Off To Neverland!

The Club Hotel and Spa

“Am I suppose to?” I asked as the driver pulled away from the curb. Frankie and Gerard both gave me a very surprised look. “WHAT?!” I asked, breaking the momentary silence.

“Wow!” Frankie said. “I like her even MORE!” He jumped in his seat slightly.

“Frankie, that isn’t nice.” Gerard said.

“So…who are you?” I asked.

“We…” Gerard began. “Belong to a, pretty famous band.”

“You might have heard of them!” Frankie added.

“Well, apparently not since, she doesn’t know WHO we are.” Gerard said to Frank, and then he turned back to me. “We belong to a little band called My Chemical Romance.” He said slowly.

“Oh…” was all that escaped my lips. They smiled as I sat thought about who I was sitting in the car with.

Don’t get me wrong. I had heard of MCR before. They weren’t anything new. In fact, they were one of Audrey’s favorite bands! She could go on for days about each member, and she has; I just…never linked these guys…with those ones.

“STUPID STUPID STUPID!” I said, hitting myself in the head. Both of the guys sat in their seats in utter confusion.

“What’s wrong?” Frankie finally asked as a slight bruise began to form on my forehead.

“You see, I DO know about you! My friend Audrey listens to you all of the time! I just, never linked you guys, with them.” The words came out fast.

“We’re here.” The driver said, stopping the car.

By this time however, Gerard and Frankie began to laugh.


“Your just, so cute is all.” Gerard said as he stepped out of the limo.

I felt heat rush onto my face as my heart began to beat incredibly fast.


“I am hungry!” Frankie said.

“Not me! I am still full from that Taco Bell.” I said as I too stepped out of the limo, to afraid to make eye contact with Gerard. I knew that, if I did, he would see my beat red face and my new found friendships would be ended before they could truly begin.

“Well FINNIE, you’re not the rock stars here!” Frank stuck his tongue out and then ran into the hotel. This was the first time I noticed where we had been dropped off.

The Club Hotel and Spa.

The sign was small for such an amazing building.

“We are staying…here?!” I asked, finally looking at Gerard who was smiling like mad.

“Yep! This is it. Now, here is where your choice gets tricky…who would you like to room with? Me? Or Frankie?” His smile, if possible, grew even wider.

“Don’t you have OTHER band members? Maybe I want to room with them.” I said this in the best, flirtiest voice I could. His smile, stopped as he swallowed hard.

“Well, you don’t really…” He was cut off by Frankie who came running back out the front doors, leading three more men behind him.

“THIS IS HER!” He yelled. “Finnie!” He ran up to me and pulled my arm, leaving Gerard alone to stand by the limo that sat idly by while it waited for us to grab our luggage. “This is Mikey, this is Bob and this is Ray.” I waved shyly to each and every one of them and they waved back.

“Now…who are you going to stay with? I mean, we all share rooms, two in each, but you don’t mind that do you?” Frankie asked.

“Of course not.”

“WAIT!” Frankie said, an idea hitting his face like a ton of bricks. “What if, you have your OWN room, and we just, come in. Yes. Good. Get your shit and let’s go!”

I was taken aback by his idea. Although I have to admit…it was a good one….
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Thanks for reading!