‹ Prequel: Here to Stay
Status: Writing/Editing

I Should Go

Chapter 1

It was a beautiful shot that I had set up on an even more beautiful night. The United Center was hopping, even though we were losing. Not a seat was empty, and everyone that was there was full of energy. I also was just in a great mood because it was my fifth game back. My concussion kept me out for the end of last season, and I had gone stir crazy.

Anyways, I gave Kaner a nice saucer pass before getting railroaded by Eric Staal. I fell back and landed on my ass. I took a second to take in my surroundings. Everything was dizzy for a moment, but it soon came into focus. My vision was returning to normal just in time for me to see Kaner completely jack up a perfect pass; he shot the puck so wide, you'd think he was aiming it at someone in the crowd.

I groaned as I got up again, hoping to repair the damage Pat had done. I was shoving against Eric in the corner to try and get control of the puck when the final buzzer sounded. I let up and allowed him to get out. I heaved a sigh as I looked up at the Jumbotron one more time. Canes 3-Blackhawks 2.

Eric turned and gave me a sympathetic look. "Sorry for the hit-" he began.

I shrugged it off. "No big deal. Good game."

He patted my shoulder. "Thanks. Hope the heads okay." Eric tapped my helmet playfully before skating away, grinning the whole way.

To be honest, the simple tap kind of made me feel fuzzy for a second. I shook my head and shot back, "Better than yours." As I got my bearings, I skated over to the bench to find my forlorn team making their way to the locker room. I silently followed.

Once inside, I glanced around at them all as they got changed out of their sweaty gear. Moments later, the media would be swooping in, pestering everyone about their performance and questioning what went wrong when we didn't really know ourselves. Before that, I figured I had enough time to berate Kaner.

I took my seat in my stall and started undressing. Across the black carpet and round Blackhawks emblem was Kaner, sitting in his wooden stall. I stared at him only to find him staring back. The guys, who had perked up a bit and began chatting once given the chance to relax, got quiet when they saw us having an intense staring contest. They knew what was coming.

"Don't start-" Pat began, untying his skate.

"What the fuck was that? Huh Kaner?" I hollered across the room. I rested my arms over my legs and just focused in on him. "It was a perfect pass-"

"I know! Okay? Goddammit! It was one mistake-" he argued, taking off his skate and dropping it to the floor with a thud. He angrily took of the rest of his gear as fast as possible.

I didn't let up. For whatever reason, Pat hadn't been playing well, ever since I got hit and ended up in the hospital. I can't figure out why he's been so weird. He was still playing alright, but I knew, and the whole team knew, that it wasn't nearly as good as he was capable of doing. "One mistake that cost us the fucking game! Seriously! I don't know what's going on, but you need to snap out of it, okay?" I insisted, standing up. "It's just a slump. Don't let it ruin-"

"You have no idea what you're talking about, Jon, so I suggest you sit down-" Pat growled, standing up, only wearing his hockey underwear.

I stood my ground. "You owe me and the team your best effort out there-"

"Well shit! What do you think I'm doing every night?!" he inquired, throwing his hands in the air.

I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest. "I have no idea, but it's not hockey." I shot sarcastically.

Pat froze, not knowing what to say. I had a feeling that would get him to wake up. He balled his hands into fists and tried to hide the pain he felt from the low blow. "Fine, Captain... Then don't fucking pass to me." I rolled my eyes. Now he's being childish. "And I'm soooo-rry to my teammates for letting you all down. My bad. I didn't realize it was a fucking crime to be a fucking human and make fucking mistakes." With that he stormed out of the locker room, probably to take a shower.

The guys’ eyes now rested on me. I grunted and sat back down, waving them away. They returned to their normal conversations as if nothing had happened. I don't know if they actually agreed with what I was saying, but quite frankly, I didn't give two shits. He needed to know that this crappy play had to stop.

And, just as I had expected, the camera crews and news reporters and sports casters burst through the doors as if they were apart of a wild stampede. They split off onto their own missions, but a good handful had their lasers set on me. I winced and instinctively let my face become blank.

"Jonathan-what about that pass to Kane?"

"Are you okay from the hit from Eric-?"

"How can you come back from this loss and-"

“What could you have done differently to-”

"What went wrong?"

Here we go..

After everyone had cleared out, including the guys, I waited patiently with Nick for the girls to come, as had become custom. I glanced over at Nick, whose stall was kind of between Kaner's and mine. He was glaring at me intently. "What?" I asked defensively.

He shook his head. "You didn't have to do that. Call him out in front of the guys and all..." he mumbled, taking off his hockey pants.

I gaped at him. "Are you kidding me? He was a mess out there! He could hardly stand on two skates. Plus, this isn't the first time it's-" I reminded.

"I know! I know." He heaved a sigh, running his hands through his black hair. "It's just... you can't do that to him."

I frowned and looked down at my sock-covered feet. "Yeah.. I know, it wasn't the best approach."
"He's been really hard on himself lately. He's the first one there at practice and the last one to leave, and he still hasn't gotten any better." Nick continued.

I nodded. "I'll talk to him about it later. Seriously, do you know what's gotten into him though?" Nick just shook his head. "Alright... And good game."

"Thanks... you too..." I nodded and stacked my skates nicely against my stall so they'd be ready to hang when I was done changing. Nick called back my attention. "Hey, are you okay... like you're head and stuff?" I just have a curt nod, not making eye contact. "You sure? You didn't look so hot after Stall hit you..." I didn't say anything, hoping he would take the hint and drop it. "Jon..."

I looked up at him and gave him a thin-lipped smiled. "I'm fine. Really."

Nick opened his mouth like he was going to persist, but, thankfully, the door to the locker room opened and Logan and Elizabeth came in. "Hey guys... sorry about the lose." Ellie sighed. She didn't even look at Nick. She had her eyes on me as soon as she stepped foot into the room.

She made her way over and sat in the stall next to me when Logan wondered, "Hey, where's Kaner?"

I was moments away from giving Ellie a peck on the cheek when Logan had to open her big fat mouth. Ellie looked around, flipping her light brown hair as she went. "Kaner?" She realized that we were missing someone. "Yeah, where is he?" she echoed, returning her attention to me.

Logan sat next to Nick who mumbled, "Why don't you ask Jon..."

Ellie and Logan had their eyes trained on me, sharp as daggers. Fuck you, Wright. I let out a slow breath. "I.... I kind of yelled at him for his game tonight-"

"Yelled?" Nick laughed. We all looked to him. "More like destroyed. They were going at it pretty hard, then Kaner stormed out and into the showers. We haven't seen him since."

Ellie promptly punched me in the arm. "Ouch! Elle!"

"You deserve it! Why would you do that to him? He's your best friend!" she screamed.

I shook my head. "Elle, I know him, he's tough. He can handle it. Besides, he hasn't been on the ball recently-"

"Yeah? Well I know him too, I know him better than you. And I know he has feelings. He doesn't like to admit it, but he's always anxious about hockey and he's always trying to improve and you can't tear him down like that! It just makes it worse!" she hissed, smacking me, this time on my very hairy cheek. Even my beard wasn't a good enough buffer for the sting of her slap.

Logan and Nick were giggling in the corner. I whirled around and pointed a finger at them. "Shut up." They fell silent and pretended to be focusing on the stitching in Nick's jersey. I turned back to Ellie and explained, "Ellie, it's my job to make sure everyone is pulling their weight-"

"It's also your job to make sure everyone on the team is okay. How do you know something else wasn't bugging Kaner and that's why he hasn't been playing well... hmm? Did you ever think about that?" she interrupted.

I sat there quietly and thought about it. She's got a point. Goddammit. When did she learn how to be right? I slouched back in my stall and folded my hands in my lap. "You're right...." I whispered under my breath. And why am I off my own game in terms of being a Captain?

She smirked and pinched my cheek. "I'm sorry, what was that?" Why oh why did I use to torment her about being wrong. Karma's a bitch. "I don't think I heard you correctly." She learned from the master.

"You're right." I hissed, smacking her hand away from my cheek. "Okay? You're right." I got up and marched to the showers, good mood officially ruined.

On the drive home, Elle wouldn't say a word to me. I tried to make conversation, like ask her how her segment went during the game or what she thought of the game, but she said nothing. "Come on... Elle... I said you were right! What more do you want from me?"

She pouted, crossed her arms over her chest, and turned away from me, glaring out the window like a five year old. Jesus christ. This is ridiculous. A grown woman in a business suit throwing a hissy fit in my car... and she's my girlfriend.

Of course, I knew what I had to do. I heaved a sigh, throwing in the towel. I took a left turn and started driving to my and Kaner's old apartment building. Elle immediately perked up a bit, dropping the pouty face as she recognized where we were going. I took a few more turns and parked by the front of the oh-so-familiar building. Elle sat up straight, smiling, ready to come inside with me and congratulate me on my change of heart.

I stopped her short as I got out and murmured, "Wait here." I proceeded to lock her in the car and enter my old apartment building. There was a new doorman there, but he recognized me and didn't bother questioning my presence. I took the elevator up to the designated floor, charged down the hall, and banged on my old door.

"Go the fuck away." I heard Kaner grumble on the other side.

"Pat, it's Jon.... Can we talk?" I asked, trying my best to be sympathetic.

He gave a groan. "Can we do this later?" he whined.

You kidding me? I'm trying to be nice! "No! Open the door before I break it down!" I hollered.

He whispered something before heading for the door. I heard footsteps coming closer as well as a thud from further in the room. "What?" he questioned as the door swung open. Pat was standing there shirtless, his pants barely on, clinging to the partially undone belt. I gave him a reproachful look. "Don't say anything." he huffed, wiping the lipstick from his cheek... and neck... and chest.

"Really?" I inquired as I walked in. Yeah... he's real messed up right now, Ellie. Traumatized.

He shrugged. "I wasn't expecting company. Why are you here?"

I glanced around my-I mean-his apartment. There were clothes, girls clothes, strewn about the room. Behind the couch, there was a bundled mess of a bed comforter.. that was breathing. Trash could be found on the, once clean coffee table and the floor. He really let the place go- "Who-?" I started, nodding at the moving blanket.

He waved it off and brushed a tank top and pink sock off of the couch, patting the clear space. I sat down, Kaner joining me. "Doesn't matter. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to apologize for the way I acted earlier." Kaner was stifling a laugh. "Shut up, I'm being serious." He put a hand up to stop me while he regained composure. Once he was alright, he let his hand drop and waited patiently for me to continue. I pinched the bridge of my nose and reluctantly went on. "I just... I shouldn't have yelled at you in front of the guys. That was rude. I know you're trying your best... I'm sure you'll get back into the swing of things soon. I just... I wanted to make sure nothing else was bothering you. Maybe there was something outside of hockey that was messing you up..."

Pat frowned and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Thanks..." His face went dark as if he had just fallen into a nightmare. Whatever he was thinking about wasn't comforting to him.

"Seriously, guy to guy, is something wrong?" I pressed, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He looked up at me, the dark clouds in his eyes evaporating. Pat lightly shrugged away from me, standing up from the messy couch. "It's a lot... You being out kind of messed me up a little bit. It was hard adjusting to passing and making plays with someone else. And.. you and Ellie getting your own place didn't help. And then your concussion... it kind of freaked me out."

"But I mean.. I've gotten injured before-so have you!" I argued, leaning forward.

He shrugged and began pacing back and forth. "I don't know... I was scared to go back on the ice after that. I didn't want any guys to touch me. It's different with a concussion. Like... I was there on the ice when it happened and.. it was hard! Playing like everything was okay! For all I knew you were dead... you sure looked it afterwards.."

I looked down at my folded hands, trying not to make eye contact. Shit. Fuck me. Why was Ellie right. You kidding me?

"Then, with all this other stuff changing, I thought I had lost my best friend..." he concluded.

I stared up at him, but this time he couldn't keep the eye contact. It was obviously hard for him to say, we didn’t exactly talk about our feelings often. "Pat. That will never happen. You're my best frien-"

"Well it sure doesn't feel like it! Ever since you got hurt and moved in with Ellie I never see you! You were always doing stupid concussion tests and seeing doctors. Then, when you weren't busy with that, you were hanging out with Ellie!" he roared.

I stood up and shook my head. "I couldn't do anything about the concussion, but... I am sorry about Ellie and I. You're right, we haven't had a guys' night in a while..."

"Yeah... what happened to bros before hoes?" Pat questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

Was he five? I really wanted to laugh or make fun of him for the comment, but I didn't. Instead, I pursed my lips and crossed my arms over my chest. "It's my fault. I should have made time for both you and Ellie. It's not fair to you. And... we will hang out, okay? You me and NIck? We'll watch basketball or something, alright? Maybe go to a bar?"

Pat's rigid face softened. "Yeah... that sounds alright."

I nodded. "Okay... are we cool?"

He was fighting a smile, but eventually, he gave me a full-blown Patrick Kane grin, his pearly whites practically blinding me. "Yeah... we're cool." He walked over and gave me a quick hug.

"Awwwwwww!" I heard from behind the couch.

Kaner stiffened as I backed out of the hug. I gave him a quick glare before sitting on the couch, facing the back of it. I leaned over the edge, reached down for the blanket, and picked it up slowly. I watched as I unveiled a now shivering Logan, in her underwear and nothing else. She gave me an innocent smile from her position, curled up in a ball. "Heh... hi!" she gave me a quick wave before biting her lip.

I glared down at her and sluggishly put the blanket back over top of her. I got up off the couch and turned to find Kaner smack a hand to his forehead.

My heart was pumping faster and faster. I grimaced and howled, "You've got to be kidding me!"

Kaner opened his mouth and began, "I can explain!"

"Yeah! Uhuh!" I shoved past him toward the door, jogged into the hall, and made my way down the elevator, furious. When I was sure I was away from his floor, I let out a window-shattering FUCK, just before the doors opened and allowed me to exit into the lobby.

"How did it go?" Ellie asked eagerly, leaning over the center console as I hopped in.

"Peachy!" I hissed, jamming my seat belt into place with a little too much force. "Kaner's just dandy. As a matter of fact, he's got somebody up there taking care of him right now!"

Elizabeth sat back in her seat. "Oh? Who?" she persisted, stupid grin creeping over her face.

I forced the keys into the ignition, started the car, and put it into drive. "Logan." Ellie's face dropped. "And yes, they're fucking each other's brains out." I peeled away from the parking lot and sped home, and away from my idiotic friends, as soon as possible.

For once, she was speechless. She didn't say anything for the rest of the drive, and thankfully, this time, it wasn't my fault. Even when we got into the apartment she was quiet.

After I had changed out of my suit, I slipped into some sweat pants and went into the kitchen to make a late night snack. Ellie came in, then, plopping on a stool by our new granite countertop. She heaved a sigh and rested her head on one of her hands. "I know I shouldn't be this upset about it, but I am..."

I smirked and passed her a hot chocolate. "You can’t help it. It's the way you are." I chided.

Ellie pouted at me as she swirled her finger in the cup. "And mini-marshmallows?" I rolled my eyes and grabbed the bag of marshmallows from the counter next to the fridge. I dumped a bunch of the fluffy sweets into the chocolate and threw a few at Ellie. She giggled and threw them back, then smirked down at the steaming drink and quietly chirped, "Thanks." I gave a quick nod. "Whatcha' makin'?" Elizabeth poked her head up, trying to see around my shoulders.

I laughed, "If you must know, a grilled cheese sandwich." I turned around and slid the sandwich off of the pan and onto my plate. I placed the pan in the sink to soak and returned to my meal. I was diligently cutting it into fourths by the corners, but I couldn't help but feel her eyes on me. I looked up to see her grinning. I groaned, "Yes, you can have some." She grinned wider and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

With that, we both hopped into bed and turned on the television, simultaneously enjoying the bizarre combination of grilled cheese and hot chocolate. I fed her a bite of the sandwich and asked, "So, do you think it's bad that they're together?"

She chewed the mouthful, taking her time. "Yes. I don't think they're good for each other right
now. Neither of them know what they want and it's complicated and they don't talk to one another and... they're too similar!"

I bobbed my head back and forth. "Yeah, that makes sense," I agreed.

"I mean... I'm really glad you talked to Pat though... did you at least find out what was bugging him?" she pressed as she tugged the cup of hot chocolate from my hands.

I glanced down at her. Elle looked so little, bundled up in the blanket and snuggled up against me. She had me wrapped around her finger and she didn't even know it. "He felt like I was abandoning him for you, and he was also kind of spooked by the concussion." She stared up at me, stupid, beautiful smile present, under her chocolate mustache. I shook my head, laughing as I gave her a quick kiss, cleaning off some of the chocolate with it. "I know... you were right. Congratulations." I put the chocolate and the grilled cheese on the bedside table.

"I'm gonna soak it up. This doesn't happen often with you. You must be off your game or something." she chuckled, stretching her hands behind her head and placing one leg over the other. She let out a nonchalant yawn. I tickled her, forcing her to jerk forward and lower her arms.

"Don't get too comfortable, Elizabeth Teagan." I joked, reluctantly letting her go. She playfully punched me in the stomach. "I'll be back to normal soon..." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and tugged her close, sniffing the strawberry shampoo that complimented her hair.

She smirked up at me and rustled my beard, which, I didn’t realize, had a few crumbs in it. "Speaking of normal... and the concussion-" I tensed, predicting where the conversation was going. Not you too... Please. Not you. "You didn't look so hot-" she started. Why was that everyone’s exact words?

I removed my arm from her and sat up. "I'm fine." I felt a little dizzy once I was upright. Whoops, head rush... it's just a head rush!

"You didn't look it! You looked kind of out of it! Are you sure-" she persisted, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Positive!" I growled, glaring back at her. She cautiously took her hand back, fear present in her eyes. I put a hand on my forehead. "I... I'm sorry Elle. I didn't mean to snap at you-"

"I was only looking out for you." She stood from the bed, arms crossed over her chest.

Elizabeth was making her way to the door when I got to my feet and stopped her, wrapping my arms around her fit body. "Wait-just... just wait!" I let out a low chortle. "Stop." She was fighting my grip, but eventually, she gave up, still keeping her arms crossed defensively. "I didn't mean to be harsh... It just felt like everybody was on my case about the whole concussion thing and... seeing Kaner and losing the game... I'm just in a bad mood I guess... I'm sorry."

Elle didn't respond. She grumbled something and continued to pull away. "Elizabeth Bennett!" I laughed. "Don't be mad at me!" I childishly rubbed my head on her neck, making her flinch and laugh. "I said I was sorry!"

"Stop!" she huffed in jagged breaths.

I picked her up and brought her back to the bed, dropping her on the comfortable mattress. She squealed and ran for the edge, but I was faster than she could ever hope to be. I pinned her down to the bed and gave her a slow, long, intense kiss. "I'm sorry." I breathed as I pulled away.

"Really?" she inquired, grinning but still trying to fight my grip.

I nodded. "You were just being nice and I was being dumb. Now... let's watch your segment from earlier, okay?" I asked. She shook her head at me, still not satisfied. "Come on." I gave her a several pecks all over, making her laugh, and eventually kissed her weak spot: her neck.

Ellie bit her lip, fighting hard not to give in, but eventually, she couldn't take it. "Fine!" she laughed shrinking away from the touch of my lips. I grinned down at her and gave her one more peck on the cheek. "One condition." Elizabeth insisted, inching from under my grip.

I slowly let go and returned to my side of the bed, slipping under the comforter. "Sure, what?"

"No shirt." she laughed, reaching for my tee-shirt. I rolled my eyes and allowed her to take it off of me, exposing my chest and abdomen. "Better." she concluded, tossing the shirt to the ground and snuggling against me again.

Soon enough, Elizabeth's face was on the screen. She did a good job. Elle was all smiles, she had the stats down, and her commentary and opinion was really insightful. Whenever I saw her on television, she seemed like a new person. She lit up; the way she talked about things, it was just like she cared about what she was doing and she really loved her job. It's the side of Ellie that doesn't come out very often, the side that is outgoing and unafraid of anything, the side I only get to see Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday nights on a flat screen.

I focused back in on the television. "And the number one star of the game was Viktor Stalberg, which I predicted!" Elizabeth asserted with a big grin. While she and her co-host went over Viktor's overall performance, I reached for the remote, knowing her segment was coming to an end.

"So? What'd you think?" she wondered as I changed the channel to some late-night show. I gave a shrug and a grunt, straight face present.

"That's it? I thought it was awesome!" she insisted, sitting upright. “What’d I do wrong?”

I shrugged again. "You picked Tork over me." I sighed. She scrunched up her nose and squinted her eyes, not forgetting to stick her tongue out.

"Is that the only reason you didn't like it?" she inquired incredulously.

I chuckled and nodded. "Pretty much." She only shook her head, but I was curious as to why she didn't choose me. In the back of my head, I knew the answer. The fact that my stomach dropped at the thought proved I was more than nervous to ask. Of course, she didn't see past my expression.

"Well, my bad, can't please everyone!" She threw her hands up in defeat.

I turned off the television and moved to turn off the lights. Time for bed. "You were fine. Better than fine-great! And it doesn't matter if you chose Vic-Dork or not, just as long as I'm your first choice outside of the rink."

She giggled, reaching to turn out the other bedside lamp. "Jon Toews, the number one star of my heart... sounds a little cheesy, eh?" she asked, flipping the switch and putting us both in complete darkness.

I scoffed, "Did you just say eh?" Although it was hard to see her silhouette in the dark, I could tell that she hadn't budged an inch. "Elle?"

"Goodnight!" she mumbled, rustling around under the covers to get comfortable.

I laughed, "I'm rubbing off on you, aren't I?"

"No!" she hollered, voice muffled by a pillow she clutched tightly to her face. "Never!"

"You're already speaking french, now you're saying eh... what's next? You going to pick up a hockey stick and take my job? Huh?" I teased, poking at her sides.

She swatted me away, eventually finding my hands, huge in comparison to hers, and gripping them tightly. "I said goodnight Jonathan!"

I sighed, "Fine, bonne nuit." I gave the pillow on top of her a peck before rolling on my side and preparing for sleep.

I rested my eyes shut and slowly fell closer and closer to a deep sleep. Suddenly, I felt a peck on my cheek and my eyes fluttered back open. I didn't move, only sat in silence. "Bonne nuit..." I heard her whisper a few moments later. I smirked and went back to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up before Ellie, as usual. I walked into the kitchen and put some coffee grinds into the coffee maker. I added the necessary water and raided the breadbox on the counter for some white bread. I pulled out a few slices, some butter, milk, salt, and sugar. I rummaged around for a pan and a knife and prepared some french toast. Once the food was done, I returned to the coffee and poured two cups. I put one into a travel mug and placed it on the table by the door.

I took one cup, complete with sugar and cream, and brought it into our bedroom, putting it on the dresser on Elle's side of the bed. I walked around the bed to the walk-in closet and picked out a casual outfit for after practice; I tossed the clothes into my gym bag. Then I went to my dresser and started pulling open drawers to find the preferred workout outfit. The shirt drawer squeaked a bit upon me opening it and I froze, hoping I didn't wake her up.

I heard a soft moan and some slow rustling behind me. I turned to find Elizabeth stretching out in the big king sized bed. I waited quietly until she stopped moving and I was sure she was still fast asleep. I heaved a quiet sigh of relief and returned to my perusal. I grabbed a pair of shorts, underwear and a tee shirt, and tossed them on the dresser.

I cautiously closed the drawers, careful not to make the same boisterous squeak again. I shrugged off my pants and tossed them to the side of the room. I reached for the underwear and sluggishly stepped into them. I was moments away from pulling them up when I heard a wolf whistle from behind me. I let out a short chortle and closed my eyes. Of course.

I glanced over my shoulder to see Elizabeth sitting up against the headboard of the bed; she was wrapped up in the bedspread, one hand on her lap and the other gripping a coffee cup. She was grinning that genuine smile I loved to see. I couldn't help but smile back, even though all my efforts ended in failure. "I didn't know I was getting a show this morning." she teased, taking a sip from the steaming cup.

I shook my head and finished pulling up my underwear, covering my previously bare ass. I reached for my shorts only to hear a thunderous, "Boo!". I shot her a playful glare, but she only laughed in response and tightened her grip on the blanket. I opened my mouth to retort back, but was abruptly cut off.

"I know quit starin'!" she laughed, mocking me with a deep-voiced impression.

I gaped. "I do not sound like that." I insisted as I slipped into my shorts.

She shrugged and put her coffee back down onto the table next to her. "That's my generic boy voice." I nodded and picked up my shirt, putting my hands through the arm holes. "No." she whined. I stared at her and she pouted.

"I can't exactly walk in shirtless." I chuckled, putting the shirt on. "I'm sorry I woke you."

She frowned. "It's okay. I wish you would more often so I can say bye to you in the morning."

I dug out some socks from the top drawer and sat on the edge of the bed. "You need your rest just as much as I do."

"Not true." she groaned, crawling closer to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a peck on the cheek before resting her head on my shoulder. "How'd you sleep."

"Alright. You?" I asked as I put on my second sock. My neck was still tingling a bit. Once done with my socks, I turned to her and gave her a deep, long kiss, pressing her back onto the bed. Letting her speak, I sat up on my elbows, looking down at her.

She giggled. "Well, personally, I prefer being up, I think. I don't get to see you when I'm dreaming." Elle ran her hands through my hair and I shook them away, knowing she was messing with my bed head hair. Her fingers immediately went for my beard after that, but I allowed them to do so.

"You don't dream about me?" I asked, jokingly, giving her one more quick kiss before standing up. I grabbed my sneakers that sat by the door and slipped them on.

She rested her arms behind her head and stared at me from the bed. "No. My dreams are strictly reserved for Stalberg." I glared at her. I hate when she does this. She raised an eyebrow and stuck her tongue out at me. She knows I'm not a fan of them being alone together. I know she'd never cheat on me, especially not with him, but ever since last year, I can't help but be a little jealous. It's not VIktor, and it's not her... it's just them. I can't quite explain.

"Not funny." I grumbled, picking up my bag. I was on my way out when I thought of something smart to say. I stopped in the doorway and turned back around, leaning on the door frame. I kept a straight face and began, "Oh, and I know you slept well... whether you were dreaming about Viktor or not."

She gave me a perplexed look and questioned, "How..?"

"Because, you snored like a lawnmower." I shot back, a small smile creeping it's way onto my face.

Ellie gasped, and crossed her hands over her chest. I stuck my tongue out. Still the king. She squinted hard at me and picked up the pillow nearest her. Elizabeth tossed it at me as hard as she could, but I wasn't a professional athlete for nothing. I dodged it and scoffed, rolling my eyes. "I do not!" She screamed. I lightly tossed the pillow onto the bed, not aiming specifically for her. "Do I?" she inquired, frowning down at her hands.

I shook my head and made my way out. "I'll see you after practice." I called on my way to the front door.

"Wait! Do I really snore?" she hollered back.

I laughed. "There's french toast in the kitchen." I yelled back as I picked up my mug by the door, taking a swig of the caffeinated drink.

"Wait!" I heard Elizabeth squeal. I paused at the door, ready to tell her to go back to bed when I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist.

I let out a low chuckle and dropped my arms in defeat. "Yes?"

"Do me a favor?" she mumbled into my back, making it tickle. I wriggled away out of habit. I nodded and took another sip of the coffee. "Be careful." she mumbled in my ear.

I stopped and put my coffee back down on the table. I whirled around and stared at her. She was biting her lip and playing with her hands nervously. "When am I not careful? It's just ho-,"

"I know! I know... I just-" Elizabeth started getting red in the face and her words started smashing together like a bunch of cars in a bad accident.

I put my hands on her shoulders. "What is this about?" I wondered, stopping her rambling. She fell silent, her mouth hanging open as she tried to find the right words. By then, I figured it out. I groaned, "You're still hung up on the concussion thing?" I dropped my hands and angrily cracked my knuckles. Elle stared down at her feet, but she didn't respond. "For the last time, I'm fine, okay?"

"You didn't look fine! I watched you fall once-" she started. Her face went from embarrassed to furious in a matter of seconds; it was like flipping a switch.

I balled my hands into fists and held my breath for a second, trying to calm down. "It's not going to happen again! I promise you-"

"You can't promise that! You can't promise anything with this... this-" she hissed, running her hands through her hair.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "This what? This... hobby? This... sport? This is my job, my dream, my life, not some... dumb extracurricular activity!"

"I didn't say that! I just worry about you! You know you can't play if you're seriously injured. Especially with a concussion." she reasoned, slowly calming down. Thank God too; I had just gotten a massive headache from all this screaming.

I nodded. "I know. You trust me, right?" She nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'd tell you if anything was wrong, you know that?" Reluctantly, Elizabeth gave a quick nod again. "Then believe me when I say I'm fine."

She pursed her lips and nodded. "Alright, if you say so... If you really believe you're fine, then you won't mind going to get another concussion test just to make-" she bargained.

I rolled my eyes. "Just drop it, okay?!" I howled. So done. I picked up my coffee and headed out the door, making sure to slam it on my way out. The sound reverberated throughout the hall, rattling its way through my head. I closed my eyes and waited patiently for the headache-enabling ringing in my ears to subside. I heaved a sigh and walked down to the elevator.

I realized how rude I was being when I reached my car. Once I was buckled in and the car was heating up, I slipped my phone from my pocket and sent her an apology text.

I did it again... I'm really sorry I snapped at you. It's not your fault, I'm just... it's hard. I'm not playing the same and it's been frustrating trying to get back into the swing of things. I love you. I hope you're not mad at me. I'll make it up to you when I get home. P.S. the french toast is all yours.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay first chapter! It's from Jon's perspective this time. I don't know how good it'll turn out, but here's the start! Give me feedback guys! Hope you enjoy :)