Heels Over Head


The people here are really nice... And they let you into local bars! You have to be twenty-one to get in at home. I can't drink, but sometimes, someone will buy me a friuty little something, thinking they're going to get lucky. It never happens though.

I usually sit at the bar, drink soda, talk to the bar tender, and work on my school stuff.

"So, Carey, do you know where, and or when there are any concerts are?" I asked, sipping the sprite in front of me, and putting my school work in the shoulder bag next to me.

"Well, there's a band that used to come in here, and write their songs. They're from Huntington. The band is called Avenged Sevenfold. About your age. My daughter listens to them. She's ging." He said. "I hate to bring her to it. I'm not into that shit."

"Really?! I'll take her." I offered, looking up, and biting my lip.

"Would you? It's that screamy shit. I can't stand it." Carey said shaking his head, and chucking slightly.

"No problem. What time should I pick, uh..." I paused.

"Katlynne. The concert is friday. Ir starts at five, but she said she want's to get there early."

"The earlier the better. My brothers back in Jersey are in a band." I smiled.

"Thank you so much. You saved me a week long head ache.

"No problem See you Thurday, same time?" I asked placing a twenty on the bar.

"Same place." Carey said, about to get the ten dollars for my change, but I started to walk away.

"What about your change?"

"Give it to Katlynne." I said, walking out of the bar, and to my car.

Awe man... it's only Teusday."

Thursday afternoon, I called Carey, and since I had no classes that day he invited me over to meet "Kat" as she liked to be called.

She was a pretty cool sixteen year old. I couldn't wait now.


Today was the day of the, um, Avenged Sevenfold concert. The name was so familiar, but I had no clue why.

I had class today from eight to eleven. It was six now, so I needed to get my ass on the road.

When I took my cellphone off the charger, I noticed that I had a missed call. At five-thirty in the morning?

It ended up being Kat on her cell.

"Hey Tarrah, it's Kat. I know it's early, but I'm on my way to school now. Lets meet for lunch by the pier, then go to your place to get ready, at the venue by around two? Sound good? Test me back okay? Bye."

I texed Kat, and told her to look for me on the beach on either side of the pier, and that it was okay with me, as long as she didn't get into trouble.

My class went by fast for once, and before I knew it, I was reading a book in the sand on the beach, waiting for Kat.

"Tarrah!" I heard someone yell.

I looked up to see a girl of sixteen running over to me, her long black hair behind her in a messy bun, her bangs in her eyes.

I stood up, and brushed the sand off me.

"Hey Kat." I said when she got over to me.

"Hey. I had a salad at school, so I'm not that hungry." She said.

"Me neither." I said. "We can spilt some fries though." I offered.

"Sounds good." Kat said, as I slid on my green flip-flops, and we walked up to the snack shack.

We walked to my car, and went to my apartment.

I don't think either of us could wait until the concert.