Heels Over Head


I waited somewhat patiently as the phone rang.

“Hello?” I heard someone say. It was a male voice, and it most certainly was not Johnnys.

“Who is this?” I asked.

“Who is this?” The stranger mocked.

“This is Allana. Who is this?” I asked again.

“Frank, what are you doing with my phone?” I heard the voice of no one other than Tarrah ask.

“Uhh..” The strange voice, who I discovered was someone named Frank, say.

“Gimme my fucking phone!” Tarrah screamed.

There was a girly squeal and what sounded like the dropping of T’s cellphone. “I’m gonna fucking kick your ass if you don’t give me the phone!” I laughed as I heard the two arguing.

“Ha! I showed you who owns!” Tarrah said. “Hello?”

“Tarrah!” I exclaimed.

“Allana!” Tarrah mocked.

“How are you hun?”

“Amazing… but cold. I miss the California weather already. Oh and of course you guys too.” She giggled.

“Aww. Well we miss you! When are you coming home?” I asked.

“Tonight, depending on how bad this snow storm is going to hit. We might catch the worst of it in Colorado for the connecting flight.”

“Well hurry up and get home, ho!” I said playing frustrated.

“Oh I know. You guys all want me back cause of my fun-ness.”

“Your fun-ness?” I asked.

“Yes. Its my new word. But anyway, how was your Christmas?”

“Great. Yours?”

“Amazing. I can’t wait to get back to the apartment though. I miss home.”

“You’ll be here soon enough. Hey, listen, me and Zack are taking Ichi for a walk on the beach. Call me as soon as you land at LAX okay?”

“Alright, I miss you Allana!”

“Miss you too.”

We hung up and I got out of the car. We had already gotten to the beach and Zacky was getting Ichabod out of the car. We walked to the water, and Zacky pulled me close to him as the December ocean breeze hit me.

----Tarrah’s POV----

I had to admit, I was a little drunk as I lit a cigarette that I had taken from Johnny. Gerard sighed and rolled his eyes at me. He didn’t like my drinking and I knew it. He just wasn’t going to get in a fight with me right before I left.

It was officially January first, and I couldn’t wait to get out of this cold ass weather.

“Babe, I don’t know how you smoke these. I’m getting such a headache.” I said, handing the half smoked cigarette to my brother, and leaning on Johnny with almost all my weight.

“Tarrah, you haven’t had a cigarette in a while. I smoke much more often. That’s how.” Johnny said sitting me down on the bench.

We were all waiting for the train to take us back to Newark. From there I would finish packing my things, and then Johnny and I would be headed back to Cali.

Not even five minutes later, the train came, and we all got on. I fell asleep on the seat curled up next to Mikey, Johnny on my other side, Gerard next to him, and Frank, Ray and Bob across from us.

Mikey woke me up by shaking me off his shoulder. “Yo, T. Wake up. Its time to get off the train.”

“Fuck you.” I said sitting up straight. “Can someone give me a piggyback?” I asked.

Johnny stood in front of me with his back to me. I hopped up, and secured my legs around his waist. Johnny walked off the train and followed everyone else out of the station.

It didn’t take too long to make sure I was all packed. We all hopped in the old touring van and made our way to the Newark airport. It was hard to leave all my family and friends but they promised to come see me soon, so it made it a little easier.

Johnny had pulled my dad aside and talked to him for a minute. My dad looked all teary but nodded smiling proudly, and hugged Johnny. I smiled. Well its good that they got along well.

It was still dark and extremely snowy when we got to Colorado. It turned out that our flight was delayed. That made me mad. I found a starbucks and bought a hot coffee then went back to Johnny who was sitting against a wall with our carry on bags.

I slowly sipped my coffee and rested my head on Johnnys shoulder.

I watched the outside get lighter and saw all the snow. It was horrible. We must have been sitting there for at least two hours before either one of us spoke.

“Tarrah, baby.” Johnny whispered.

I looked up at him and smiled. “Yeah?”

“I have something to ask you.” He said. His heart raced in his chest. I could feel and hear the thrumming in his chest.

“Whats up?”

“Well, I really love you. And I don’t know if this is the most perfect time to do this. I know we’ve only known each other since august, and if you feel rushed when I ask you this let me know cause I don’t want to do anything that you don’t and-”

I cut him off. “Johnny, what’s wrong?” I asked sitting up fully and looking at him quizzically.

He pulled a box out of his jeans pocket slowly. I looked from the box to his face, then back to the box, and then finally to his face again.

“T, marry me?” Johnny asked.

My mouth dropped open as he opened the box that showed the most beautiful, and intricately cut diamond ring.

Tears welled in my eyes as I nodded my head. “Of course! I love you so much!”

Johnny put the ring on my finger and I hugged him tight. I kissed his lips softly and a voice came over the system. “Flight 145D Denver to Los Angeles is now boarding, sorry for the delay.”

It seemed that things couldn’t have been better now. We were off home, and I was going to be getting married. Johnny seemed perfect. He always did.

We stayed awake for the whole flight and just talked about Jersey, and how much we couldn’t wait to get home. I couldn’t wait to land so that I could call the girls and tell them.

The captain came on over the loudspeaker, and told us that we were safe to unbuckle, and turn on all electronics. When I turned my phone on I saw that I had about four messages from the girls. I smiled and closed the phone. I would reply to those later. It was about eleven o’clock when we got to Johnnys car.

“Ahh! It is so hot here! I can’t wait to get home!” I exclaimed rolling my window down and letting the wind blow through my hair as soon as we got on the high way.
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tarrahs ring