Status: Working Progress

Keep Chasing Me


We casually wondered back to the bus, with Jaime's arm staying over my shoulders the entire way.

The band and I were discussing plans for the day which always ended in disaster. They could never agree to do something together meaning they always separated which made my job a lot more difficult.

Having to keep track of the band was hard enough when they were together; separate them, add in loads of other bands, buses and alcohol and you basically had an impossible task! But I wouldn't trade it for the world.

By the time we had returned to the bus, the boys had made up their minds about their plans. Mike was going to go and chill with All Time Low, Tony was going to go and watch the other bands. Vic was going to go and find You Me At Six. Which left Jaime who said he wanted to chill on the bus, which I happily agreed to do with him.

The other three all grabbed what they needed for the day and headed off. I reminded them all of their set time and promised to find them later.

Once they were gone the bus was suddenly a lot quieter and it seemed a lot bigger.

"So whatcha wanna do?" Jaime asked me.

"Oh, I don't mind." I replied, everyone knew I was awful with making decision about what to do.

"A guitar hero battle then?" He asked.

"Aw yeah! Bring it bro!" I confidently declared, I hadn't played against Jaime in ages and I had been practising!

"Oh ok then! It's like that then is it. Well lets make it interesting. Lets have a bet." He said whilst setting up the game. "Best of what? Three? Five?"


"And winner gets to... Ummmm - gotta make it worth my while... Ummmmm"

"How about winner gets to chose their prize over the other after they win?" I suggested, knowing from experience that with Jaime trying to decide that we would be there forever.

"That's probably a good idea." He said whilst we shook on the bet.

Things were gonna get competitive here!