Status: discontinued. working on a new one.

Improbabil Dragoste

Chapter Sixteen

Shane and Andrea finally came back from searching a nearby neighborhood causing Dale, Carol and myself to walk over to the car only to see them two exit the car and they didn't have Sophia.
“Anything?” Carol asked.
“Not today.” Shane said walking away.
“I'm so sorry. We'll cover more ground tomorrow.” Andrea walked over to Carol sharing a look with Shane.
“What happened out there.” Dale spoke up looking at Andrea.
“Um, I--” Andrea hesitated.
“Place was overrun.” Shane covered.
“Yeah.” Andrea agreed but was trying hard to cover a smile.
“C'mon let's get you cleaned up.” Carol lead Andrea away.
I widened my eyes, feeling awkward, and walked away from Dale staring down Shane like a father would a daughters boyfriend, displeased. I walked passed my tent making eye contact with Daryl giving him a sheepish grin and walked away.

“Hey, Glenn,” I started jogging over to him standing by a cluster of trees looking at a barn, “This is uncomfortable but do you have..” I trailed off.
He looked at me confused but then nodded a couple times and reached into his pocket and pulled out two square pieces of foil handing them over with a small smile. “Here ya go. Glad someone can use them.”
I took them quickly and stuffed them in my back pocket, “Are you OK?”
He sighed, “Are women always confusing?”
He sighed again more heavily and readjusted his cap, “I just—I just don't know what to do. Maggie is upset with me, or Lori, I don't know. A walker attacked her today when we were in town.”
“She's OK though? She is just frightened.” I put a comforting hand on his shoulder as he just nodded.
I walked away not knowing how to properly comfort him or what words to use. I thanked him again when I was not too far away and he waved at me bowing his head.
The sun started setting when I was making my way back to the tents when I saw Maggie sitting in a rocking chair on the houses porch. I looked at her for a second before changing coarse and headed for the porch.
“Can I sit?” I asked walking up the steps.
“Go ahead.”
I sat down in a chair next her sitting on the edge, “I heard you were attacked. I'm glad you are OK.”
She looked over at me with sadness and quickly looked away, “Glenn saved me.”
“He's a good man. I'm glad he was there to help you, but Glenn is fond of you so I doubt he would let anything bad happen.” I gave her a smile laughing lightly with her.
“Yeah, I took notice. He told me he gave you a little encouragement the other night.”
It took me a second to realize she was talking about the condom he gave me, “Oh-oh um, yeah.” I stammered out.
She gave a joyful laugh, “Don't worry. We're both adults nothin' to be ashamed over.”
“Yes, but I am not used to talking about such things.” I admitted.
“Where you from?”
“I was born in Romania. I spent most of my childhood there, but left to live with others as a result of my families financial status.” I told her looking down playing with my hands.
“I'm so sorry.” She said grabbing my hands.
“Thank you. I cannot decide if I hope they're alive or...or not.”
She didn't say anything and just squeezed my hand it made me feel better finally admitting how I felt about my family.
“Thank you for coming over and talking to me. Sorry to leave but I need to go find my father.” She stood and left retreating into her house.
I sat there for a moment looking over at the tents and everyone scattered about, the sun was starting to set so I stood and made my way back to the tents.
I passed Glenn and gave him a wave with a smile and went into my tent seeing Daryl reading the book Andrea had given him.
“Hey do you still have those cigarettes?”
I mindlessly reached for my jacket but remembered it was still swimming under that walker in the woods, “No I lost my jacket.”
“What? How the hell you do that?”
“A walker grabbed me from behind I pulled out of it. It was drowning in its blood and didn't bother to retrieve it.”
He scoffed, “It would've been alright. Just a little blood never hurt notin.”
“I think the țigări would have been ruined nonetheless.”
I looked over at him with a sour expression but looked out and saw most everyone were in their tents for the sun had went down so I went and zipped up the tent. I turned and saw Daryl ignoring me and had rolled his back to me having discarded the book to the floor. I went over and went down to my knees behind him bracing myself with one hand on the edge of the cot and the other had reached back to pull out the condoms. I leaned down resting my chin on his arm, “I don't have the țigări any longer but I did get these.” I draped my arm over him holding the condoms up into his eye sight. I saw him glance down and laughed through his nose turning around causing me remove my head leaning back to look down at him. He was smirking and took the condoms examining them, then glanced around, following his gaze I looked and saw everyone was in their tents and all the lights were off in the house.
“Are you feeling up to it? Last time I do not think your head appreciated it.”
He looked at me with a cheeky smirk, never leaving his face, grabbing my wrist pulling toward him I got the message and climbed over straddling him. He grabbed my shirt and pulled it having my raise my arms leaning forward so he could remove it and throw it to the floor. When my shirt was off I pushed my hands under his shirt leaning down to kiss his neck while he pulled at my pants. It was impossible to take my pants off with my legs hanging off the sides of the cot supporting myself with my feet on the ground. I stood quickly, quietly removing my holster, working on my pants while he worked on his own and I heard the ripping of the foil. I straddled him again whimpering quietly falling forward supporting myself with my hands on his chest. He grabbed my hips and helped me move until I started to move on my own then he trailed his rough hands down and grabbed my thighs. I sat up arching my back biting my pointer finger to quiet myself but froze when I heard rustling outside. I stopped and dropped down laying on Daryl's chest looking outside trying to locate the noise and saw T-Dog getting out of his tent. He stood outside looking around carefully and turning on a flashlight pointing it at the ground but when he started to walk off the light went over us and blinded me for a second. I turned my head looking at Daryl smiling nervously.
“That was close.”
I barely got out before Daryl tightened his grip around my lifting me up and moving to the floor.
“You do that a lot.” I whispered.
He didn't say anything and starting up again surprising me which caused me to call out.

The next morning we were all sitting around the fire setting breakfast and Rick looked very out of it and I knew Lori noticed because he leaned over kissing his temple. They said something to each other but Carol offered me more eggs which I accepted. Daryl was even joining us and was looking better and wasn't snapping back when someone asks about his health.
Glenn stood up and moved over and stood next to Rick, “Um, guys. So.. The barn is full of walkers.”

My face dropped, along with everyone. Rick jumped up barely handing his plate over to Lori in time and ran for the barn. Everyone dropped their plates and followed suit. When we reached the barn Shane walked up and peered inside a gap between the barn doors which were chained and boarded shut.
“You cannot tell me you're all right with this.” Shane stomped over passes Rick running into his shoulder.
“No I'm not, but we're guests here. This isn't our land.”
“This is our lives!” Shane yelled.
“Lower your voice.” Glenn whispered.
“We can't just sweep this under the rug.” Andrea stated what we all thought.
“It ain't right. Not remotely. We either got to make things right or we've just got to go. Now we have been talking about Fort Benning for a long time” Shane explained.
“We can't go.”
“Why, Rick? Why?” Shane asked angrily.
“Because my daughter is still out there.”
Shane repeated “okay,” covering his nose and mouth with his hands, “Okay, I think it's time that we all started to just consider the other possibility.”
“Shane, we're not leaving Sophia behind.”
Daryl walked in between them, “I'm close to finding this girl. I just found her damn doll two days ago.”
“You found her doll, Daryl. That's what you did. You found a doll.” Shane stated emphasizing on the word 'doll'.
“Man, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.” Daryl said throwing his arm pointing at Shane.
“I'm just saying what needs to be said. You get a good lead, it's in the first 48 hours.”
Rick threw his arm up to stop Daryl from moving closer to Shane, “Shane, Shane, stop.”
“Let me tell you something else, man. If she was alive out there and saw you coming all methed out wit h your buck knife and geek ears around your neck, she would run in the other direction.”
Then Daryl started shouting and pointing while trying to get closer to Shane leading Shane to shout back forcing Rick to throw his arms up separating the two of them. When Daryl moved around Rick and got closer to Shane everyone moved in to try and keep the two from fighting. I stayed where I was thinking they should just fight it out. Isn't that how men are? They fight then get over it?
“Back off!” Rick yelled right when Shane held up a finger to Lori and told her, “Keep your hands off me.” Shane started to walk off.
“Now just let me talk to Hershel. Let me figure it out.”
“WHAT ARE YOU GONNA FIGURE OUT!?” Shane yelled hurrying back to get in Ricks face only for Lori to step up placing a hand on Shane's chest to stop him.
“If we're gonna stay, if we're gonna clear this barn, I have to talk him into it. This is his land.”
Dale stepped forward holding his arm out trying to explain, “Hershel sees those things in there as people, sick people. His wife. His stepson.”
“You knew?”
“Yes Rick, yesterday I talked to Hershel.”
“And you waited the night?” Shane said angrily.
Dale looked at Shane and mimicked his angry tone, “I thought we could survive one more night. We did.” He looked at Rick and softened his tone, “I was waiting till this morning to say something but Glenn wanted to be the one.”
Shane turned, “The man is crazy, Rick, if Hershel thinks those things are alive or no.”
Rick put his hand up to interrupt but the barn door started to move and groans started to be heard from the other side. The others started to move away I was going to stand my ground but Daryl backed up, at first I didn't know what was pushing me, Daryl reached his hand behind him and gave me a push against my hip to back away. I took few steps back keeping my eyes on the gate before turning to hurry away with the group.

Shane continued to circle the barn looking at every little detail long after the walkers stopped shaking the door and continued to wonder inside. After finding out about the walkers inside the Barn I didn't leave my pickaxe inside the tent and I made sure to place my other knives back in my holster. Hershel said no guns but did not tell me I could not have my knives, I did not tell anyone about putting my knives back in my holster nor did they question when they saw my pick swinging off my hip. The group tried to go about their normal day, Lori took Carl to do work, poor kid, I think Rick went off to talk to Hershel, Dale, Andrea were in the R.V. talking to Carol and I was standing on the edge of camp watching Shane circle the barn.

I had been respectful about Hershel, his family, and his farm but I can no longer ignore the danger he has been creating for not only my group but his family as well.
“Do you know where Daryl is?”
I turned at the sound of Carol, “I think he's getting a horse.”
“Thank you,” She walked quickly away jogging for a few seconds toward the stables. I watched for a few seconds before looking back to the barn and heading for it.
I was walking up behind Shane who started to check the chains, seeing if they're secure, when the walkers started to push against the doors making him step back, not knowing I was right behind him, stepping on the front of my feet running into my chest.
He jumped forward ready to fight but relaxed seeing it was me, “Hell woman.”
“I am sorry I didn't mean to startle you.” I said holding up my hands in surrender.
I stepped closer to the gate that still shook from the pressure of the walkers, “We need to handle these things.” I said scrunching up my face looking over at Shane.
“Yeah,” He spat on the ground and continued, “But Rick is intent that Hershel may agree to putting them down.”
We shared a look knowing Hershel would never agree to such a request.
“Is it pretty secure?”
“Yeah, enough, the chains and boards seems to be holding them. They can't too many then since it's holding up.”
The door started to calm down so I got closer peering into the gap seeing a few walkers limping about inside, from what I could see he was right, there didn't appear to be too many. We should be able to handle them all but if we weren't careful they could hurt someone.