

Shaun of the dead:
Shaun is just an everyday man, wakes up, goes to work, comes home, repeat. With his best friend,Ed (played by nick frost) creating tension between Shaun's housemate pete and his relationship with liz on the rocks he doesn't know where to go from here, and I don't think a zombie apocalypse would help...
An uprising of zombies have appeared over night and Shaun and Ed decide that the safest place they know is the Winchester(the local pub) and they plan to collect Shaun's mother, Barbara, kill Phillip(Shaun's stepfather who has been bitten by a zombie) then collect Liz, and her flatmates.
After getting a nice acting lesson on the "zombie basics" they stumble their way through the crowd of zombies, but suddenly the zombies are alerted and shaun has to distract them while the others enter the pub where they decided to wait.
Shaun then slips through the back door and joins the others.
After several hours, the zombies return. Ed gives away their position and the zombies converge on the pub.
Shaun then finds a rifle above the bar, which is supposedly out of ammo, but too their Surprise it is loaded and they are ready to fight off the zombies.
I will not give away much of the ending but I will say some of the characters do die, but who is the question.
I personally love this film as it is a spoof on one of my favourite horror films "dawn of the dead", zombies and comedy are a great mix and this film deffo makes me laugh... I would recommend this film for 14+, though it is rated a 15 I think that is for the amount of violence in this film.