Dare to Dance

Chapter 6

"Anthony. I want to be your dance partner." Iz said after a moment of hesitation.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, before I change my mind." Iz stood up and wiped her tears away. " I have an advanced class next, dance in it and then we can practice the dance you want to practice." Iz said taking control again.

"Fine." Anthony said and held back a grin. Finally, we can win something. Something that we both grew tired of wanting and waiting. Anthony thought to himself.

Iz walked out of the office and into her studio. The class was already waiting for her.

"Welcome class. Now today, we are going to do a new dance. But this time you make up the moves and teach me." Iz said with a twinkle in her eye. The class exchanged looks and she started the music. Once it was done she stopped the music.

"You may...begin." Anthony watched as she saw some of her student s go right into action.

"Let's start with a hop kick jump slide." one of the girls said and Iz did as the student had instructed.

"OK, next a coffee grinder followed by a...a..." another girl said.

"Followed by a shuffle hop step." As time went by Iz had followed their instructions and done the dance.

"Now its time to do this all together with the music." Iz said and played the music. Anthony went to the back of the class and followed as Iz and the class went through the whole dance.

"That was excellent. See you in two days time for our competition." Iz said and walked back to her office to get a drink of water.

"Ready to being?" Anthony asked from her doorway.

"Always." Iz answered and began to think about Jackson. Anthony sure does act a lot like Jackson. No, I won't put the memories back. Iz told herself firmly and concentrated on the moves Anthony was trying to teach her.
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short I know but, I kinda have lost the idea I had... an am working on a different story.