Status: discontinued. working on a new one.

Improbabil Dragoste

Chapter Two

I stayed in the apartment the whole day waiting for those fools to quiet down. They caused so much noise with their guns, vehicles and over all presence that the dead were very overly active. Though I should thank them because it caused most of the dead to leave the apartment building which helps me. I reenacted my movements from yesterday to unlocked the door and look for dead outside the door. None. I opened the door slowly and kept my knife ready to attack any dead that come near. The hall was clear so far but I could see a few doors still open and the dead could be waiting inside. I started down the hall toward the stairs. I opened the exit door and was caught off guard as a dead came shooting out and tried grabbing at me my reaction was slow because it got a hold of my collar but I sunk the whole blade into his left temple. His whole weight falling on me almost caused me to fall but I brushed him off to the side keeping hold of the blade causing a slick sound to come from my blade moving out his skull. I leaned down to clean the blade on the deads shirt, and it looked like a wallet was in his pocket so I took it out. I opened it and found credits cards, photos, and his license. His name was John Green, thirty years old, originally from Illinois the photos in his wallet were of him and, what I guess, his parents. I took his I.D. and the photo. I started to hear voices they were yelling quietly at each other in the room next to the emergency exit.

“Hei! Ies de acolo!” Hey get out of there! I shouted to the door.

The voices shushed and shuffling was heard inside. They were standing around the door, soon they were going to throw open the door. I hurried to the door next to them and squatted down waiting for their attack. The door burst open and three guys ran our into the hall guns held out pointing down the hall looking for me.

“Where the hell did they go!” One of them shouted.
“I don't know man, maybe they ran down the stairs since here's a body.”

One of them started walking toward the door I was in I held up my knife getting ready to attack but he stopped. Then I heard a click behind my head.

“Drop your weapon and stand the fuck up bitch.”

I slowly lowered my knife to the carpeted floor, as the three out in the hall ran over and were now standing in front of me. They were big men and dark complected, I assume Hispanic and they looked angry while pointing their guns at my face.

“Brotha, look she's got a pickaxe!” One of them pointed out to the group.
“She's got a lot of weapons but I can't see a visible gun on her.”
The one behind me nudged my head with his weapon and told me to stand up.

I complied and kept my hands up in front of me showing I wasn't going for a weapon. I can understand English just fine but I was embarrassed by my lack of speaking it even though I've been in the states for two years.

“What's your name? Are you with anyone?” The one I assumed was the leader asked while lowering his gun.

“Numele meu este Catalina. EU sunt singur.” My name is Catalina. I am alone. I usually don't use English with people who point weapons at me.
They looked at each other with confused glances and lowered their guns since most people cannot kill someone who cannot even communicate properly.

“Man she doesn't even speak English. What should we do?”
“Man let's just kill her! No one will know.” The one behind me yelled and shoved the gun into the back of my shoulder.
“No we just ca-”

The leader was in the middle of protesting but the sound of tired screeching sent shock though them and the one behind me must have griped the gun because the next thing I know is I'm kneeling down clutching my shoulder. He shot me.

“Timpitule! Aţi shot-mi!” You moron! You have shot me! I shouted at him and picked up my knife and turned to stab him but the one of the men in the hall grabbed me.

The man who shot me held his hands up with an apologetic look and kept repeating “I'm sorry I'm sorry.” The men who held me pushed me up against a wall and slammed my wrist against the wall causing me to drop my knife. I wrestled with them trying to get free but it only caused my shoulder to sting with pain.

“Hey girl clam down! He didn't mean to! We'll take you to our shelter and patch you up!” The one holding me stated.

I glared back at him but calmed down while cursing under my breath about how monkeys shouldn't be allowed to handle weapons.