Heels Over Head


I'm sorry I couldn't come to Jersey with you, but you and I both know very well that my mom would flip if I missed christmas. She flipped out last year because I was on tour over christmas. But whatever.
Its going to be wierd without you here.
I hope you have fun though. I'll be sending you a present over so you can open it on christmas.
I love you.

I smiled again for the thousandth time. I only had two hours until I landed, and then another half hour until I go to mom and dads.

I couldn't wait to call Johnny and thank him. I thought about sending hims a text message, but dismissed it when I realized I had no service.


"Tarrah!" I heard someone yell behind me as I waited for my family, and the rest of the boys in My Chem.

Before I turned around, I was attacked to the ground. "Oof." I said, landing on the ground.

"You're finally home!" Frankie said hugging me.

"Oh jeez." I said. "Frankie, get off me!" I exclaimed.

"Psh. Ruin a good moment." Frankie grumbled.

"Gee-Mikes-Bob-Ray-Mommy-and-Daddy!" I exclaimed, turning and running to them.

"Oh! I see how it is. You didn't even miss me?!" Frankie asked.

"I did. But I haven't been attacked by them... yet." I said running over to everyone else, and then being attacked with hugs, kisses, and 'Oh my god! Your nose!' comments.

"Do you like it?" I asked everyone, and pointing to the silver hoop in my nose.

"No." Mom said bluntly.

I sighed. "Why not, mum?" I asked.

"I don't know. I just don't." She sighed.

I shrugged, and attempted leane on Ray's shoulder.

"Y'know, you're really way too tall to do this." I said.

"No, you're just too short." He laughed.

I glared at him, and lightly kicked his shin. "Loser." I mumbled, then stuck my tongue out at him.

"Tarrah, you have your things right?" Dad asked.

"Yeah. Can we leave now?" I asked.

Gerard laughed. "Why?" He asked.

"I don't know. I just wanna go home. I wanna go to bed too. Its like ten o'clock, stupid." I said pushing him slightly.

"Oh, you did not just go there." Gerard said pushing me back with the same force.

"I went there." I said giving a fake glare.

Gerard fake glared back and Mikey piped up.

"Oh no! Cat fight!" He exclaimed.

I burst out laughing, but Gerard found it less than funny.

"Shut up." He grumbled crossing his arms.

"Oh don't be a baby, Gee." I said hugging him.

In turn he pinched my side, making me squeal.

I scoffed, and pulled away. "Don't be a loser either." I laughed.

"Okay, well lets not just stand here and make a scene. I have to get to Rays and make sure I'mm all packed. I leave for Chicago tomorrow." Bob said.

"Aww. Bob! No way, thats not fair! I haven't seen you in months! You can't leave tomorrow!" I said frowning.

"T, tomorrow is the twenty-third. I have to be home for christmas too y'know." He said.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I said sighing. "Make sure you stop by tomorrow before you leave!" I said, as we all left the Newark airport.

"Better yet, since I am taking a red eye home, then we can hang out tomorrow." Bob said.

"Wee!" I said, handing mikey mt suitcase. "Frankie, can I have a piggy-back ride to the car?" I asked.

"Sure" He said.

I jumped on Frankies back, and took in a deep breath of the polluted east coast air.

It's so good to be home I thought.

--Johnny's POV--
I was on the way to my parents house. My mom called, and said that she needed me to come help with housework before christmas. I only agreed, hoping that it would take my mind off Tarrah.

When I got there she stood on the porch with an envelope in her hands, a smile plastered on her face.