Heels Over Head


"So whats this about not even your brothers meeting this boyfriend of yours?" Mom asked.

"I had just started dating him. I didn't need him to be scared." I explained.


"Ma! You you know how Gee and Mikes can be." I said.

"Yes well..." she trailed off.

We talked for another twenty minutes about how much we missed each other, and how we couldn't wait to see each other.

"Okay mom. I'll see you next week." I sighed.

"Oh, would you make sure to send me some pictures of what its like in huntington. You have yet to show me, little miss." My mother said, chuckling softly. I heard a crash in the background. "Michael! What the hell are you doing?!" She yelled.

I giggled.

"Tarrah, dear, I'm going to have to talk to you later. Your brother is not thinking clearly." She sighed.

"Which one." I smirked.

"I love you dear. Bye bye." She said.

"I love you too." I said closing the cellphone, and resting my head on the back of the couch.

"Three more days huh?" Johnny asked.

I nodded. Only three days until I got on a plane to go back to Jersey for a week.

"Lets go to the mall on Saturday." Johnny said sitting next to me.

"Thats the day before I leave. It sounds like a wonderful idea." I said kissing his lips. "For now lets go get food. I'm hungry." I said getting my sneakers on, and waiting for Johnny.


I answered my cellphone as Johnny was driving us home from the Olive Garden.

It was Zacky and Allana's home phone.

"Hello." I said answering.

"Hello, Tar-bear!" Allana said.

"Hey Lana. Whats up?"

"Nothing. We're having an Avenged Sevenfold christmas party at the house tomorrow afternoon because you're leaving Sunday. I just thought you should know. You might want to call in sick tomorrow." Allana laughed.

"Yeah! Cause Allana and I are taking you somewhere for your christmas present!" Zacky yelled.

"Shit. Thats awesome. I'll definately call in sick tomorrow. I'll talk to you later though. I just got home from dinner with Johnny."

"Aww. Okay. I'll talk to you later." Allana said.

We both hung up, and I looked at Johnny who was about to get out of the car.

"We have to go to christmas shopping babe. The christmas party is tomorrow." I said.

Johnny sighed. "Well I suppose we better get going. its seven thirty. Malls close at nine."

Johnny started the car again, and we headed for the mall.

After hitting most of the stores, the mall announced its closing.

We bought wrapping and tissue paper along with gift boxes at the 24 hour Walgreens.

"Okay so lets wrap this shit up, and go to bed." I yawned, sitting on the floor of my livingroom.

Johnny nodded, and sat in front of me.

Wrapping took longer than expected. Johnny couldn't figure out how to put the tissue paper in so it looked pretty.

"Babe, you're not doing it right." I laughed taking the box with Val and Matts gift inside, and fixing it.

Johnny crumpled a sheet up, and threw it at me.

"Don't be jealous because you can't do it." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

We finished at around ten thirty, and changed into pajamas.


"Tarrah! Johnny!" Helena screeched running over to us, and attacking me with hugs. "Don't leave me!" She laughed.

"Aww, Helena, don't be sad. I'll miss you lots." I said hugging her back.

I had Jimmy, and Johnny bring the gifts in while Helena and I walked through the over crowded driveway to get to the house. Not only were the band, the girlfriends, and all thier parents here, but the Berrys parents, and their girlfriends parents were there. It was going to be a full house.


"Okay, kids first!" Mr. Haner yelled over everyone.

"James Sullivan! Stop messing around, and stand next to Helena for the picture!" Maria, Jimmy's mom, yelled.

Jimmy obeyed and stood next to Johnny and I, Helena next to him.

All the boys put their arms around their girls, and we all smiled.

There were about twenty flashes, and we all covered our faces.

A chorus of "ouch!" and "what the fuck mah!" was heard from everyone.

Then it was time for family pictures, couple pictures... you get the idea right?

We got through the pictures, and sat around in the living room to exchange gifts. It was around eleven thirty in the morning now.

"Hahaha! Any piercing I want huh?" I smirked looking up at Zack, and Allana.

"You should get a septum like me!" Zack exclaimed.

"You'd look hot with a septum." Johnny said resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Who knows. We'll find out when we get there." I said, kissing Johnny's cheek.

At around one in the afternoon, everyone was gone from Zack and Allana's, accept Johnny and I.

"C'mon. I wanna change before we go get this piercing thing done." I said tugging on my dress.

"Yeah yeah. You will." Allana said.

She was now in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a pair of converse on.

I on the other hand was still in stilettos and my red dress.

"You're such a hoe." I laughed. "Me and Johnny will meet you at the piercing place in a half an hour okay? Let me go home and change!" I sighed.

"No! Johnny can't go! Its a surprise for him. He's not gonna know what you're going to get until you already have it." Zack said.

"Ugh. Can't you come pick me up in a half an hour then?" I asked.

"Fine." Zack said crossing his arms. "I would rather you suffer, and help us clean but fine." He sighed.

"Don't listen to him Tarrah. Just go. We'll be there in a half an hour." Allana said kicking Zacks butt.

I hugged the both of them, and Johnny and I walked out hand in hand.

"So what are you getting?" Johnny asked as he backed out of the now empty driveway.