Status: you are beautiful

Beyond Forever


"I don't like the way he looks at you," Jongup admits. They're sitting in their favourite street side cafe, at their favourite table, sipping on their favourite cups of chai latte. Presently, Sydney's head is bowed. She's reading the rough manuscript of a story someone's asking her company to publish. Obviously, her mind's anywhere but on the dark haired, long limbed man that's making eyes at her from across the room. "Or the way he's licking his lips like you're something to eat." The last bit's said with a little more bite than necessary. Sydney smiles at the obvious jealousy and leans forward slightly.

She says "Quit being so mean, Jongup" so quietly, it's barely a whisper. Jongup rolls his eyes and huffs.

"I can be mean if it involves my girlfriend."

The brunette cocks an eyebrow at this but says nothing. She seems amused.

Jongup frowns. "You could act a little less happy about it, you know."

"Why not? You're cute when you're jealous."

Jongup grins at this - that sexy, half smirk, half teasing smile that's his signature move - and sighs.

"So, how's work? How's Peter doing?"

Sydney stifles a low groan. "Work? Really?"

Jongup shrugs and Sydney's lips stretch into a slow smile. She hasn't had reason to smile in a very long time.

"Ok, fine. Work's being an ass. Peter's being an ass. Life's being an ass."

"You like talking about asses, don't you?"

Sydney lowers her head conspiratorially, as if she's about to tell a secret that no one else can know. "Only when it involves yours."

Jongup blushes but he holds her gaze with admirable finesse. "I like talking about your ass, too."

For a moment, there's a short silence. Then Sydney breaks into a giggling fit and Jongup's holding his stomach, trying not to laugh too hard or his chai latte might just come right back up.

"I can't believe you just said that," Sydney breathes, still giggling.

Jongup's laugh lightens to a chuckle and then suddenly, he frowns.

"Oh, no."

Sydney straightens immediately. There's a darkness in Jongup's eyes that she doesn't recognize.

"What's wrong?"

Jongup's looking behind her, at something just over her shoulder and the moment Sydney turns her head, she knows. A tall, well built man in a suit is standing there; complete with charming smile, dimpled chin and cowlick. Her smile falls off her face and she clears her throat.

"Hello," the man says, still smiling. "I couldn't help but notice you from my seat. I'm Evan." His hand shoots out and before she knows it, Sydney's placed hers in his and he's pumping it and then he's taking the seat beside her and when she turns back, Jongup's nowhere to be seen.

"Chai Latte?" Evan asks pointedly. Sydney looks at the cup in her hand as if it's a ticking timed bomb, trying to keep herself from searching the room for her boyfriend.


"Listen, I don't normally do this but would you like to have a drink with me? Later, maybe? I spent the past three weeks telling myself to just come up to you and ask you out."

Sydney's mind blanks. All too slowly, she moves her mouth and the action sends ripples of thought through her.

"I have a boyfriend," she blurts suddenly. It's all she can do, really. She has no intention of cheating on Jongup with some suited up, ironed out Hugh Jackman wanna-be. She has no intention of pretending to be single, unattached, when her Jongup's probably still in the room.

Evan's face pales. Considerably.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't think..."

Sydney tries to wave him quiet. "It's okay. I understand."

Evan stands and tries to move as gracefully as he can back to his chair. Before he does though, he turns back to Sydney.

"If I were your boyfriend, I certainly wouldn't leave you stranded alone in a cafe."

Sydney fights down the flare of annoyance and smiles innocently at the man.

"Oh, I'm never alone. Don't worry."

When she turns back, Jongup is there again; a wide grin pasted on his face. He's happy, she can see that.

"You shouldn't have left like that," Sydney rebukes.

Jongup makes a face but he's chuckling.

"Well, I never really did leave, did I?"

Sydney sips her latte. "I didn't see you. What's the difference?"

Jongup reaches forward and covers her hand with his own. The light that reflects off the many glass surfaces in the room pierces through the translucent hand momentarily reminds Sydney of her reality.

Jongup is gone. Jongup is gone.

But then she looks up, at him, and sees the way his dark eyes stare longingly at her and her pounding heart calms the slightest. He's still there, he's still hers. Beyond forever, beyond death; he'll always be hers.