Heels Over Head


Once I got there I was hugged insanely by all four of the girls.

We tried on a ton of outfits on. I ened up picking out a black halter with purple, and green polka dots on it.

"Tarrah, do you need a new bathing suit, hun?" Michelled asked, looking through a rack of bathing

"Yeah, actually. I only have a top. I usually wear shorts, and I got that top like two years ago." I said walking over to Michelle.

"Johnny likes showy stuff, so I'll help you with that." Helena said walking over, and looking through the suits too.

"This one is perfect." Allana said holding up a quite small suit.

"Well, I suppose it never hurts to ry things on." I shrugged examining the suit. It was a strapless black and green striped top that came together bay a large ring in the front. The bottoms were all black, and attached at the sided by rings as well.

"You'll look gorgeous!" Val said taking it from Allana, and placing it in my hands.

"This one is a little more classy." Michelle said holding up a white suit with black designs on it. It had a string to tie around my neck, but that was pretty useless. I liked that one a lot better for its simplicity.

"If the black, and green one fits, too then get both. I'll pay for the black, and green one." Helena said as I walked into a dressing room.

The black, and green one fit like a glove, and it really did look good. The white was classy, but not right for the occasion. I got both.

"Thanks Helena." I said hugging her as we walked out of the store.

"No problem doll-face." She said hugging back.

"I gotta jet. I'm expecting my brothers from Jersey soon." I said walking to my car.

"Okay. Bye Tarrah!" Val said.

"See yah T." Allana said hugging me as well.

I waved goodbye to Michelle, and she smiled at me.

I walked to my car, and drove to my apartment as quick as possible.

Thankfully, my apartment was still in one piece, and it was still clean.

xX Friday Xx

The barbeque was at five, so I decided to get ready around three thirty.

The party was at Zack, and Allana's house, and Johnny said that he would pick me up at my apartment.

He arrived at around four fifty.

"Hey Tarrah. You look beautiful." Johnny said when I answered the door.

"Heh, thanks." I said locking the door behind me, and shutting it.

I was wearing the shirt I bought on saturday with a black miniskirt, and flats. My bathing suit was under my clothes.

Johnny, and I had hung out almost everyday this week, and Kat had come over after school to hang out with the boys in My Chem while I was at work, or with Johnny until Teusday.

"So, Tarrah, I know we've only known eachother for like a week, but I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend?" Johnny asked, as we turned into the large driveway.

I stumbled on my words for a moment. "Yeah. Yeah I will." I said as he parked his black malibu behind a black eclipse.

He turned to me, and I looked into his hazel eyes. Our bodies moved closer to eachother until our lips met.

"Sweet." Johnny said as we broke away.

We got out of the car, and Johnny grabbed the paper bag in the back that was full with about seven or eight 40s, and a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Johnny grabbed my hand, and laced his fingers with mine as we walked up the driveway.

"Can you just open the door?" He asked.

"Mhm." I said turning the knob, and opening the door.

Johnny walked in the door, and a little black dog came running over to us, and started jumping on me, and barking.

"Ichabod! Down!" I heard Zack say as I crouched down to pet the dog.

"Hello. You're so cute!" I said scratching his belly as he now layed on his back.

"Wow, he likes you." Johnny laughed as I stood back up, and laced my fingers with his again.

"Tarrah! Hello gorgeous!" Helena exclaimed running in. She was about to hug me when she noticed Johnny, and I. "Oh, lookie what we have here." She said smirking. "When did this happen?" She asked.

"Just a minute or so ago." I said as Johnny led me out back.

"Wait! I want to announce the new couple!" Helena said as Zacky took the bag from Johnny, and walked to the back, Ichabod at his heels.

"What a freak." I heard him mumble.

"Je te present le new couple Johnny, and Tarrah!" Helena shouted, then letting us enter the back yard.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Jimmy shouted.

"Never fucking mind." Helena said walking over to Jimmy, and sitting on his lap.

"I don't know, but I heard the word "couple" in there." Michelle said pointing at Johnny, and I.

After everyone ate, Allana looked over at me, and then smiled.

"Lets get swimming people!" She exclaimed.

Matt walked into a small shed like structure, and came back out a minute or so later music blaring from inside the shed.

We all stripped to out bathing suits, and jumped in. I was one of the last to jump in. I put my clothes on a lounge chair so that they would stay dry, and when I turned around everyone was gaping. Especially Johnny.

I smirked, and jumped into the pool, making a large splash.

"Tarrah looks hot!" Jimmy exclaimed, reciving a slap on his chest by Helena, and a glare from Johnny.

After a few hours of swimming, and a few drinks here, and there, I found my clothes floating in the pool.

"Zack! You little bitch!" I exclaimed jumping on his back, causing him to loose his balance, and fall into the pool, me still on him.

I quickly swam away from him, and retrived my clothes before hopping out of the pool. Ichabod ran over, and licked my legs dry, while I wrung my clothes out.

Johnny came over, and wrapped his arms around my shivering body.

I kissed his lips, and Allana, and Val let out a cheer.

"I need a towel." I said walking over to the towel rack. When I was walking back over to Johnny, Zacky was standing by the edge of the pool with his back to me.

I put a finger to my lips as a signal for no one to tell him I was there. I snuck up on him, and pushed him into the pool, then ran behind Johnny placing my chin on his shoulder.

Since I was the most sober of the two of us, I drove us back to my apartment at around midnight.

I put my clothes in the bathroom to dry, and changed into pajamas.

Frank had left a pair of pajama pants here, and I wouldn't let Johnny drive home tonight, so he borrowed them.

We both crawled into my bed, finally at around two that morning, his arms around my waist, my head on his shoulder, falling asleep to the smell of chlorine on his skin.