Witch Hunters


After another long day of looking for clues as to where the witches were hiding or what they were planning, Lilly, Liam, and Harry thought they finally had a hit. Lilly’s gut told her that it probably wasn’t the case, but they couldn’t leave any stone unturned, so that night they headed out to the waterfall, ready to scope out the cavern they had been told was located behind the rushing water.

When they arrived at the falls, they each dropped their packs to the ground as they stood at the edge of the water and looked out it. It would be impossible to get to the cavern without getting soaked by the falls, so they knew they needed to leave as much as they could behind so they wouldn’t be weighed down.

Harry gripped tightly onto the book he used to chronicle their adventures, knowing he wouldn’t be able to take it with him. It would only get ruined by the water, and he couldn’t have that. As much as it hurt him, he set the book on the ground, hidden beneath his pack, and let out a sigh.

Without it, he felt naked, like he imagined Liam would feel if he would have been forced to leave behind his axe.

“We each need to bring a weapon,” Liam said, looking over at them with his axe in his hand. “Just in case. And take off your boots so they don’t get bogged down by the water.”

Lilly nodded and quickly slipped off her boots, while Harry did the same. She was suddenly very thankful that Harry had used his ointment on the back of her foot, because what would have become a blister was almost completely healed.

Although she was extremely nervous, Lilly bent down and reached for her own axe, which she yielded much less gracefully then Liam. Harry had his hand wrapped around a small dagger that Lilly wasn’t completely sure that he knew how to use.

Letting out a small chuckle, Lilly took a step forward, closer to the water. “No sense wasting time, I guess.”

She was the first one to dip her toes in the water and was pleased to find that it was fairly warm as opposed to the icy cold she expected. Her feet swishing through the water, she took several steps, until she was shin deep in the large pond. The waterfall still cascaded in front of her, and it caused a few e sot lap against her legs.

“Well, come on, then,” she called back to the boys, who quickly matched her movements and met her in the water. Simultaneously, they reached the place where the water hit their waists, and together, they dove into it, surfacing one at a time.

The water made Lilly’s hair a raving mess, but she didn’t pay it much attention and simply began swimming towards the falls, with the boys quickly catching up.

When they reached the edge of the falls, Lilly no longer knew what to do, so like she always did, she looked to Liam for guidance. He swam over to the rocky edge to the left of the falls and gripped onto a few of the pieces that jutted out. Lilly and Harry simply watched, kicking their feet beneath them, as Liam climbed up the rocks one by one.

Once his full body had exited the water, he turned back to Lilly, smirking at her. “Well, come on, then.”

She rolled his eyes at his mockery, chuckling as she swam to the place where he had begun his climb. She didn’t realize that Harry had followed her over, but she was thankful he was there when he pointed to a rock just above her head.

“Grab that one,” he said, his finger aimed at the rock.

Lilly lifted her arm, but she couldn’t quite reach it, no matter how much she stretched. Harry’s arms pressed against her hips, and he lifted her up just enough that she could reach the rock, despite the fact that he was weighed down by the water.

Harry’s fingers meeting her skin startled Lilly, and it took her a moment to gain her composure before she could reach the rock again. It wasn’t that Lilly didn’t want Harry touching her or even that they had never touched before; it was that she couldn’t remember a time he’d pressed his hands against her so tightly. It was so close to being something intimate that it almost left Lilly breathless, but she forced herself to ignore it and focus on the task in front of her.

Once she had reached the first rock, the rest was easy. She almost made it to the spot where Liam had slipped behind the falls when he poked his head back out again.

“It’s nothing,” Liam said, letting out a small sigh. “There’s nothing there.”

“You went without us?” Lilly questioned, still gripping tightly onto the rock. Liam responded by letting go of the rock and dropping down into the water with a splash, sinking below the surface.

Lilly couldn’t help but let out a groan, just because Liam was always doing things like that without her. They were supposed to be a team. They were supposed to be hunting witches together, but there was something on Liam’s mind that wouldn’t let Liam work as a team. Lilly had no clue what that thing was, but she was willing to bet it had something to do with the far off look in his eyes.