Heels Over Head


"Oh my fucking God!" I screamed unlocking the door to my car, and opening the center console.

I took my cell phone out, and dialed a number staring at the shattered glass of my windsheild.

"That fucking bitch is going to die." I said between gritted teeth.

"Hey, you've reached Gerard. Leave a message-" The answering machine said before I hung up.

Johnny stared at the car, not knowing what to do. The whole situation was confusing him. He had no clue how to deal with the car, her, and myself.

I paced on the side walk for a minute before reaching back into my car, and pulling out the black pants. I put my sneakers on, and started walking away.

"Tarrah... Tarrah, where are you going?" Johnny called after me.

"To beat the bitches fucking face in!" I said walking down the street.

I stopped a couple feet later, and turned back to see Johnny leaning in my black car with his head resting in his palms.

I walked back to him, and sighed.

"Fine I won't do anything. But I am calling the police to report her." I sighed wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I don't know what she was thinking." He sighed. "Come on. I'll take you to my apartment. I have beer, whine, aand food." He said starting to walk me away form the car, my cellphone in hand.

"Wait." I said "I have to report her."

Five minutes later, we were on the way to the police station... I could have used a drink right about then.

After the police questioned us, we went to Johnnys apartment.

"Have you ever tried a shot of Goldrush?" He asked.

"No. What's that?" I asked.

"It's liquor with flakes of gold in it." He explained.

"Ohh! Yeah Gimmie some of that!" I said setting my glass of cromson port wine down on the counter, and taking the shot glass in my hand.

About three hours later at around eight thirty, Gerard called me back.

"Hello?" I slurred.

"Tarrah? Are you drunk?" He asked.

"No! Never! Guess what Gee!" I laughed.

"What?" He sighed.

"Some bitch fucking smashed my car! I almost beat her face in.. But then didn't." I slurred, stumbling around Johnny's apartment.

"Yeah, well, Tarrah call me when you're not so drunk." He said hanging up.

I held the phone in front of me, and looked at it.

"Mother fucker! He fucking hung upon me!" I exclaimed.

Johnny came over to me smiling. He was holing two glasses of wine in his hands, and came over to me.

"Well, nevermind whoever that was. Lets head to bed." Johnny said, taking the phone out of my hands, throwing it on the couch, and handing me the wine.

"Sounds like a good idea." I said sipping the wine, and feeling his arm snake around my waist.

I was still in my bathing suit, so I stripped down to that... after a lot of harcore making out.

I may be drunk, but I still know what I'm doing.

I passed out at ten on Johnnys comfortable bed.

The next morning would be hell. And Gerard wouldn't make it any better.