Status: First Fic :)

Where My Demons Hide

The Butterflies

I woke up the next morning to sunlight in my face, and my head against Frank's chest. I noticed Frank's heavy breathing and I nuzzled back into his chest. But then the problems with this situation hit me. It was sunny out, which means I've already missed at least two periods.
And, fuck, Frank. I couldn't be cuddling in the same bed as him, I'd known him for, like, two days! I shook my head and pulled away. Frank stirred and mumbled something unhappily. I smiled at his cuteness but knew I shouldn't be with him. He probably doesn't even like me like that. He always talks about some guy named Billie Joe. Sighing, I took a pillow and climbed on the floor, lying in the sunlight to try and warm up. Fuck classes, anyway.

I woke up to Frank shaking me awake. "Gerard? Gee, I can't believe you slept on the floor. C'mon, get up, I called into the nurse and said that I was taking care of you because you had a minor cold. Don't worry about classes."
I sighed. "I'm sorry for making you stay like this. I haven't even known you that long... It's just... I couldn't trust myself alone. You can leave me now though. I don't expect you to play nurse for me or anything." I managed a weak laugh. Even though I wanted Frank to stay, it was only our second day of classes and he was already skipping because of me. Frank was shaking his head. "I know, it's really fucking weird considering we've only known each other for a couple of days, but, um..." He looked down shyly and rubbed his neck. "It just feels like I've known you longer. That you're one of my best friends." he blurted. I smiled. "Yeah, you're not alone in that feeling." His head snapped out and he was beaming. "Now come on, you're not aloud to just lie on the floor. Get in bed."
"Bossy bitch." I muttered sarcastically and he shoved my shoulder. I made a face and he laughed. I loved how comfortable I was with him. At home the only person I felt like that with (when I was sober) was my little brother, Mikey. I climbed into bed. I wanted him to cuddle up next to me but I knew that wouldn't happen. Frank said something about getting his guitar, and being right back. He left my room. I got up and grabbed my sketch book and pencils. I went back to sketching a picture of two swallows. Frank returned with a white electric guitar and sat down and stared playing an easy, lazy riff. I hummed along and got lost in my drawing. Around an hour later I feel breath on my neck and a flinch. No matter how many people invade my space at this damn school, I will never get used to it. Frank's chin is resting on my shoulder and he says, "I'm still really taken aback when I see your drawings. They're just so..." He trails off and cocks his head, resting his head against mine. I tried to suppress shivers his touch gave me. Frank took a deep breath and he snuggled his body closer to mine. I could feel his heart beating fast as he wrapped his legs around my waist and enclosed his arms around my chest. He then whispered, "Remember when you said you liked that guy... It's silly for me to think..." He planted a kiss on my neck. That cocky bastard. "...That you could possibly like me...?"
I had to focus. Ignore the beautiful man that is latched onto me. "Frank." I breathed, still not capable of doing anything right with him so close to me. "We shouldn't..." He kissed my neck, right underneath my jaw. "And why not?" He murmured into my neck, lips travelling and kissing. When he found my sweet spot I couldn't hold back the awkward groan it drew from me. This encouraged Frank, and now he planted kisses everywhere, and I couldn't hold back anymore. I turned around and crushed my lips against Frank's. He kissed back with an equal amount of force, his hands tugging at my hair. I nibbled on his lip ring and he groaned into my mouth. I smirked. I love the way he groaned. His hands traveled from my hair to my shirt and he used it to pull both of us down on the bed. He forced his tongue into my mouth and he explored my mouth, then sucking on my tongue. He turned me over and straddled me. He began to grind and the friction I felt was something beyond what I could ever imagine. "Ahh, fuck, Frank." I groaned. "F-fuck, oh god, I can't even, fuck, talk." I pushed Frank off of me and he looked at me with hurt eyes. I laughed and snuggled into him, trying to ignore the discomfort in my crotch. "I'm not gonna fuck you, Frankie. There's this thing called taking it slow." He rolled his eyes but nuzzled into my chest.
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It's short but I am limited on time xc Title from Paramore's new single ahh ! :D i was gonna elongate them getting together but i couldt they just need to be together okay