Letters for Muscles

February 22

My Dearest Muscles,

It’s been six days since I’ve seen you. Already! I wish it was easier to be excited, but the days just drag on and on.

People have been asking me lots of questions about how I’m taking all this. Even Garrett acknowledged how hard it must be. I told him it was. Told him I can’t harp too much because our comrades would notice I wasn’t happy. Can’t have that.

Gabe asked if there was any way for me to call you. I took a deep breath and reminded myself not to snap at him because he doesn’t know. I had to explain to him that because you’re on a “confidential” assignment, we can’t even write (yet here I am, writing).

I wish we could at least skype. I miss seeing your face. I miss seeing your lovely eyes and your bright smile. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not angry. I know you’d call me if you could.

Gabe also asked if you got a break. I told him no. I guess, the worst part is that this whole thing has the potential to change in ways I can’t even fathom. You like to work on the fly. I know you like to make things up as you go, and I believe whole-heartedly that you’ll make the right choices. I have to expect changes at any given time.

I get asked how I feel a lot, too. Emotionally, I tend to wake up feeling alright. It’s the night time that comes, and suddenly, I’m alone. The loneliness just creeps up. My insomnia is worse that the nightmares. I find sleep at strange times of day. I’m also feeling incredibly sensitive. No sad songs for me.

I miss you.

Yours Lovingly,