Heels Over Head


"So whats eating at you?" Allana asked, as we were about half way through our run.

"I'm not quite sure." I said, as we slowed to a jog.

"Does it have to do with Johnny?" She asked.

"Um, well... Yeah." I said.

"What about him? Why are you so... bleh?"

"I don't know. I'm kind of nervous about this whole 'I'm going on tour, see you when I get home' thing. And he wants me to go to thanksgiving at his parents house." I explained.

"Ahaaa. Well, about the tour thing, don't worry about it. He calls all the time, and about thanksgiving? Don't worry about it. His parents will adore you! Its not like they're going to murder him for dating you either.
He's only like 21 himself, so." Allana explained.

"True. But I have the right to be nervous!" I laughed.

"True. I was so nervous when I met Zacks parents."

"Oh." I paused for a minute. "We should stop here, and swim for a while." I said.

"Good idea. I'm sweating like a fucking pig." She laughed.

We put our stuff on the dry sand, and ran towards the water.

After about twenty mintues of splashing around, and talking everything about the tour, and thanksgiving out, we got our clothes, an sneakers, then walked back to Johnnys car.

"So, are you going to talk to Johnny about it?" Allana asked.

"I think so. Probably on the way to his parents house." I said, as she got in the drivers seat, and I got in the passengers seat.

Allana sighed. "I feared that would be the answer."

"Oh shut up." I laughed.

We got to the house about twenty minutes later, and I walked into the livingroom immidiately.

"Ready to go, Johnny?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said getting up. "See you later Zack."

"Bye Zacky." I said waving. He waved back.

"Hey, Tarrah!" Allana called from the stairs.

I looked up at her. "Sup?" I asked.

She threw my jeans, flip flops, and work shirt at me.

"You can give me my stuff back after you wash them." She smirked.

"Okay." I said gathering my things that fell at the bottom of the stairs.

Johnny, and I drove to my apartment.

"I think that I'm going to get something to eat, take a shower, then go to bed." I yawned as we entered the small apartment.

"Sounds good to me. I think I might join you on that shower though." He smiled.

"Awesome possum." I said taking a pot out of the cupboard, and putting water in for pasta.

After I ate, I sat on Johnny's knees while he finished.

I rested my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes.

I was almost asleep when he squeezed my side.

"Come on. Lets shower." He said.

I nodded, and stood up.

Johnny put his bowl in the sink, and he lead me to the shower.

It wasn't a long one, but I felt a lot cleaner, and my skin didn't feel so tight from the salt anymore either.

"Baby do you mind if I keep the light on so I can pack?" Johnny asked after I'd gotten my pajamas on, brushed my teeth and hair, and covered up with the comforter.

"No problem." I said closing my eyes as he turned the lamp on the bedside table on.

I didn't fall asleep, but I was on the edge of falling asleep.

Johnny crawled into bed, and wrapped his arms around me carefully wrapped his arms around me as if not to wake me.

"I'm not asleep, lover-face." I whispered.

He laughed as well, and I cuddled up closer to him.


"Okay, so I'll call you as soon as possible, okay?" Johnny said.

"Okay. I love you Johnny." I said kissing him.

"Love you too." He said kissing back, and walking over to the white van.

Val, Michelle, Allana, Helena and I stood in front of Matt and Vals house as we saw the boys off.

Kat couldn't make it. She was way too sick.

"Bye guys! See yah!" We all yelled waving as they drove off.

"So... Anyone want a wine cooler, and go to the beach?" Val asked.

We all cheered, and walked inside.

I got a strawberry daquerie wine cooler, and opened it.

"Tarrah, hurry up, and drink that. We can't go anywhere with you drinking that." Helena laughed.

"Whatever. I think I'm going to go home, and study while I have a free minute anyway." I laughed.

"Okay. Well, then hop in the car, and I'll drive you to..." Val trailed of, setting her wine cooler down, and attempting to put her short hair up.

"Johnnys I suppose." I said.

"Okay. Lets go then." She said picking up the wine cooler, and leading me out.

"See you guys later. Come over whenever." I said waving as I walked.

This should be an interesting two weeks.