Status: May be a work in progress. Depends on the mood.

Periphery - A Collection of Free Verse


press your wrists against my face and hold my eyes closed. brush your fingertips across my silky lashes and press them against my cheeks. our love will be blind.

though i can't see you, i know you're always there; we are sutured together, our hearts beating to the wings of the hummingbirds of the bell-clear morning outside thin-paned windows.

your voice was the soundtrack of my summer, trapped constellations throbbing behind your lips as my name tumbled from them. you were my sickeningly sweet overdose.

the haze above the street signs glared down on our heads as your car carved through the hills. and suddenly our eyes flew open. we could see one another.

as we rounded the frozen periphery, your footsteps quieted to nothing but lilac dust swept up by the wind.

what a lovely tragedy we turned out to be, a collective of rose-scented stars buried beneath the hollows of my shivering collarbones. this is our happy ending here.