Heels Over Head


"Tarrah, come on. Come hang out with us!" Allana exclaimed jumping around my living room.

"Allana! No more alcohol for you!" I laughed.

"I haven't had any... well I had a shot." She smirked.

"Let me go get dressed." I said. "Thank you... for waking me up." I said looking at the four girls standing in my living room.

"No problem." Helena smiled.

"So what time is it?" I asked.

"Its around noon." Val said.

"Oh. Well what are we doing today?"

"Not sure." Michelle answered.

"You're helpful." I mumbled.

I put on a pair of black shorts, and a sort of tight Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt.

I put my lime green flipflops on, and walked out to the living room, taking the black elastic on my wrist off, and putting my hair up.

Do I have time to at least get an orange so I can eat in in the car?" I asked, grinning.

"Sure." Allana said.

"So what were you ladies at least THINKING about doing today?" I asked.

"Saving you from studying." Allana said casually.

"Thank you. But I am done studying."

"FINALLY! You've been a little hermit all week!" Helena laughed.

"Sorry. I got a free minute. And really, it only took me a week because Johnny wouldn't shut upo on the phone, and wouldn't stop calling." I laughed. "He was worried about Laurie coming around."

"Oh please. With your eastie hot head? You'd curbstomp her ass before she could even hurt you!" Helena laughed.

"You try to tell him tha-" My phone rang.

I sighed loudly.


"Hi babe." It was Johnny.

"Hello love." I said smiling a little. I really did love the sound of his voice.

"How are you?"

"Good. About to go out with the girlies. Call you later okay baby?" I asked.

"Sure. I love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up, and sighed. "Ready?" I asked, peeling the orange, and setting the peels on the coffee table.

"Yep. Lets go." Allana said walking out first.

Michelle had Brians hummer, so we all got into that.

"Lets go to LA for the day." Val suggested.

"Are you insane? That will take forever." Helena sighed.

"Fine. Where are we going then?" Michelle asked.

"My parents own a beach house. Lets go there for the day. Its got a private beach too." Allana squeaked.

"Okay. Where is that again?" Michelle asked.

"Newport Beach." Allana said.

"Thats right!" Michelle laughed.

We all jammed out, and totally trashed the hummer by the time we got there.

No one was there, so we ran inside, and Helena went straight for the alcohol cabinet.

We all stripped down to our undergarments for lack of bathing suits. Thankfully no one was wearing a thong.

I layed out on my towel, a bottle of cold Jacks next to me.

This felt so nice. Just to relax, and talk with my friends.

It was cool to say "my friends". I never really had friends. Sure, my brothers, and their band were my "friends" but I never really had any friends that were girls.

I was falling asleep on my towel when I got a freezing cold rush on my face.

Allana, and Michelle were falling to the ground in fits of giggles, Michelle holding a bucket.

"You two are such hoes!"I screamed.

Helena, and Val tried not to giggle but it didn't work out.

I ended up gettting them back with ice later.

I got to my apartment around two the next morning, but only to get clothes. We were going back to Newport Beach to stay there for the rest of the week.

This should be very interesting.

"Tonight is our last night here!" Val said.

We should sleep on the beach." Helena suggested. "Have a fire, and stuff tonight. Finish off the rest of the liquor, and then head out tomorrow." She laughed as we all sat around the livingroom.

"Sounds fun." I said.

"Yeah... but we need stuff for grilling, and we need smores stuff. Who is going to the store with me?" Val asked.

No one spoke, so I decided to. "I'll go." I said standing up. "Let me go get dressed, and we can head out."

While we were getting the smores Val kept looking over at me.

"What?!" I asked.

"Johnny called me yesterday. He said his parents can't wait to meet you." She smirked.

I dropped the box of grahm crackers.

"Woah!" I said picking them up.

"Its fine. You'll be fine." She said, patting my shoulder. "He can't wait for them to meet you either sweetie." She said.

"Whatever you say."


"You're such a marshmellow hoe!" I yelled at Allana as she stole the bag from me.

We all laughed, joked, and well... DRANK!

The next morning we made sure we had everyting, and drove back to Huntington to meet the boys when they got home.

I'm sure we were going to be looking better rested then they were.

We waited in Rev, and Lena's house for them to get there.

"I'm home!" Jimmy screamed in the wierdest voice possible.

"Baby!" The five of us screamed, and ran to our boys.

No one stuck around long. We all went home to cuddle with our boys, and pack our things for thanksgiving.