Heels Over Head


"A septum, huh?" The guy piercing my nose said, as I sat in the chair.

"Uh-huh. It's all his idea." I said nodding my head to the left where Zacky was standing. He was there to hold my hand (Allana was off paying the cell phone bill) because there was no way that I was going to do this alone!

"Yeah. And you're getting the other side of your lip done next time." Zacky said.

"Why? Then we'll be twins with our piercings." I sighed.

"Because I said so." Zacky mumbled.

"Aren't you a demanding boyfriend" The piercing guy laughed.

"WOAH!" Zacky and I exclaimed in unison, giving the guy a wierd look.

"He's not my boyfriend. My boyfriend is waiting at my apartment. Zacky is a brother." O said. "Plus his girlfriend should be here soon."

"Sure." The guy said.

"Dude, trust me. I wouldn't date Tarrah if my life depended on it. Not my type." Zacky laughed.

It took about twenty minutes, and me almost breaking Zacky's hand, before I had the ring in my nose.

Allana walked in while we were paying.

"My nose is just as big as yours now!" I said glaring over at him.

Allana giggled, and kissed Zakys nose. "I love your nose, babe." She said as Zacky pouted. "The septum looks amazing by the way." She said to me.

"Thanks. But my nose hurts. How long does it stay swollen for anyway?" I asked.

"A day or so." Zacky said as we walked out of the shop.

Oh joy. My brothers should have such a fun time picking on me now.


"Johnny! I'm home!" I called through the apartment.

Johnny came out of the kitchen, and I smiled.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"I love it." He said kissing me.

I sighed. "I have to send pictures to my mom before she wigs out." I said getting my laptop, camera, and camera cord.

I took my cell phone out as well, and snapped a picture of myself, then sent it to Mikey, Gerard, Frankie, Bob, and Ray.

In no less than five minutes I had five text messanges, and my mom was calling.

I stifled a laugh as I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Tarrah Jayde Way! What in the world is in your nose?!" She asked... well screamed.

"Its a septum piercing, mommy. You don't like it?"

"I don't believe you! You said that your lip was the last one!"

"But Ma! Zacky and Allana got it for me for christmas." I said pouting.

"Who in sam hell are they?" Mom asked.

"Friends of mine. I'm sending you pictures of Huntington now. I love you. Bye."

"We're talking about that piercing as soon as you get home." Mom said, then hung up.

"Oops." I siad trying not to laugh as I hung up the phone.

I answered the text messages, and sent the pictures, then turned the tv on.

"Babe, do you wanna go swimming? I'm bored." I sighed.

Johnny placed a bowl of fruit in front of me.

I grabbed a handful of berries and plopped them in my mouth one by one.

"I'm not sure you should swim just yet." Johnny said.

"Maybe not. I have to go pack for Jersey. I'm sure its freazing." I said standing up.

It was about an hour later when Johnny came in.

"Tar, you have mail." He said handing me an envelope.

"Of course I do." I sighed taking the envelope from him. It was a ticket master envelope. "I didn't order anything from ticket master." I said looking up at Johnny with an eyebrow raised.

"Just open it." Johnny said.

"Holy hell!" I exclaimed. It was two tickets to the HIM show that started in about two hours.