Letters for Muscles

March 23

My Dearest Muscles,

I really miss you in our bed. You can guess the main reason, but there’s a plethora more of little things I miss. I miss the way you held me tight before we dozed off. I miss spooning into your back when I’m cold. I miss how naturally our bodies fell together in our sleepy cuddles. I miss holding your hand as I fall asleep. I miss your warmth. I miss feeling safe. I miss knowing you’re there.

I miss you. Even the sleep-talking.

I love you.

Today was spent doing chores around the base. I had to do dishes because nobody else ever does them around here. Noah helped vacuum. The generator is still up and running, so we’re good on electricity. I’m just so tired.

Chandler insisted on shopping today. He wanted me to get a nice dress so I could feel better about myself… maybe feel a little sexy. Even if only remotely.

I tried on one which was fine, pretty, girl-next-door, etc… definitely not sexy, though.

I went back to the base, bemoaning the fact that I’ll never look sexy in a dress ever again.

Maybe if I start looking good again, I’ll start feeling good again. If you were here, I wouldn’t even have these doubts.

I miss you being here to tell me how pretty I am.

I miss you every moment of every day.

Love you,