Status: discontinued. working on a new one.

Improbabil Dragoste

Chapter Ten

I had walked down the road a ways and hadn't heard anything so I looked in some of the cars for anything useful, clothes hopefully. I went through two cars not finding anything useful and then I heard footsteps coming over so I crouched down and readied by pick. When they got closer they stopped suddenly so I peered up and saw Dale.
“Dale. You scared me. Why are you not watching? Did something happen?” I asked putting my pickaxe up.
“Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to. Carol is up there waiting for Daryl and Andrea to come back, in case, in case they come back with Sophia.”
I nodded, “ Hey are those?” I motioned to the box in his shirt pocket not knowing how to pronounce the word.
He glanced down widening up his pocket with his hand and pulling out a box of tigări, “Cigarettes? Here you can take them I shouldn't be smoking anyway.” He admitted while handing them over to me.
“Mulțumesc, thank you.” I said tipping them in his direction before sliding them into my inside jacket pocket.
When he had gone back a ways I pulled them out and pulled one out and settled it between my lips when I realized I did not have a lighter. I sighed squatting down resting on the tops of my feet pulling the țigară from my lips and put it behind my ear, putting the box back in my jacket then tightening my messy bun I put my hair in. My hair was getting pretty long as were my bangs but luckily it hasn't been causing a problem, yet. I stood up and started to make my way back to camp when I saw a column of light bouncing around across the road ahead of me. I started to jog over to meet up with them.

As I came up to the van I saw Carol run inside, they didn't find Sophia, and then Daryl looking at me with a sad expression for seeing Carol so upset. I nodded turning away from Daryl walking into the van and at the sound of Dale starting to talk to Andrea, probably trying to smooth things over. Someone needed to keep watch so I went back to walking the roads. I looked back and saw Andrea decided to take up watch on top of the van and Dale didn't look relieved so I don't think she's forgiven him.

I started searching through cars looking for a lighter. I had looked through three cars and didn't have any luck.

“Ce dracu? Unde esti?” What the hell? Where are you?
“Lookin' fur this?”

I turned around and saw Daryl standing behind me waving a small lighter.
“Da. My hero.” I laughed and pulled the țigară from my ear moving it to my lips.

I leaned in to the flame Daryl ignited for me. I puffed it once and relaxed at the feeling, it's been so long since I smoked. My family never approved but since I moved I was able to lax more. I exhaled and watched the smoke fly and disappear quickly. I handed over the țigară to Daryl which he took.

“Thank you. Dale gave me these. When he left I noticed I didn't have a light.” I chuckled receiving the țigară again.

“Yea, I had this light for a few days now. Just nothin' to do wit it.” He admitted.
“Glad I could help,” I said exhaling
“You don't look the smokin type.”
“Yeah? I'm just full of surprises.” I admitted smiling taking another puff skipping offering it to Daryl.
“I can see that.”
I handed the țigară to him when he raised his hand pointing at it, when I gave it to him I watched him take it to his lips and the tip of the țigară light up.
“I think this is the most relaxed I've been since..” I trailed off not remembering the last time.
“Understandable, I was always alone so this ain't nothin new for me.”
“I'm sorry.”
“Ain't nothin to be sorry for. Just how things work out.”
“Da. Well, I can see they are glad to have you. As am I.” I said looking down puffing on the țigară.

We both finished the țigară in silence. I felt a tad uncomfortable unsure of if what I said was supposed to be unsaid. I let Daryl finish off the țigară and we walked back together. Along the way Daryl put his arm around my shoulders and said, “Man, I am beat. We gotta get busy tamarra let's go get some rest.”
I smiled and nodded liking the weight of his arm.

I woke up at the sound of the van starting and I sat up in the booth on the van. Seeing Dale in the drivers seat.
“Good morning. Are we leaving?” I asked looking out the window seeing Daryl getting his bike ready.
“Yes, just getting ready to.”
I walked off the van and over to Daryl.
“Good morning.” I said quickly as he tossed his bow at me.
“Here hold this and get on.” He told me as he took his set on the back.
“Da.” I said putting his bow on and sitting behind him.
“Hang on.” He said right when he started the bike and took off back down the road.
I wrapped my arms around his torso and kept my eyes up for the road sign.

I saw the road and pointed over and Daryl nodded slightly and turned down the road. We drove down the road a ways until we found a gate I jumped off to open it and let the others in. Daryl pulled over and waited for me close and re-latch the gate. I looked around and saw a walker far off so I hurried back and hopped on the bike and we headed down the road and we saw a white house come into view and a few people outside. We pulled up to the front of the house as the others came outside. I got off the bike before Daryl and saw Rick, Lori and T-Dog all come out.
“Is everyone OK?” I asked walking over.
“He'll pull through, thanks to Hershel and his people.” Lori said with relief.
“And Shane. We'd lost Carl if not for him.” Rick added.
I looked over at Shane and he didn't look like someone who was happy for saving a boys life. Dale walked up and hugged Rick and Lori as did Carol and the rest. I looked at Daryl and smiled.
“How did it happen?” Dale asked.
“Hunting accident. That's all, just a stupid accident.” Rick explained.

We had a service for a man that was lost in the trip to get the supplies needed to save Carl, Hershel and his family looked very torn up so I knew that man was feel loved. I heard he was overtaken by walkers at a highschool, Shane was lucky to make it out a live from how it sounded. We all stood around a monument of stones as Hershel read scripts from his bible and his words for Otis to commemorate his life.

Shane was asked to speak of his last few moments of life and it was hard for all of us to listen. Otis sacrificed his life for Carls. When Shane was finished I walked over to Otis's wife and placed my hand on her shoulder.
“Poate Veșnica lui pomenire. May his memory be eternal.”
She cried, smiled while nodding and moved to cry into the chest of the woman who had took Lori in the woods riding on a horse.
I moved back settling next to Daryl and the spot where Shane had stood but moved to place a stone on the monument.