Status: Active

Whoever She Is

Summer Was Full Of Mistakes

“Daddy!” I yelled as I ran and hugged my dad and he spun me around
“Hey baby girl! How are you?” He said after he out me down
“Good! It’s a little hot today though!” I said as I popped my trunk to get my bags.
“No! No! I’ll get your bags. You say hello to Theo, he missed you.” He told me. When he heard his name, Theo ran from the yard to the driveway and jumped to me.
“Hey baby!” I laughed as I petted my dog. I missed my boy so much. We ran to the grass and started playing. He was barking and I was laughing as we played fetch.
“Come on in you two!” My dad called. We went inside and I immediately felt the cool air hit my skin. I sighed as I followed my dad to my room. He placed my bags on my bed and turned around to face me
“I know you just got here, but the firm is holding a family barbeque tonight. And I have to go. You don’t have to if you don’t want to” He stated
“No. I’ll go. It’s fine. What time do we need to go?” I asked
“Around 6:30”
“Okay. That gives me enough time to get ready and unpack some.” I said getting up and opening up my suitcase.
“Alright. When you are ready, just come downstairs.” He said as he left my room.
I unpacked my clothes and hung them up with the clothes I already had at the house. I pulled a black v neck and a pair of shorts out of my drawer and put them on my bed. I walked into my bathroom and plugged in my curler. I took my hair out of the messy bun it was in and began fixing my natural curls. I applied a small amount of make up before I walked back into my room and changed into my newoutfit . I strapped on my sandals, grabbed my phone, and walked downstairs. My dad was in his in home office when I got downstairs.
“You ready?” he asked when he saw me in the doorway of his office
“Yes sir!” I answered
We went to the garage and got in his car. We drove for about 10 minutes to his college’s house.
“Whose house is this?” I asked as we pulled into the driveway
“Her name is Vanessa. She is one of the associate lawyers at the firm.” He answered.
We walked through the yard to the back fence that was open. When we turned the corner I saw about 20 people eating, drinking, and talking. I followed my dad. He approached a woman about my mother’s age with blonde hair. She hugged him and stated “Terry! I’m so glad you could make it! This must be your daughter Danielle! Hi, I’m Vanessa Monaco.”
“It is lovely to meet you Ms. Monaco. You have a lovely home.” I smiled as she hugged me
“Oh dear just call me Vanessa! My son Jared is around here somewhere. Maybe you can rub some of your manners off on him!” She laughed as she went to find her son.
My dad brought me some lemonade and he had a beer. I smiled at him and he introduced me to the rest of his colleges. Vanessa came back about 20 minutes later with a tall red headed boy who looked my age. I assumed that this was the Jared that she was talking about earlier.
“Hey I’m Jared” He came up to me and offered his hand to shake
“I’m Danielle. Nice to meet you” I smiled as I shook his hand.
“My friend Kennedy and I are hanging out by the pool if you want to join us” He offered
“Sure. That sounds great” I smiled and followed him over to the pool where another guy who I assume is Kennedy sat next to the pool at a table on the deck. He looked up when he heard us walking up.
“Well hello. Who is this lovely lady? He asked smiling at me
“I’m Danielle. And I am assuming you are the Kennedy that Jared here mentioned?”
“That would be me! The one and only Kennedy Brock.”
“Well it is lovely to meet you Mr. Brock” I laughed
We sat by the pool and talked for a while. We made plates of food and ate while I got to know them.
“So you go to Desert Mountain High?” Kennedy asked
“Yepp. I’ll be a senior this year.”
“That’s odd. You don’t act like any of the people I have met from Desert Mountain High. They are all stuck up and rude.” He replied
“Well, you can’t judge a school based on a few people” I answered nervously. The truth is, most of the people at my school are like that. We are exactly like he thinks. Desert Mountain High was full of snobby, stuck up bitches and douchebags. And I was one of the most well-known people at my school. I wasn’t rude to people, but everyone knew me or knew of me. I am head cheerleader, President of Student Council, Editor of the school Newspaper, and in the running for Valedictorian. I didn’t tell them because I didn’t want them to judge me based on anything they may have heard.
“Your right. You seem way too cool to be a stuck up bitch” Jared laughed as he slung his arm around me. Kennedy and Jared told me about the band they formed. It was them and three other guys they go to school with. We talked for a long time before I knew it, my dad was calling my name. I hopped out of my chair, hugged the boys goodbye, and met my dad to leave. I got in the car and my dad drove away.
“You seemed to have hit it off with Jared and his friend tonight” he stated
“Yeah Jared and Kennedy are really nice. I had fun.” I smiled at him. We got home soon after that. We walked into the house. I told my dad I was going to take a shower. I went upstairs, went into my room, then into the bathroom. I turned the water to a comfortable setting, undressed and got into the shower. I stayed in the shower a bit longer than normally. I just stood in the shower and let the hot water sooth my muscles. They were so sore from cheer camp last week. When the water started getting cold, I got out. I dried off and wrapped the towel around my body. I entered my room and found some fresh pajamas to change into. I turned my TV on and started flipping channels. I settled on E! News and went to text my friend Chelsea about the latest Zac Efron news I just heard, when I realized I didn’t know where my phone was. I looked all over the room, and then I decided to look downstairs for it, and then in the car. No luck, I walked into dad’s office to find him on the computer
“Hey Dad, have you seen my phone?” I asked
“Did you check the car?”
“Yeah. I think I might have left it at Ms. Vanessa’s house.” I stated
“I’ll call her and ask her” he told me. He went to his room to change and I went to the kitchen to get some water. I grabbed a bottle of water and shut the fridge. I turned around as dad was walking into the kitchen.
“Jared found your phone. He said he will run it by tomorrow morning since he will be in the area anyway.” He told me
“Thank goodness!”
“Well honey, I am going to bed. I hope you had fun tonight I love you”
“I had a blast. I love you too daddy” I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.
I went upstairs with Theo behind me and got into the bed. Theo hopped in the bed after me and snuggled up to me. I slowly drifted to sleep.