Status: Very short, but finished.

Next Mother***er's Gonna Get My Metal

The First Conflict

It was a rainy day in Canton, Ohio. The year was 1984 and Brian Warner just got out of bed for public school. Like every day he got ready, ate a bowl of Lucky Charms and took the bus to school. On his walk from the bus to the school a group of bullies approached Brian. Brian kept on walking and tried to ignore them. But one bully named Ben stopped him.

"Hey who are you!"

"Uh Brian" Brian knew this wasn't a friendly talk so he tried walking out of it.

"What was that!?"



The bullies kept taunting poor Brian. Brian tried standing up for himself but only angered the bullies even more.

A girl named Trish got off the bus and walked their way. She noticed Brian being circled so she walked up to the bullies. Trish had long blonde hair and blue eyes. She'd noticed Brian a few times on the bus but hadn't said anything to him.

"What’s going on?" Trish asked.

Ben had never met Trish before but instantly had an eye for her.

"Just causing a bit of morning trouble." Ben stated casually; like he was okay with it in a jokingly way.

Trish didn't say anything back but she walked through the bullies and pulled Brian out of the circle.
She then looked back and gave them all the middle finger, and smirked.

She looked at Brian.
"I'm Trish"


"Hey you didn't have to! I can defend myself!"

"Sorry you were surrounded by four 250 lb. football players who could rip you in half in less than a second."

"Thanks" Brian laughed a little.

That moment had started a new friendship…