Heels Over Head


"So," Eliza said taking a sip of the coffee in front of her, "How do you like California?" She asked.

"I love it. I've made amazing friends, and I love it, but I do miss you guys here in Jersey." I said smiling, and leaning my head on Johnny's shoulder.

"Well, we miss you too." Jamia smiled.

We sat in the resteraunt, and talked until they were starting to serve lunch... which we got while we were there.

Johnny seemed to really like them, and everyone seemed to like Johnny. I was so glad they did! I was afraid they weren't going to like him, and I would get the lecture from everyone about how he treats me. But I didn't. Lets just hope I don't end up losing him.

"Okay, well I guess I'll see you all tomorrow for Christmas dinner, or before then." I said hugging Ray, and Krista first.

"Most definately!" Jamia said hugging me next. I hugged Frank, and Alicia next, and put my thick wool coat on.

"My family is joining yours this year for Christmas, so I'll see you bright and early my friend." Frankie snickered.

"Oh jeez. I can't wait." I sighed, rolling my eyes. I was just kidding though. I really couldn't wait. I remember when we were all a lot younger. Frank would come over on Christmas with his family, and we would all open presents together. Sometimes we went to the Iero house hold, and had dinner over there I loved it all.

Gee, Mikes, Johnny, and I piled into Gee's car, and carefully drove home. The weather was getting really bad.


"Tarrah, come on dear. Let's go. We have to hurry." Mom sighed, knocking on the bedroom door.

"Coming!" I said slipping on my red stilettos that matched the red satin dress I was wearing. It was the same one that I wore to the Avenged Christmas party. With all this ice, I was destined to fall down.

I looked over at Johnny who was putting a red tie on. "Babe, make it white. It looks better I think." I said tossing him the white tie off the floor.

We were headed to the catholic church for the Christmas Eve service. I can't ever remember skipping one. We always went. No matter what, no ifs ands or buts.

Johnny put the white tie on, and walked over to me. "Ready?" He asked.

I nodded. "The question is, are you ready for this?" I asked, giggling slightly. He had yet to meet my aunts, uncles, and grandparents on both sides.

"Definately. I couldn't be more ready." He said kissing me. We were at equal height now.

"Come on, lets go before Ma has a heart attack." I smirked, opening my bedroom door, and walking out.

Gerard was dressed in a suit with a red tie, and red shoes. "What the fuck Gee! I want to be the only one in our family wearing red shoes!" I sighed, play glaring at him.

"Well get over it. These are the shoes I'm wearing." He said, sticking his tongue out at me.

"The both of you stop it." Mom sighed, putting her coat on. I put my wool coat on, and looked over at Mikey. He was wearing a pair of black dress pants and a black shirt. He never liked wearing a tie, so He was just in all black. "Michael, and Gerard! You look like you're going to a funeral!" Mom exclaimed, as she watched them put on their coats.

Gee shrugged, and proceeded out the door, his hair still a wreck. She shook her hand and laughed.

Johnny put his coat on, and we followed out after dad. I made sure the door was locked, and headed towards Gerard's car. Getting up the icy steps of the church should be such a sight to see.

When we got there it was ten fourty-five. Fifteen minutes until the Christmas Eve service started. I really couldn't wait to see all mine, Franks, and Rays families. I hadn't seen them since graduation. Especially Grandma Elena. She was quite amazing.

Going up the stairs was just as I imagined. Extremely tough. I had Johnny to help me though.

Once I got inside, I was attacked by Alicia... again. "Tarrah! I haven't seen you in hours!" She laughed.

"I know, right?! Its such a long time!" I took my jacket off, and put it on a coat hanger, hung it up, and laced fingers with Johnny when he was finished putting his coat away.

"Come on! Everyone wants to see you!" She said taking my arm, and pulling Johnny and I to the sanctuary.

I got tons of hugs, and I miss you's fot the millionth time. Franks and Rays parents were overjoyed to see me. I was like a daughter to them.

The clock struck ten fifty-nine, and everyone was scrambling to find seats.

The sermon started at exactly eleven o'clock. I was sitting in the fifth pew from the front, wedged in between Gerard, and Johnny.

This was going to be an interesting Christmas Eve service.
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Tarrah's dress: