Status: discontinued. working on a new one.

Improbabil Dragoste

Chapter Twenty-Two

“Cat pull over.”
I pulled the car over after on this road that was surrounded y trees and when I parked the car Rick and Shane got out of the car, Shane pushing the boy out onto the road. The boy tried to run but Shane grabbed him as Rick tapped his mouth and taped the earphones over his ears again and tying up him up and throwing him in the back again next to the gas cans. Rick and Shane stayed behind the car talking for a minute and the only thing I heard was Rick, “That is my child.”
I quickly focused my attention else where, I looked down at my hands which started to form a dull throb, they were scratched up a bit from crawling on the ground running from those walkers. Rick and Shane walked back and got into the car, Rick getting in the passengers seat again making Shane sit in the back.
Eighteen and a half miles later the farm's sign came into view, Shane hopped out and opened the gate for us then closed it and got back into the car. I drove down the road and was relieved to see the farmhouse again I drove up close to our camp and everyone hurried over, like they usually do when someone returns.
“What happened? Were you attacked?” Dale asked running over and seeing Rick and Shane beat up and bloody.
“The place was crawling with walkers er barely got out of there. We brought back Randall we couldn't leave him to die.” Rick said as he pulled Randall from the trunk.
“What are we going to do with him?” Dale asked.
“We're gonna lock him in the barn until we figure that out.”
Rick walked off with Randall and left us watching him, I closed the door turning away but running into someone standing right behind me.
“Sorry..” I mumbled then looked up and saw it was Daryl. “Why are you standing right behind someone?”
“I don't understand you, why you keep putting your neck out like that. They ain't doing nothin' for you!” Daryl angrily said at me.
I scrunched my face in angry, “What does it matter? Since you are pulling away someone has to help.”
“Doesn't look like you helped much since those idiots are covered in blood and you're banged up as well.” He said pointing to my head and hands.
“Knock off.” I said pushing him out of my way and walking off to camp.
“Go away Daryl, if you're just go to throw rocks at me then I don't want to hear it.”
Daryl didn't say anything else with his footsteps fading off, probably following Rick to help with Randall.

The next day, Randall had been locked in the barn all night so I walked over to the barn and heard a thud followed by the sound of someone getting hit.
“I told you.”
“You told me shit.” I heard Daryl say followed by another thud of him, I guess, pushing Randall up.
“I barely knew those guys. I met 'em on the road.”
“How many in your group?”
I heard Randall gasp and grunt but then he started to plea, “No no no no no no no. Come on, man.”
Then I heard the sound of knife hitting wood and Daryl yelled, “How many?”
“Uh, 30. 30. 30 guys.”
Randall didn't answer fast enough because Daryl ripped something making Randall scream out, “I don't know. I swear. We were never anyplace more than a night.”
“Scouting? Planning on staying local?”
“I—I don't know. They—They left me behind.”
“Did you ever pick off a scab?” Daryl said, I guess he was threatening to mess with the Randall's wounded leg.
“Come on, man! I'm—I'm trying to cooperate.”
“Start real slow at first.”
“Sooner or later you've gotta rip it off.”
“Okay, Okay. They—they--they have weapons—heavy stuff, automatics. But I didn't do anything.”
“Boys shot at my boys and my girl, tried to take this farm. You just went along for the ride? You're trying to tell me your innocent?”
My heart jumped when I heard Daryl said they shot at his girl. His girl? I looked around self consciously knowing my face was heating up. My face started to pull and a smile was being forced on my face, I couldn't stop it, I tried to stop the smile but I know if anyone would see they would know what I was trying to do. If they saw they would think I was smiling at the face that Daryl was torturing that kid trying to find information so I turned facing the barn to hide my face from anyone who might walk by.
“Yes! These—these people took me in. Not just guys—a whole group of 'em. Men and women. Kids too—just like you people. Thought I'd have a better chance with them, you know? But..we got out, scavenge—just the men. One night we—we found this little campsite. Man and his two daughters—teenagers, you know? Real young, real cute.”
My blood ran cold and my smile broken down and long forgotten, I heard the wood creak under Daryl's feet he knew where this was going just like I did.
“Their daddy had to watch while these guys—they--and they didn't even kill him afterwards. They just—they just made him watch as his daughters—just-just--left him there. No, but-but—I didn't touch those girls. No, I swear I didn't to--”
Randall didn't finish as I heard Daryl move quickly and grunt as he kicked Randall who fell over with a thud.
“Please. Please you gotta believe me, man. I'm not like that. I ain't like that. Please, please you gotta believe me.”
Daryl kicked him again causing Randall to call out in pain and Daryl continued to pound on him with his fist grunting out, angry from hearing the boys story. I walked away from the barn. Randall's leading may have saved him for us leaving him behind but those pleas would fall on deaf ears when talking to Daryl. I walked back to camp where the rest were talking about what the plan is.
“We'll know soon enough.” I heard Rick say but then footsteps were heard behind me and I saw Daryl now wearing a worn blue button up and carrying his crossbow walking over to us.
“Boy there's got a gang, 30 men.” I stopped and waited for Daryl to meet me and walked with him the rest of the way to the group, his knuckles were bloody. “They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. They roll through here, our boys are dead. And out women, they're gonna—they're gonna wish they were.” Daryl said and looked over at me.
“What did you do?” Carol had asked him.
Daryl looked down at his knuckles, “Had a little chat.”
“No one goes near this guy,” Rick said to us.
Lori had walked over to him, “Rick, what are you gonna do?” She was speaking to him quietly but not quite a whisper so I could still hear her.
“We have no choice. He's a threat. We have to eliminate the threat.”
“You're just gonna kill him?” Dale asked.
“It's settled. I'll do it today.” Rick said loudly and stern.
Rick walked off with Dale followed closely behind, I watched them walk off knowing Dale is going try his hardest and more then likely succeed in talking Rick out of it. Thunder could be heard off in the distance as I saw Rick walk away from Dale, I sighed, knowing Dale convinced Rick and walked off back to my tent. Daryl still had his camp separated from the rest and I assumed he was there tending to his knuckles if they were hurt it was hard to tell, maybe they were just bloody. I stopped and looked off in the direction where Daryl's camp was and before I knew it I was half way there. When I walked over I saw his jacket along with another shirt had been hung up on the old fireplace and there was a pile of wood against it. His tent moved and I looked seeing Daryl step out and stopped, noticing me.
“What do you want?” He asked roughly.
“I just--. I heard you talking to him in the barn, when you were, having your chat.” I said referring to his answer when Carol asked him what he did.
“Yeah, so?” He said bumping into my shoulder walking passed me and picking up some stick and examining them.
I turned looking at his back, I knew he probably thinks every thinks low of him about they saw his bloody knuckles, but it needed to be done. No one is strong enough to do what is needed. I walked up wrapping my arms around him and laying my cheek against his back.
“You did what needed to be done, now we are prepared for what might happen. When I was standing outside I heard you talk about how his men were shooting at us and even though you put up this stone cold loner front, I know you do care. At least—a little.”
He started to turn so I let go and took a step away as he turned around and faced me dropping the sticks he held back into the pile. I looked up at him and his face held a tense expression but he said nothing and I knew he wouldn't nor would he do anything. I smiled at him bringing my hands up and placing them on either side of his face and leaned up kissing him. He moved his hands to my waist and pulled me closer to him when he parted he smirked.
“Ya know, still've got that extra condom.”
I pulled away from him and started walking away, toward his tent, unbuttoning my shirt as I went and turned around facing him.
“You coming?” I said with a seductive smile as I ducked inside his tent.
Daryl glanced off to the side where the others camp was before following me into the tent.

I was sleeping in Daryl's tent when started to hear voices and footsteps outside.
“The whole point of me coming up here is to get away from you people.” I heard Daryl say while the quiet sound of him looking through the sticks again.
“Gonna take more than that.” I heard Dale say.
“Carol send you?”
“Carol's not the only one that's concerned about you, I know Catalina is I was gonna bring here but couldn't find her. We're concerned about your new role in the group.”
“This group's broken. I'm better off fending for myself.”
“You act like you don't care.”
“Yeah, it's cause I don't.”
I looked down feeling sad that Daryl might leave us soon despite what he had said to Randall. About me being his girl, because I know he wouldn't bring me with him.
“So live or die, you don't care what happened to Randall?”
“Then why not stand with me, try to save the kid's life, if it really doesn't matter one way or the other?”
“Didn't peg you for a desperate son of a bitch.”
“Your opinion makes a difference.”
“Man, ain't nobody looking at me for nothing.”
“Carol is, and I am. Right now. And you obviously-- you have Rick's ear.”
Dale got closer to the tent and I shrunk back under the blanket hoping not to be seen, I could see Daryl had put his jacket on with his crossbow and was getting ready to leave but turned back to Dale.
“Rick just looks to Shane. Let him.”
“You cared about what happened to Sophia, cared what it meant to the group.” Daryl stopped and slowly started to walk back at Dale who continued trying to convince Daryl. “Torturing people? That isn't you. You're a decent man. So is Rick. Shane—he's different.”
“Why's that? 'Cause he killed Otis?”
“He tell you that?”
“He told some story how Otis covered him, saved his ass. He showed up with a dead guy's gun. Rick ain't stupid. If he didn't figure that out, it's 'cause he didn't wanna. It's like I said—group's broken.”
I watched Daryl walk off into the woods leaving Dale to stand there watching him leave. I didn't even know that Shane killed Otis, I mean I knew he didn't look convincing at Otis's service but I hoped for the best. Even though I think Randall should be killed because even though he said he didn't touch those girls he didn't say he tried to stop them neither. So, even if he didn't personally attack us his friends would and we couldn't let that happen. Then we have Dale who is trying to convince everyone not kill him when if we don't and we let him go his gang could get our location out of him. They could very well kill us all. I waited until Dale finally walked away and pulled on my clothes and left Daryl's tent to run back to camp.
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Thank you KillJoySynner for your comments!