Status: discontinued. working on a new one.

Improbabil Dragoste

Chapter Twenty-Five

My heart dropped as everyone jumped up and ran out on the porch to see the hoard but I ran upstairs to where my pack was and grabbing it I joined the others outside.
Hershel was cocking a shot gun when I walked out there, “We have gun. We have cars.”
“Kill as many as we can.” Andrea nodded looking up at Hershel. :And we'll use the cars to lead the rest of them off the farm.”
“Are you serious?” Daryl asked looking from Andrea to Hershel.
“This is my farm. I'll die here.” Hershel said walking off the porch.
“All right. It's a good a night as any.” Daryl commented jumped over the railing of the porch.
I looked after them both not believing they actually wanted to try and fight this giant hoard that was over taking the grounds. I hurried off the porch to follow after them thinking we were all signing our death wish trying to fight this hoard. I jumped on Daryl's bike as he drove off toward the hoard and near the barn was now on fire. Daryl stopped his bike and pulled out a pistol and started to take out the walkers. Then everyone else drove around the barn with someone leaning out a window and shooting at the walkers. When the walkers started to get closer to Daryl and he started the bike and moved over to Jimmy, Beth's boyfriend, who was in the R.V.
“Yo, it's must've been Rick who started the fire, maybe he's trying to get out out back. Why don't you circle around? Go!” Daryl yelled to Jimmy.
“Got it!” He answered and drove the R.V. away headed for the barn.
Things were starting to get out of control, there were too many walkers and we've barely made a dent. Daryl was driving around the property and I was taking out walkers with my pickaxe as they got closer. I just pelted a walker in the head but couldn't get the pick out and was pulled off the bike. I rolled on the ground getting up quickly and saw Daryl try to circle around but the walkers were getting to thick.
“Go!” I yelled at him and started running for the house but the walkers started to come for me. I stopped and looked for an opening the only one was for the woods. I looked at Daryl who was shooting at the walkers but I knew I wouldn't make it so I bolted for the woods.
“Catalina!” I heard Daryl yelling behind me as I ran for the woods.
I didn't dare look back just kept running for the woods, I could hear the gunfire start to stop as I think everyone realized that fighting was useless. My heart was pounding so fast and my limbs were burning from running into branches. I stepped into a hole and my ankle gave out from the uneven ground and I fell to the ground I looked back and saw only a few walkers had followed after me. I tried standing and my ankle throbbed in pain I reached back and pulled out Daryl's pistol that I still had as I leaned up against a tree for support. I clumsily pointed the gun at the walkers who were going for me. I fired it once hitting a walker in the shoulder, I fired again this time hitting the head. Three more. They walked over the walker I had just killed groaning loudly and started to reach their arms out for me. I aimed at one and fired hitting it in the head. I tried firing it again and my heart stopped as the gun just clicked. It was jammed. I pulled out my knife as a walker was on me. I dropped the gun using my arm to hold it back and I quickly threw my hand up holding the knife and jammed my knife up through the back of jaw into it's skull. I quickly threw it to the side and pushing myself up the tree to brace myself for the last one. I brought my knife up in the air ready to kill it and when we got close enough I threw myself at it pushing us both on the ground and pushing my knife through its eye. I looked up to see if any other walkers were around but after a few moments I pushed myself up. My ankle was weak and throbbing in pain. I don't think it was broken but I had sprained it and I didn't have the luxury of going back to the farmhouse and resting it. I hobbled over to the tree and bracing a hand on the tree I leaned down picking up the jammed gun. I stood up, looking around the forest again, before slipping an arm out of my packs strap and slipped the gun into one of the side pockets. I put my arm back through the strap and went back to pull my knife from the walkers socket then cleaning it with the walkers clothes. I looked around trying to judge my location before setting off in the direction of where I believed the highway was where Sophia first disappeared. I kept hold of my knife keeping an eye out for any walkers, though I hoped all the ones who were in the forest were now roaming the farm land. I had a bad limp as I walked through the woods so it was more difficult to try and be quiet, and I had to use trees to keep myself up. I was exhausted from running and my whole body had a light throb from running into branches and my adrenaline was starting to calm down.
“Nu le-am alătura doar pentru a sfârși mort.” I did not join them just to end up dead. I muttered to myself.
I was alone before I joined this group but I was in Atlanta in the concrete jungle but now I was alone in a forest in the dark with a jammed gun and a knife. The odds of surviving were slim. I can't even stop and rest for longer than a few minutes and sleeping was out of the question.

The sun has gone up which made my skin feel damp from the sun meeting my cool skin from the night before. I no longer felt the cold air and instead burned from not sleeping and from not stopping walking to the highway. The shirt Maggie lent me was covered in blood and ripped from the branches, I stopped against a tree looking around seeing no walkers around I pulled my pack off closing my eyes from my back muscles hurting so much. I set my pack on the ground and pulled off my button up and started to rip off strips of the shirt and tied one of them on my head to keep my bangs off my forehead. I tucked what was left of it into my pack before slinging it back on. I tightened up pony and, pushing myself off the tree, I continued walking. I heard a rustling when I pushed off the tree and quickly fell back onto it looking around for the noise. I pulled up my knife upon seeing a walker coming around a tree nearby, I whistled out getting its attention as it stopped and turn its whole looking at me. The walker groaned and started for me. I didn't move from my tree and waited until it got closer until I forced my knife into its skull. Cleaning my knife I saw an outline in the walkers pocket and kneeled down reaching into its pocket and pulled out a țigară box. I couldn't stop the laughter that forced it way out when I found the box.
“Ai o brichetă?” Do you have a lighter? I said jokingly as I slid the box into my pants pocket and looked in the reach of the pockets for a lighter.
It didn't have one, naturally, I stood up again and started to walk again leaving the walker behind dead on the ground.

The sun started to go down again and my eyes started to grow heavy but I knew I couldn't go to sleep I had to find some place to rest and since my body started to shut down because it wanted to sleep my limbs were stiff. It was hard to keep walking, forcing myself, and now I was started to notice how cold it was as my jaw started to shudder. My back was killing me as my back muscles were tense and it hurt to continuity to support my myself against my arm as I pushing against some trees. I knew I had gone the wrong way to the highway because I should have found it by now so now I was hoping to run into another farm that was clear or close enough to clear of walkers.
“Păstrați în mișcare.” Keep moving. I told myself over and over.
I looked up at the night sky and saw stars through the top of the trees for a moment before I looked to the ground with a sigh and continued walking.
I had continued walking for what I estimated was another two hours before I finally fell to the ground with a gasp as the air left my lungs. I turned over on my back looking up at the trees still gripping my knife I holstered my knife before I turned to the side and tried to sit up. I was groaning in pain silently but when I couldn't get up on my own I crawled over to a tree trying to work my way up it. I finally got myself up the tree finally but heard leaves crunch behind me. I rolled my back against the tree to face the other way and looked out looking for what caused the noise. I only heard it once so I guessed it was an animal but it could've been someone who heard me fall and is looking for a walker. What if it was Randall's group? I slid back down the tree carefully not to make any noise and pulled out my knife. I slowed my breathing trying to listen for any more sound. Another crunch of leaves. There were closer this time. I gripped my knife tighter knowing if it was someone from Randall's group I needed to attack quietly it's probably just one guy and I couldn't let him take me back to their group. I turned my head and straightened up pressing my cheek against the tree waiting for him to walk by but then a voice spoke up behind me.
“Cat?” Catalina?”
I turned my head quickly looking up and seeing Rick standing next to me.
“Rick.” I breathed out relieved and relaxed my body.
Rick moved quickly down to me looking me over.
“I'm not bit. I'm not bit. I sprained my ankle the other night and-and-” I started to cry. I was just so relieved to have been found and to know it wasn't a walker or someone else who could had killed me no problem.
Rick put my arm around his should and lifted me up, “It's all right, I've got you. I thought we lost you. I'm sorry. Daryl fought us trying to go back for you but we-” Rick stopped because he knew I had have understood.
I wouldn't have let anyone gone back into the hoard to look for anyone. I put my knife away and hopped with Rick who supported most of my weight as he took me back to where everyone was. I started to hear running water and can came up to this old stone house and I saw T-Dog standing on top of the stone wall.
“Rick? Who is that? Is that Cat? Yo! Guys he has Cat!” I heard T-Dog call out and looked down to where a fire was and I looked up and saw Daryl come out from an opening.
Daryl ran over and took me from Rick, I fell into his chest crying again.
“Hershel! Hershel!” I heard Rick call out.
I looked up at Daryl, “Did every one make it?”
“We lost Jimmy, Patricia and Andrea.” He said quietly and lead me into the stone walls where the rest of the group was all standing looking at me.
Daryl helped me over and sit down on the ground as Hershel came over, “Were you bit?”
I shook my head and he nodded looking at my ankle, “It's sprained pretty bad. I don't have anything to give you for the pain and you'll have to do your best to stay off it until it heals.”
I sighed heavily as I nodded and Hershel gave my shoulder a squeeze as he stood and went back over to his daughters.
“Did-did you see Andrea?” I heard Lori ask.
I looked up at her, “No, I had run into the woods early so I figured she was alright. I didn't run into her when I was running.”
Lori nodded looking sad but walked over and gave me a hug, “Well, I'm happy you're back.”
The hug was quick and I didn't have time to hug her back but everyone did nod and smile at me for my return. The group seemed tense as they sat back down and they were all on edge as some of them kept a firm hold on their weapons and on the openings in this stone box. Daryl sat down next to me and handed over a canteen and I gladly took it happy to drink something. I returned the canteen and leaning into Daryl I worked my hand into my jeans pocket and pulled out the țigară box and then moved back from Daryl to lean against the wall again.
“Got a lighter?” I asked waving the box at him. “I found them on a walker when I was trying to find my way to the highway. Didn't have lighter on him though.”
Daryl chuckled and gave a half smile and he reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter. I opened the box and took one out outing it to my lips and leaned over letting Daryl light it for me. I puffed it twice before handing it over to Daryl who took it and did the same.
“I'm glad you're ok.” Daryl said quietly looking at the group seeing if they could hear him. “I wanted to go back but.”
“It's ok. I'm glad you didn't, wouldn't be anything for you to find.” I said taking the țigară.
We didn't say anything else as we finished the țigară when it was finished Daryl put it out in the ground and left it there. I sighed closing my eyes hoping to get some sleep and leaned down to rest on Daryl's shoulder and was pushed back when Daryl moved his arm and put it around me. I smiled and adjusted myself, moving closer, and rested my head on his chest and closing my eyes I drifted off to sleep finally.