Status: discontinued. working on a new one.

Improbabil Dragoste

Chapter Three

It turns out this group of monkeys were taking care of the elderly which made me have more respect for them since in Romania it's our job to defend the elderly. The people who were taking care of the elderly patched me up fairly well and were able to get the bullet out but it still hurt like hell.

“Hello Catalina, how is your shoulder doing well?” The kind woman who patched me up asked as she walked up to me.

I looked at her and just gave a curt nod and looked down at the table that support my bow and pickaxe. I was leaving today and I left some medical supplies I had gathered for them to use since I didn't really need them for myself despite the new wound to my shoulder.

“Hey! Catalina! Do you think you could help us with something real quick? I know you have no reason to help us but we have these men out here threatening these folk.” Marco, the leader of the apartment group, asked from the door of the room.

I looked at the woman who helped me and she looked concerned so I nodded quickly and grabbed by bow along with a few arrows and followed Marco. He led me to the open garage that is the main door that leads to the where the elderly stay. There are about twenty of them in there with guns out and ready to fire. I saw the garage door was open and the leader of the whole group was out there talking with them. I saw them take a young male into the back of the building but I didn't question what was going on, these people were kind hearted and just had a fake “badass” facade. They were not going to kill anyone. I was standing near the front and I saw them lead the small group into the garage and they were leading a thin male who had cloth over his mouth inside ahead of them. One of there's I assume.
“I see my guns but they're not all in the bag.” G, the leader, said the one who appeared to be an officer.
“That's because they're not yours. I thought I mentioned that.” The officer stated as he griped his gun.
The idiot that shot me shimmed in and added “Let's just shoot these fools right now, ese.”
“Opriţi-l tine monkey!” Stop it you monkey! I yelled at him.

My yelling in Romanian caused the group accompanying the officer to look at each other confused and point their guns in my direction.

“Yo, who is that?” The one who looks like a “redneck”, is what I think they call them, asked and took a step in the direction I was at.

I stepped forward and quickly and drew back an arrow and stopped a few feet in front of the redneck and looked at him in disgust.

“Eu am fost. Acum ce vei face?” It was me. Now what are you going to do? I asked pulling my arrow back more.

He didn't say anything he just looked angry and he pointed his gun down and said, “I ain't about to shot a girl who can't even speak English.”
“Weak.” I said as I lowered my bow and kept eye contact as he ready to ring my neck.
“Why you-.”
“Daryl hang on.” The officer interrupted right as an old woman came in and was muttering something about medicine.

I put my bow around my arm to completely disarm myself to show respect for the woman. She walked up to the Officer and started to plead with him not to take her son to jail but the Officer said he was here for a missing person. She figured it was for the male they brought back a while ago and she led them to the back. I followed behind the redneck called Daryl and even though I put my bow back I held an arrow in my hand in the event someone acted stupid and hurt the elderly.
It turned out one of the elderly men needed his inhaler and the male they were searching for was there helping the man. The Officer took G off to the side probably giving him a stern talking to for acting like an idiot.

Daryl turned around and I straightened up ready in case he wanted to attack but he just said “Nice bow.” and he walked off to follow his group into the next room.

Not long after they talked in the room G called for me to enter so I walked in and looked around the room at the Officer ans his group.
“Da?” Yes? I asked.
“Now we know you can speak English so talk.” Daryl pointed out and continued, “Where is your group?”
I stayed quiet for a second and cursed myself for speaking English earlier but I spoke up “No group. Alone.”
“He says they found you in the apartments and attacked his men.”
My face scrunched up in anger and stated “NO. Monkeys shot me!” I yelled and threw my hand back toward the door where the men were.

Daryl started laughing at me probably because I called them monkeys, which they are.

“I heard you were leaving today and we were wondering if you would want to join us. We could use your skill in our group.” The Officer said and faced me waiting for an answer.

I looked at him and at the group my gaze lingered at Daryl and I looked at the Officer and nodded.

“Vom vedea.” We will have to wait and see. I wasn't sure if I would stay with them but they seemed to have more of them which isn't preferable but better than here.
“What did she say?” Daryl asked as I walked away to gather my things.