When Will My Reflection Show, Who I Am Inside?

Part I

I woke up with the warm sun on my face. It was another day on the farm. Get up, do chores, eat breakfast then study for the matchmaker. My visit to the matchmaker was the day after tomorrow.

Once I got out of my bed, I went over to my closet and slipped on some farming clothes. I found a pair of old slippers and put them on my feet to protect them. Racing down the stairs, I found that getting my chores done quick, but efficiently, woke me up.

After feeding the chickens, cows and my horse, I decided to make some tea for my father, who I knew was praying to the ancestors, so he could have a relaxing morning. It brewed slowly, just the way father loved it.

For a few minutes, I began to daydream as I waited for the tea. I imagined myself marrying a handsome war hero, who treated me like a princess. We had lots of children, both girls and boys. We grew old together and watched our children go get married...

I shook out of my daze, got the tea ready, and I headed out the door. Passed the barn and the pond, there is the ancestral house. All my ancestors tombstones are in there. My father is atop the hill that this praying site is on; on his knees, praying to our predecessors.

He turned to me as he heard my footsteps. I smiled, bowing to him, and I offered him the tea I had taken the time to brew.

"Remember father, the doctor said three cups a day and three at night."

"Yes, Mulan. You are a very generous daughter to have done this deed for your father. You will bring lots of honor to our family."

His pride in me made me very nervous. I felt like I wasn't going to do very well. I never really feel like a bride. Or a wife...I feel like a Mulan. Because, that's who I am.

My father tells me to go pray, as he will bring back the tea to the house. I nod, bowing almost, and get knee-bound to chant some sacred hymns.

I know my father is proud of me; there is no reason for him not to be. I am just very nervous. I have heard stories about the matchmaker. She is not patient, nor is she very kind. She is dutiful, judging, and she can be very aggressive.

I felt very faint; sick, even. Getting up, I almost stumbled over the stairs. The cool marble felt good on my cheek, as I leaned against a column. Finally, I caught my breath and went to clean out the stables.

After my chores, I went inside to wash up, and then serve breakfast. My mother and grandma would arrive any minute, helping me to make a delicious meal for my providing family.

It felt nice to rub some warm water onto my face and hands. I stepped out of my filthy farming clothes, and put on a comfortable dress. I had a pink shawl to go with the lilac dress. When I was in the kitchen, my mother smiled at me.

"You look wonderful, Mulan. Grandma was just telling me how much you had grown up. Papa also told me that you made him tea. You really will honor us."

That felt good to be praised. I hadn't heard something like that in a long time.

...Usually, it was more of the likes of:

"Mulan, be serious!"


"Mulan, stop it!"

Or even...

"You'll break it, Mulan!"

I knew my family was trying to guide me since I was a little child, but sometimes, their comments hurt. I was really trying to figure out who I was and where I belong...

My grandmother was the one to clear her throat; I had been daydreaming again.

"Thank you, mother. Thank you, grandmother." I kissed them each on the cheek.

Breakfast was rice balls filled with strawberries, egg whites and congee. I made the rice balls myself. I felt good to cook with my mother and grandmother. It was interesting to learn their secrets.

After breakfast, my grandmother pulled me to her room to tell me something...