Sequel: Hope
Status: All prompts are complete

I Will If You Will

I Will If You Will

“So why are we doing this again?” She asked starring at the

shimmering blue water. She watched as her boyfriend got undressed.

“We’re being outgoing, adventurous.” He said standing straight, fully

naked. She laughed. “It’s going to be cold.” Her boyfriend’s light

chuckle pierced the air. “So? Life’s going to be cold, but am I just

going to say ‘screw it’ and give up? No! I’m gonna jump right in.” She

sighed. “God, you’re such a-”

“An amazing person. Get undressed and do this with me. Jump into

life!” The wind blew her hair into her face. She never noticed

before, but the man she was lucky enough to call hers was

extremely optimistic. A little too motivational speaker for her taste,

at the moment. She sighed as she glanced down at the awaiting

pool one last time. Her reflection stared back at her. That’s when

she noticed it; the cessation of her youth, the boringness she

inhabited. For her, the comfort of sitting at home watching

Coldcase on a Friday night was the most exciting it got. Maybe it

was time to live a little. She quickly stripped to the same

nakedness of her other half and smiled. Grabbing her hand he

smiled back. “There‘s no turning back. You really wanna do this?”

He asked. For the first time in a long time, she was absolutely sure

about something. She was ready to start living. “I will if you will.”

And with that, they both jumped into life. And let me just say, it

was fucking freezing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Based on the prompt: Speech to include: “I will if you will.” by