Heels Over Head


I got out of my car, and walked up onto the porch where she was standing.

"Um, whats up mom?" I asked.

"Jonathan, I want you to be happy. So for christmas, your father and I, not to mention her parents, all pitched in to buy you a ticket to New Jersey to spend christmas with Tarrah. I know how much you love her." She said handing me the thick envelope.

Dad came out of the house, and smiled.

"Holy shit! Thank you guys so much!" I said hugging them.

"She's a good pick Johnny. I'm proud of you." Dad said. He cleared his throat. "Now what are you waiting for. You leave on Christmas Eve. Hurry and pack." He said, motioning to my car.

I turned to my car after saying thank you one more time, and peeled out of the driveway. This was so amazing. I couldn't wait to see Tarrahs beautiful face. Oh man. There was going to be so much snow in Jersey I'm sure. It's going to be so cold!

Note to self; Pack warm.

---------Tarrahs Point Of View----------

I tossed and turned on the tiny twin sized bed in the closet sized room I used to call mine. How I had lived in here for eighteen years, I had no clue. There were no arms wrapped around me. Instead I wrapped the blankets around me tight to make it feel a little more like someone was holding me, but it didn't work. Not only did I know there was no one with me, but I didn't feel the moving of someones chest while they breathed.

I looked over at the clock; Its three AM. I've been tossing and turning since midnight! I need sleep.

The little imaginary lightbulb above my head turned on as I got an idea.

I flung the batman sheets, and comforter off of my thin body, and walked to my bedroom door. I opened it, and cool air hit my skin. I shivered a little. I forgot how cold it was here compared to Huntington. I was wearing a pair of gray short shorts, and a tank top. How smart of me.

I crept down the hallway to Mikeys room. I used to do this all the time. Gerard didn't like it if he was woken up when he didn't have to be awake, so I never really bothered unless I heard noise from his room. But normally I would go to Mikey. When I was really little it was because I was scared of something, but as I got older it turned into a talking time for us. If anything was eating at me enough to keep awake, I would sneak to Mikeys room.

Mikeys door creaked a little as I pushed it open, and again when I closed it. I walked over to his bed.

"Mikey... Mikes." I whispered, kneeking down by his bed.

He opened his eyes, and rubbed. "Tarrah? What's the matter?" Mikey asked sitting up.

"I can't sleep." I sughed, resting my chin on the edge of the matress.

"How come?"

"Because I'm all alone in my bed, and I haven't for a while now. I can't sleep without someone next to me." I explained.

Mikey smiled, and moved over. "Well baby sis, why don't you sleep in here." Mikey said.

I smiled as well, and got under the covers with my brother. I was so exausted I fell asleep almost instantly.

"T, wake up." I heard someone say.

I mumbled various swears before looking up to see Bob standing there.

"Morning sleepy. Get dressed, and lets go out. Its like nine thirty now." He said.

"Fine, fine." I said standing up and following him out of the room.

I walked into my room, and got a pair of black skinny jeans, a strapless white with black polka dots, and a black studded belt out, as well as my undergarments, and walked into the bathroom. I showered quickly, and got myself ready.

I walked into the kitchen, and sat down at the table next to dad. "Morning Daddy-o." I said kissing his cheek.

"Good morning sweetheart." He said smiling as he read his paper.

Mom set a cup of coffee down in front of me, and I thanked her.

She sat across from me smiling. "Tarrah, a package came for you." She said, nodding her head to the box on the counter. "I do believe its from your boyfriend."

"Johnny!" I exclaimed.

I still had to call him. But it was too early now.

Mom laughed, and a tired looking Gerard emerged from the hallway. "Morning!" He yelled, a smile plastered on his face as well. He poured coffee into a mug, and lit a cigarette.

"Hurry up and get ready fat ass! Ray should be back here any minute." Frank exclaimed walking into the kitchen as well, fully dressed and ready to go.

"Ah! You're up before noon?! What is going on here?" I joked.

Frank turned to me and rolled his eyes. "Shut up. I get up before noon... sometimes."


We all said our goodbyes to Bob. It was around eleven thirty at night, and he was about to get on his plane.

"I had an amazing time today Bobby! See you later!" I exclaimed hugging him.

"Again, please don't call me that." He chuckled.

He left about five minutes later, and then everyone looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." Frankie said, turning and walking away.

Everyone else followed.

"Hey guys wait... what's going on?!" I asked, running after them.

This is what Tarrah Looks like. I know it doesn't really resemble the Way brothers but...