Status: discontinued. working on a new one.

Improbabil Dragoste

Chapter Twenty

I heard more gun shots being fired and the man who shot first grunt and fell to the ground with a thud, then he started to call out for help.
“Are you hit?” I heard Rick whisper.
I looked up holding my pick up to my chest resting against the fence, “Just grazed, it's not bad at all.”
Rick looked down the alley both ways before moving next to me, “It's all right. The car's right there. We're almost home. You good?”
“I'm good.” I answered.
I could still hear the man groaning on the ground from the gun shot Hershel gave me as we stood to move for the car more gun shots rang out hitting the fence so we quickly retreated back. We glanced around the fence seeing a man on top of a pharmacy looking at us until a car speed over and someone yelled, “Lets' get out of here! Roamers all over the place hurry up! We gotta get out of here!”
“What about Sean?” The man on the roof called back.
“They shot him. We gotta go. Roamers are everywhere. Jump!”
We heard the thug of the man hitting the other roof but was quickly followed by screaming.
“Help me! Help me!”
“I gotta go. I gotta go.” The man driving the truck called out driving away leaving their friend screaming for help.
“Get Hershel.” Rick said quickly and ran off to where the guy fell.
I turned and saw five walkers come around the building they fell to attack the man Hershel shot and he tried to fight them off and Hershel took one down but they were on him and there was nothing we could do.
“Hershel!” I yelled running over to him to pull him out the building., “There is nothing to do!” I yelled hurrying him along.
“The gunfire must've attracted the walkers.” Hershel said falling into step with me heading for the truck, “Where's Rick?”
“He ran across.”
“Well we can leave without him.”
We ran over and saw the guy who jumped had landed on an iron fence and it had gone through his leg.
“We have to go now.” Hershel demanded.
“No!” The guy screamed falling back on top of the dumpster he laid on.
“I'm sorry son we have to go.”
He sat up quickly, “No no, don't leave me please.”
Ignoring the boy Hershel looked to Rick, “We have to go.”
“We can't.”
“The fence went clean through his leg we can't get it off in one piece.”
The boy started to cry louder and Rick hit his leg, “Shut up or I will shoot you!”
“That may be the answer.” Hershel admitted. “We're not going to get that leg off without tearing the muscle to shreds. He certainly can't run. He may bleed out.”
I walked over to the boy, “I will put you down if you do not quiet down right now.”
“We have to put him down I don't want to see any more killing. This is cruel.” Hershel said.
“Can't we just take the leg off?” I asked trying to hurry this along.
“That hatchet still in the car?” Rick asked agreeing with my plan.
“NO NO, don't—don't--don't cut my leg off, please.” The boy pleaded.
Hershel started to remove his shirt and tie it around the boys leg as Rick moved to hold the boy down so he wouldn't move. I went to go get him a stick he asked for but when I turned, there were over a dozen walkers coming toward us.
“Hey! Walkers!” I yelled.
“They're everywhere! Hershel do it now!” Ricked yelled firing off his gun at the walkers.
“We don't have time!” I yelled running over pushing Hershel out of the way and pushed my hand under the boys calf and pushed up, pushing it off the fence with a blood curling scream from the boy. Rick hurried up and grabbed the boy off the dumpster and threw him in the backseat of the truck. I jumped in the back with him and Rick started the truck with Hershel in the passengers seat.

The sun went down and make up again before we made it back and the hole time the boy would be crying and screaming the whole way. I was relieved to see the farm house again when it was early in the morning. I looked over and saw a few people out looking ready to leave, probably to look for us, we pulled right up in front of the house. The boy had finally stopped crying when we reached the gate of the farm, when we were pulling up everyone started to walk, or run, over to the car and Lori walked out of the house with Carl looking for Rick. Rick walked out and Carl ran over to him hugging his waist, Maggie ran out with Glenn but left to hug her father. I walked out and headed straight for my tent, Patricia passed me and headed for Hershel.
“Patricia, prepare the shed for surgery.” Hershel quickly told her and she hurried off to follow.
“Who the hell is that?” I heard T-Dog ask probably talking about the boy but I walked off toward my tent.
When I went into the tent I saw Daryls things were gone but shrugged it off quickly and carefully pulled off my shirt looking down at my wound it wasn't very bad, still hurt but nothing that needed proper attention. I pulled on the tear that the bullet cause to my shirt ripping it in half, since it was ruined and covered in blood, folding it and pressing it against my wound. I flinched slightly reaching for my bag to pull out a bandage.
“Nice tat, didn't know you had that.”
I didn't turn around at the sound of Daryls voice just continued searching for a bandage, when I found it I moved my rag from my shirt and cleaned off some of the blood around it, carefully.
“You shot?”
“Don't worry about it.” I shot back glaring back at him and put the bandage on.
It didn't cover it but it was good enough, I threw the cloth I used on my wound off to the side and the rest in my pack in case I needed to use it.
“Yo, you shouldn't be mad at me! It ain't like I shot you.” Daryl yelled.
I ignored him and pulling off my bra and replacing it with a black sports bra, the one that said reckless, then pulling over a thin blue sweater.
“No you weren't the one who shot me, because if you were you would be in a walkers stomach right now. I can be upset with you because you put me in an awkward position making me confess to you out of no where! What does it matter how I felt? Shouldn't you just be happy to be having sex with someone?” I said pushing him out of the way and walked toward the house.

“Isn't that the same as leaving him for the walkers?” I heard Andrea ask as I walked into the house where everyone was seated talking about the boy.
Daryl walked in behind me shutting the door, I looked over and saw Carol gave a small smile at Daryl when he entered.
“We just gonna let him go? He knows where we are.” Shane asked.
“He was blindfolded the whole way. He definitely isn't a danger. His own people left him.” I answered crossing my arms leading against the wall.
“How many of them were there? You killed three of their men, took one of them hostage, but they just ain't gonna come looking?” Shane asked getting angry.
“No. Like I said they left him there.” I said again looking at Shane.
“We should still post a guard.” T-Dog suggested.
“He's out cold right now, will be for hours.” Hershel explained to us.
“You know what? I'm gonna go get him some flowers and candy.” Shane said sarcastically and started to leave, “Look at his, folks—we back in fantasyland.”
“You know, we haven't even dealt with what you did at my barn yet.” Hershel pointed out following Shane. “Let me make this perfectly clear, once and for all—this is my farm. Now I wanted you gone. Rick talked me out of it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. So do us both a favor—keep your mouth shut.”
Shane looked at us sighing, then grabbing the back off his head as he opened the door and left to get the flowers and candy for the boy, probably.
“Look, we're not gonna do anything about it today.” Rick started, “Let's just cool off.”
Andrea left first then Carol stood and stood in front of Daryl who looked at her then turned to leave quickly with Carol close behind. My face became tight with angry as I turned to leave through the door Shane left out of and walked off.
I kept walking out until I reached the field the cows were in and walked up to know petting is back softly.
“Am ar trebui să petreacă mai mult timp cu tine.” I should spend more time with you. I said softy leading my head down on its side. “Oamenii sunt prea confuze.” People are too confusing.
I sat up looking over at Carol who walked over to me slowly.
“What?” I asked harshly.
“Do you think you could talk to Daryl? He's been pulling away--”
“Do it yourself. You're always behind him.”
She looked down looking hurt, I sighed feeling bad, “I'm—I'm sorry. He's just made me mad recently. I took it out on you.”
She smiled coming closer to me putting a hand on my back, “It's fine. I shouldn't have. I'm just grateful to him having been so vigilant on looking for..for Sophia.” She said softly.
I nodded stepping away from the cow and dropping my hands from its side letting them fall to my side and walking off leaving Carol. I could not think of any words other than sorry because I didn't consider that she was trying to thank Daryl by letting him now how grateful she was.
I walked off looking for Daryl finding he posted up camp a good ways from the house next to what used to be a fireplace I believe and he was sitting against its side craving a stick to a point.
“Hey..” I said walking up to him putting my hands in my back pockets.
“Yeah? What do you want?” He snapped not looking up.
I looked down to the side expecting him to have reacted that way, “My tattoo is the Romanian crest. I got it when I moved to Atlanta. It remind me my family will always stand behind me. Make me feel better when I would get homesick.” I moved to sit perpendicular to him.
He looked up at me when I moved to sit down next to him with squinted eyes but didn't say anything.
“I talked to Carol. She's worried about you.”
“Yeah, bitch needs to mind her own business.”
I looked over shocked he called her that, “You shouldn't say that to her. She's just--”
“She's putting her nose where it doesn't need to be.”
I sighed, “I was angry at you because I was mad for you putting me on the spot, but also because Carol...she's been following you around and well, I was jealous.”
He stopped sharping the stick and glanced over at me not raising his head to look into my eyes.
“I was silly thinking that because. Talking to Carol just now she's just trying to repay you for wanting to find her daughter so much. More than anyone. You shouldn't be angry toward her.”
I finished leaning over reaching my hand around placing my hand on the cheek opposite of me and leaned in to kiss the top of his cheek bone. Then I stood and walked back to camp.
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Thank you KillJoySynner for your comments!