than any other guy in this fucking hell hole. Oh and it's your fault that Thomas doesn’t want you, it’s the price for being a whore.' I calmly said. Thomas and Jay sat there, mouth open wide like the rest of the class. I never really talked to anyone out of our little group. Hayley backed away, awkwardly.

Thomas turned around and smiled to me.

"What a whore." He, Jay and Fia said in sync. I just nod slowly as I hear the teacher walk in.
Travis, who was sitting right behind Jay and next to me, slid me a note.

that’s my bitch

I folded the note and put it in my bag. Travis stared me, clearly confused.

‘It’s going on my wall.’ I laughed.