Status: discontinued. working on a new one.

Improbabil Dragoste

Chapter Eleven

I started helping Glenn and the others get wood prepared as well as camp when Rick, Shane, Daryl, Hershel, Andrea and the horse riding woman named Maggie come up with a plan to continue searching for Sophia. I saw Shane and Rick place their gun on top of the trucks hood in which they were using as a table. I guess Hershel is old fashion and does not allow guns on his farm, I can understand with so many loved ones around and trying to keep it peaceful.

“Hey, I hear you're fast on your feet and know how to get in and out, outa run into town, you in?” I saw Maggie ask Glenn.

I saw him nervously drop the tent he was working on and adjusted his cap and agreed to go with her and left following her. I laughed walking over to Dale.
“It appears Glenn has a little affection on Maggie.”
Dale looked over and saw Glenn and laugh, “It appears he does. It'll do him good.”
He patted my shoulder and walked off to ask Hershel about the water and I looked back at Daryl and make eye contact. I waved and he just threw his head back lightly acknowledging my wave and we both turned to return to work. When Carol and I got the tents set up we set everyone's things inside their tents. I looked for my sleeping bag and once it was located I laid it down inside my tent along with my pack.

Dale and T-Dog came back to the camp and said there's problem with the wells. We gathered the others and went over to well Dale pointed out. We looked down in there and there was a bloated walker how looked like a slippery sea creature.
“Well we've got to get it out God knows what it's doing to the water.” Lori said covering her mouth.
“we got to get it out. Easy put a bullet in its head.” Shane said.
“Whoa whoa, guys. No.” Maggie said looked disgusted.
“Why? It's a good plane?” Glenn asked looking at Maggie.
“It's a stupid plan.” Andrea said sternly.
“She's right,” I said leaning to look down the well again and said, “killing it would just cause more..pollutants to enter the water.” I explained.
“She's right can't risk it.” Shane agreed with Andrea.
“So it has to come out alive?” T-Dog asked.
“So to speak.” Shane added.
“How do we do that?” Glenn asks while looking down into the well.
“Maggie can you go get some meat or anything, and Glenn help her find some rope. We'll see if we can walk him into a noose.” Shane explained and sent Maggie and Glenn off.

We hooked the meat with hooks and sent it down along with the noose.
“He's not going for it.” Dale pointed out.
“Maybe 'cause a canned ham don't kick and scream when you try to eat it.” T-Dog said watching the walker ignore the ham.
“He's right. There's a reason the dead didn't come back to life after raiding our cupbaords.” Lori said with light humor.
We all breathed a light laugh at her comment and Andrea commented, “We need live bait,” and looked at Glenn.
“You want me to do?!” Glenn yelled backing away from the well.
No one said anything because most of them were needed to be able to pull the person out and I'm sure no one would want to send a woman.
“Glenn you're the quickest here and the lightest man.” Andrea explained.
Glenn stood quiet in silent rage.
“I'll do it.”
Everyone turned to look at me and Glenn looked at me and quickly protested, “No, Cat you don't need to-” he started.
“No, it is fine. You have done more than enough. I will, just don't let go of rope.” I smiled while started to remove my holster.
I walked over to Andrea and handed over my holster with, “Don't lose, please,” with a light laugh.

She nodded looking a bit guilty for coming up with the plan. Shane had gone to get an iron pipe and laid it across the opening of the well. I knelled down pressing my first three fingers together on my forehead while bowing down and whispered a quick message to my mother and father. Then stood ignoring the looks from the others and walked over to Shane sitting down on the edge of the well and let him tie rope around my waist.

“Don't worry we're gonna get you out of here in one piece.” Shane said looking at me.
I smiled, “If I am in more than one piece might be best to leave me in.”
He just smiled and picked up the rope that they wrapped around the pipe to get the water and all got ready.
“Încet. Slowly.” I pleaded grabbing onto the pipe to brace myself.
“I'm glad we're getting a Romanian lesson while lowering our teacher into a well with a walker. Wished I did this when I was in school.” Glenn said making me laugh.

I lowered my self in starting to feel the fear creep through my body. They started to lower me slowly and I got the noose ready to throw over him.

“You doing ok?” I heard someone ask form the opening.
I didn't look up and just answered with a quick “da” and started to lower the noose down toward the walker. It finally noticed me and was started to make throat noises and reach his arms up to my feet.
Then I fell quickly a few inches and started to panic reaching my hand up to grab the rope that support me dropping the noose. I heard screaming and everyone panicking as I fell closer down where the walker could grab at my feet. I had to resist kicking it in fear its skull was soft and would break easily ruining the purpose of me coming down here.

I could hardly bear staying down there any longer feeling the panic start to settle in my whole body and I started to yell out, “Ajutați-mă! Ajutați-mă!” I knew they could not understand my pleas for help but my brain only focus on my panic.

I could hear them all yelling and trying to help me out and I hoped they would, and finally I started to pull up. I tried to pull myself up on the rocks of the well to help as I got to the opening I threw my arms up to pull myself up and out. When I got one leg up and on the pipe Shane came running over and yanked me off the side landing on the ground. Everyone was breathing heavily and all ran over to make sure I was OK.
“Are you okay?” I heard more than one person ask as I stood up.

I nodded and handed over the end of a rope to them and walked off a distance to compose myself, Andrea followed me and returned my holster and said I acted bravely and returned to the group.
I put my holster back on my leg, rubbed my face with both hands and returned to help pull out the walker.
We had just got him on the surface when he started to get stuck and so we pulled harder on him. We must have pulled to hard and his bones were too soft because we pulled him in half. I looked up and watched the infected blood along with his lower half falling back into the well making a sickening slash. We looked at it with our noses covered and disgusted expressions.
“We should seal off this well.” Dale stated.
“Yeah, might be a good idea.” Shane commented.
“So, what do we do about--” Andrea started but T-Dog started bashing the walkers head in answering her question.

I saw Maggie look away terrified and walk away from the scene.
“Good thing we didn't do anything stupid like shoot it.” T-Dog commented after killing the walker.

I returned to the tents and sat down outside my tent looking down at my hands. They've gotten dirtier since I last took notice I sighed dropping my hands not bothering with it.
“You can go inside and use the shower if ya want.”
I looked up and saw Maggie standing over me covering her face from the sun.
“Yes, please.” I stood up and followed her to the house.
“I'm just about to leave with Glenn but the towels are in the cabinet next to the bathroom. Help yourself. It's right inside, down the hall, on the left.” She motioned and pointed the directions with her hand and left to meet up with Glenn.
“Thank you very much.” I said walking in toward the bath.