Saved From Never Enough

The Beginning Of The End..Or So I Thought.

I'm looking down at my dinner-smoked salmon, steamed carrots, and potato bread- and picking at it when the phone rings. I jump up to get it, my father looking shocked let me.
"'Hello?" I ask, my Irish accent popping.
"Uh, hello, is this Kori?" the other end answers.
"It is. Hey Flan, what is going on?" I ask. Flannery Smith is my best friend.
"She got it." Flannery breaths into the phone.
I scream.
"Kelsey! Dad! Kelsey! Dad! KELSEY!!! DAD!!!" I yell. They come running.
"What? What be wrong??" Dad yells. I pick the phone back up.
"We will be right over!" I hung up the phone and spun to my father and sister.
"SHE GOT IT!!!!!" I yell. We all cheer, laugh, cry, hug each other. We get in the car and drive to the Smith's house.
To understand it all, I need to back up about 45 years.
Leslie Smith Flannery Smith-my best friend- and Sadie Smith's-my sister's best friend- mother. My father and Leslie grew up together. Their families had been friends when our grandparents all grew up together. Leslie and my father grew up as siblings, never even thought about dating each other...or so we are all told...
My mother and Flannery's father went to high school together and were good friends because of mutual friends. They went to college together, and then a mutual friends between my mom and Mr. Smith and my dad and Leslie...making sense?
Anyway, that friend, I think it was Charlotte O'Hanohan, set them up with each other, and they clicked.
They got married, had kids at the same time, even lived in the same apartment complex for the first few years of our lives.
Even now we only live 2 streets away.
About 4 years ago, mom and Mr.Smith, well actually his name was Marshall, went to drive to work together, because of course, they worked together and carpooled everyday. For some reason, even at 7 in the mornin', a drunk driver was on the road....
After the funerals for both mom and Marshall, it was hard on both families, but it brought us closer together.
About 2 years ago, Sadie started getting sick. At first we didn't know why, and then the doctors started doing tests.
Sadie had stage 2 Hodgkins lymphoma, a type of cancer.
She has been going through treatments since then, and the call was Flannery telling us she got her wish from the Make A Wish Foundation.

"What was your wish?" I ask Sadie, who is cuddled up with the Smith's dog, Margo.
"To get to meet One Direction." I roll my eyes at the little girl. "I get to bring you guys though!"
"When do we go?" Kelsey asks, excitedly. Her pale green eyes glimmering.
"It's next week!!! I go for another treatment tomorrow, and then we get to leave for some pre-concert shopping!!!"
"Girls..." Leslie bites her lip, and we all stare at her. "Girls," she starts again. "Ken and I cannot go, we need to work."
"But Mum!" Sadie starts, tears in her eyes.
"We need to work. However, because Kori and Flan are old enough, they will be taking you."
"EEEKK!!!" Sadie and Kelsey screech. I laugh. We are all homeschooled, ever since the accident when it was hard to even get up in the morning, much less go to school.
It became even more helpful when Sadie got sick, and we could all just do our schooling in her hospital room. Anyways, it wouldn't be a problem for us to go.
"They said we get VIP passes, and get to go to lunch before the concert with them." The girls start talking and we branch off into the girls bedrooms as our parents talk.
"Hey, maybe we'll get dates or something." Flannery says. We are sitting in her bedroom, her on her bed, me lying on the floor.
"Yeah, right. Maybe you. I'm anything but attractive." I scoff. My mind adds the words fat, ugly, and worthless in too.
"We should color your hair tomorrow when Sadie is getting treatment. We could just make it brighter! Like, more red!!! Oh, please please please!!??" Flannery begs me. I laugh,nodding.
Saying hard to my father and Leslie was hard, but what was harder was seeing how many people just stared at Sadie, who, as requested be a doctor, was in a wheelchair through the airport, with a colorful scarf around her naked head. We had landed and gotten off the plane early. Sadie was practically bouncing out of her seat. A limo driver met us at the luggage pick up area. He had airport workers bring it out to the car and we all got in. Sadie was so excited she looked like the smile would brake her jaw.
"Ladies, welcome to your hotel." the driver tells us. We get out and find out that hotel had bag boys to bring the luggage to our room.
"Here are your keys, enjoy!" The desk lady informed us. Sadie squeeled and I smiled at her being happy. Flannery took my hand as I took Sadie's. Kelsey took Flannery's hand.
We open the door to a suite, with a Jacuzzi, rooftop access, a kitchen, 4 king sized beds, 5 flat-screened tv's- one in each bed room(only two bedrooms), one in the living room, one in the bathroom, and one in the kitchen.
"Sadie, you should rest and we can go out later." I say. She looks excited, but tired, and finally gives in. She goes to lie down as I hear Kelsey turn on the Jacuzzi and go to get changed. I unpack my few articles of clothing and then notice Flannery get changed for the Jacuzzi.
"I'm going to get something to eat. I'll be back later and shower. Then we can go out." I say. It's a lie, of course, but Flan buys it.
I went for the piano.