Heels Over Head


The Avenged Sevenfold set was absolutely amazing.

The bassist... I just couldn't take my eyes off of him!

He wasn't extremely tall like all the other ones. He was kind of short, and it was really cute.

I wanted to meet him so bad. Just so that I could talk to him, and hear his voice.

I finally tore myself away from looking at the bassist,and looked over at Kat who was singing everyword at the top of her lungs, and jumping around.

"Kat!" I yelled to her.

She looked over at me, still singing.

"Come on. We're going to go out to the back now." I said, nodding toward the back of the crowd.

Kat nodded, and followed me, never stopping singing.

We were about the only people out there. There were two other people. Guys.

"Hey, so how much are you guys into Avenged?" One of the guys asked, dropping the cigarette on the ground.

"I love them!" Kat exclaimed.

"They're cool. This is the first time I've heard them." I said. "They're awesome live."

"Cool. We're two techs fpr Avenged, so we can get you into the afterparty." The other said.

"Sweet. Could you guys give us a ride there?" I asked.

"Wait, Tarrah, I can't go. I have to be home before one." Kat sighed in disappointment.

"Oh. I'm sorry hun." I said looking at her. Her face was heartbreaking. "Thanks but, I have to get her home. It's almost midnight as it is." I said turning back to the two guys.

"Well, let us at least let you in with us so that you can meet the band." He said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, why not. There's not many people back there, anyway. I'm Matt Berry, and this is my brother Jason." He said, as they stuck out their hands.

"Hi. I'm Tarrah, and this is Kat." I introduced, as we shook their hands.

"Sweet. Come on in." Jason said, leading us back into the venue.

Avenged will be back here any minute, so prepare yourselves." Matt laughed.

Kat, and I nodded. I noticed a couple of other girls back there. Two of them looked like twins.

The other two that sat next to them, relaxing on a couch were pretty too.

When I saw the lead singer walk in, followed by the two guitarists, the drummer, and then the bassist, I pulled Kat over to me.

"Kat, I don't know their names!" I said.

"Well ask them." She said, walking over to the guitarist with the septum piercing, after he kissed on of the girls that was sitting on the couch.

The lead singer walked over to the twin looking girl with black hair, and kissed her, too. "You were wonderful out there tonight." The girl said.

"Thanks, babe." He said. I watched everyone, standing in the back nervously.

Why was I being like this? I've met tons of people! Why like this now?

"Hey guys, we brought some fans in." Jason Berry said from behind me, and pushing me towards everyone by my lower back.

"This is Tarrah." He said.

"And this is Kat." Matt said pointing to Kat.

I waved, and smiled, as there were various "hey's" said.

Jason walked over, and started talking to the lead singer.

Kat came over to me. "Who you checking out? She asked.

"No one." I lied, smirking.

"Suurre." She said rolling her eyes. "I'll be right back. I have to find a bathroom." Kat sighed walking away.

The singer walked over to me.

"Hey. I'm M. Shadows. But Shads or Matt will do too." He said.

"Tarrah." I said, shaking his hand. "You guys were good out there. This is the first time I heard you."

"Oh, really?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded, looking up at him. I probably came up to his shoulder? I don't know. I'm about 5'2.

"Listen, we know that your friend Kat can't go, but after you drop her off, you could always meet us at the afterparty." Matt said. "We like having fans come to the after party, and Jason told me about you situation." He exlpained after my quizzical expression.

"Oh. Thanks. I'll consider it, and I'll let you know before we leave." I said, as his girlfriend came over.

She smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"Matt, we have to figure somewhere else to have the party. The place on the beach just called to say they can't let us have it there."

"Oh. Well call somewhere on the boardwalk. It's our homecoming show, so it's gotta be sweet." Matt said.

"Okay." The girl said walking away.

"Yeah, so let me know what you think of that, and I'll let you know where we're having it." Matt said walking away.

For about an hour or so, we hung out, and I found that the bassist had a girlfriend. I didn't talk to him either. He was busy fighting with his girlfriend.

It was quite a shame.

"Oh my God! Tarrah, it's twelve fifty! I have to be home in ten minutes!" Kat exclaimed running over to me.

"Oh shit! Come on!" I exclaimed. I haned her my keys. "Here, go get my car." I said.

"Okay." And with that she left.

I ran over to the couch where Shads was sitting, and where our Avenged merch was.

"Hey Shads, where's the after party going to be at?" I asked, walking backwards.

"It's going to be at John Davis' resteraunt." He said.

"Sweet. Thanks so much." I said turning around, and walking right into someone.

"Sorry!" I said quickly, looking up into the eyes of the bassist.

"It's cool. See you at the party then. Tarrah, right?" He asked, smiling.

"Y-yeah. See yah." I said running out to see Kat sitting in the passengers seat of my car.

I could feel my face burning. I can't believe I just walked into him.