Heels Over Head


"Why is your face all red, Tarrah?" Kat asked as I sat in the drivers seat.

I placed my hands on the steering wheel, and pulling out of the parking lot.

"Well?" She asked.

"I walked into the bassist... Johnny." I said as we neared the edge of town where she lived.

"Oooh! So you like him, huh?" Kat asked looking over at me, and wiggling her eyebrows.

"Shut up. No I don't." I said keeping my eyes on the road.

"Right." She said as I pulled into her driveway.

She was about to get out when I stopped her.

"Kat... you wouldn't be mad if I went to the after party right?" I asked.

"Only if you don't have pictures." She said getting out of the car.

She waved bye at the door, and walked into her house.

When I pulled out of the driveway my cell rang.

I quickly answered. "Hello?"

"Hey Tarrah, can you keep a secret?" The voice I recognized to be Kat's said in a quiet, low tone.

"Sure thing. What's up hun?" I asked.

"I gave Jason Berry a blow job when I went to the "bathroom" earlier tonight." She said.

I slammed on my brakes. "Woah, what?" I asked.

"Shh! Don't tell anyone." She said.

I sighed, but began driving again. "Your secret is safe with me. Get some sleep chika. I'll talk to you later." I said hanging up.

Wow... that was wierd. Does he know she's only sixteen?

I pushed the thought out of my head, and managed to find a parking spot about a block away from the resteraunt.

When I got there, I heard music blaring, and I saw a bunch of people.

I sighed heavily, and walked inside.

I found Shads, and his girfriend, and walked over to them.

"Hey Matt." I said over the load music.

"Hey, glad to see you made it." He smirked.

"Thanks." I said.

"Hey, I forgot to introduce myself earlier. I'm Val." Matt's girlfriend said sticking her hand out. "Tarrah, right?" she asked.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you." I said shaking her hand.

"Come on. I'll introduce you to everyone." She said taking my arm, and leading me to a group of girls that I had seen backstage.

"Hey you guys, this is Tarrah." Val introduced. "The girl that Zack is all over is Allana, the one that looks like me is Michelle, and the one with the heavey eyeliner is Helena." Val said.

They all waved, and Zack walked away.

I hung out with the girls for a good part of the night... well morning, until I saw the sun peeking out.

"Okay, well I have to go guys." I said. "I'm going to go for a quick walk on the beach before I head back to my car." I said.

"Okay. Are you from aoround here?" Val asked.

"I live about five minutes away from here in the Lovell apartments." I said. "I'll see you around sometime." I said as each of the girls gave me a short hug.

I walked out of the building, and across the dead street. I walked onto the beach, and took my converse, and socks off.

The sand was cool on my toes, and I walked to the freezing cold water, and let the water rise up to my ankles after I rolled my pants up.

I saw someone about a hundred feet ahead drinking out of a glass bottle (most likey a beer bottle) ankle deep in water, and staring out at the rising sun.

As I walked closer, I noticed that it was the bassist Johnny.

"Hey." I said.

I must have startled him because he jumped a little, and turned to me.

"How come you're not in there with everyone else?" I asked, pulling my hoodie around me a little tighter, the wind slightly chilling me.

"Oh, I'm just out here looking at the sunrise. I got in a fight with my girlfriend, and we split, so I was just thinking." He explained, some of the hair in his black mohawk falling into his hazel eyes.

"Oh. I'm sorry." I said, looking out over the water.

"It's fine. We have been arguing for a while now." Johnny shrugged.

We walked a little, and talked while watching the sunrise.

"Well, this is where I have to go Johnny. I'll see you around sometime, okay?" I said smiling at him.

"Yeah." He said his arms dropping to his sides from where they were across his chest. "Wait!" He said as I started to walk away.

I turned back to him.

"Do... do you wanna go get some coffe with me later today?" Johnny asked.

"Um, sure. When?" I asked.

"I'm thinking around three? Does that give you enough time to sleep?" Johnny asked.

"Its perfectly enough." I said turning, and running up to the street.

When I was walking to my car, still barefoot mind you, my cellphone started ringing. It was Gerard.

"Hey bro. What's up?" I asked, yawning slightly.

"Nothing. Did I wake you up?" He asked.

"Gerard, I haven't even gone to sleep yet." I laughed, unlocking my car, and hopping in.